Dear readers, it is not a separate article, but a component of ‘evil web:’ our first article. It is therefore requested that first go through that article and then read it in continuation of that article. We realised that the article on evil web was not complete without the mention of different aspects of taghut. 


The Arabic word taghut, Taught or Tagut (plural Tawaghit, or Tawagit) is derived from three letters t-g-y. In this article we will use the word Taghut (plural Tawaghit). Taghut means ‘to go beyond the measure,’ to cross the limits, overstep boundaries, or rebel, or the one who exceeds limits, and the one who denotes to overstep boundaries. The word taghut also refers to idols, a specific tyrant ruler or administrator, an oracle, or a rebel. It is any power or being that rebels against Allah (swt) and His Messenger Muhammad (pbuh) and demands loyalty and obedience. 

Linguistically, the word Taghut comes from at-Tughyan, which means ‘transgression.’  Taghut is derived from the verb ‘tagha’ (transgressed), and it means everything that has crossed or transgressed the limit or crossed the border of something, to exceed or overflow. In this connection the Qur’an says: 

Indeed, when the water overflowed, We carried you (your ancestors) in the sailing ship (1). 69:11. 

When the water overflowed (Tagha) Allah (swt) carried the Prophet Noah and other true believers on the ship, while all other people (disbelievers) died in the flood. It means the water crossed the border, so it transgressed in the sense that it was overflown. 

A Taghut is something or someone that is being worshipped besides Allah Almighty. It means the person has crossed the border and transgressed in such a way, that he placed himself as a partner besides Allah Almighty. For example, one can be worshipped and be pleased with it, or one can call others to worship him, and even if no one answers this call, he is still a Taghut, because only Allah (swt) has the right to be worshipped. 

Taghut is associated with the three stages of disbelief in the Islamic context: Disobeying Allah, kufr (rejection of the idea that one should obey Allah), and the last stage which is not only to rebel against Allah Almighty but also imposing their rebellion against the will of Allah upon others. People who reach this stage are considered as tawaghit. It stands for everything that may direct a Muslim into evil things. It may also be known as the evil power.  

Religious scholars and commentators of the Qur’an have quite diverse views about the meaning of Taghut. For example, Ibn Abbas, Ibn Jubair, Abu al-Aliyah were of the view that taghut means ka’ahin. According to Umar Taghut means Satan. Malik bin Anas said, “Besides Allah, everything that is worshipped by human beings is called Taghut.” Imam Qurtibi considered the viewpoint of Anas bin Malik as best, but he did not say that other meanings are wrong. 

At-Taghut is the Satan in a human form, where judgement is being sought by and he is their commander (2). (Mujahid). 

Taghut is everything that is worshipped besides Allah (3). (Fath al-Majeed, P. 392, Imam Malik). 

Taghut is Satan and whatever Satan has beautified to mankind from the worship of other than Allah (4). (Tafir Ibn Kathir). 

Taghut is a generic title into which enters: the Satan, the idols, the soothsayers, the dirham, the dinar (forms of currency), etc. (5). Ibn Taymiyyah. 

If a person who is worshipped besides Allah (swt) and does not reject such a status, he becomes Taghut. The one who is obeyed in a matter which is not based upon the guidance, but acceptable to the people, if it contravenes the order of Allah Almighty then he is a Taghut. For this reason, those people who arbitrate other than the Qur’an are called Tawaghit(6). (Ibn Taymiyah, Fatwa vol 28 p. 200). 

The Taghut of every people is one whom they go to for judgement of their disputes besides Allah (swt) and His Messenger, or whom they worship besides Allah or whom they follow whilst not knowing whether it is obedience to Allah or not. So these are the Tawaghit of the world, if you consider them and consider the conditions of the people, you will see that most of them have turned away from the worship of Allah the most high, in favour of the worship of Taghut, and turned away from the obedience of Allah and His Messenger, in favour of obedience and following of Taghut (7). (Ilaam al-Muwaqqieen 1/53 by Ibn Qayyim).

The taghut is one who is worshipped and he is pleased with that; the one who claims anything from the knowledge of the unseen; the one who calls people to worship him; and the one who judges by something other than that which Allah has revealed.  Tawaghit include the Satan, the tyrannical ruler, the one who takes bribery, the one who is worshipped and pleased with that; and the one who does not act upon revealed knowledge (8). Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab. 

Taught is a creature who not only rebels against Allah Almighty but transgresses his will. This term may refer to any person or group accused of being anti-Islamic and an agent of Western cultural materialism. Taught can be a person who thinks or sees himself as a god; who calls out to be worshipped; or who claims to possess some or all of the attributes of a god. Taghut represents anyone, any entity, any idea, any philosophy, or any person, that calls for a rebellion against Allah Almighty, that stands against the message of truth. 

Taghut is the soothsayer, the sorcerer, the magician, idol, every being that calls to misguidance, and every leader of misguidance; and every one or everything that misguides from the truth. Worst levels of manifold injustices can be called Taghut. The utter falsehood, lies, and distortions and ascribed falsely to Allah by abusing religion and faith as a pretext to commit crimes is also included in the term Taghut. Taghut is any one who ascribes to himself one of the acts of Allah, such as creation, provision or legislation or ascribes to himself any of the attributes of Allah which exclusively belong to Him, such as knowledge of the Unseen. Jews and Christians never physically worshipped their Priests and Monks; they followed their judgements and laws instead of the law of Allah Almighty, therefore they are known as polytheists and worshippers of Taghut. 


There shall be no compulsion in (acceptance of) the religion. The right course has become distinct from the wrong. So whoever disbelieves in taught and believes in Allah has grasped the most trustworthy handhold with no break in it. And Allah is Hearing and Knowing  (9). 2:256.

Taghut means false objects of worship, such as idols, heavenly bodies, spirits, human beings, etc.  (10). (Saheeh International EN 88,  

Allah is the Ally of those who believe. He brings them out from darkness into the light. And those who disbelieve  – their allies are taghut. They take them out of the light into darkness. Those are the companions of the Fire; they will abide eternally therein (11). 2:257. 

 The light of truth is one, while the darkness of disbelief, doubt and error are many (12). (Saheeh International EN 90).  

The Arabic word taghut is literally applied to everyone who transgresses the limits. The Qur’an uses this word for one who rebels against Allah and claims himself to be the master and the sovereign of His servants and forces them to become his servants. Rebellion against Allah has three degrees of criminality: First one is fasiq (disobedient) if one professes to be His subject but practically acts against His Commandments; second one is kafir (disbeliever) if one becomes independent of Him or owes allegiance to someone else.; and third one is taghut if one rebels against Allah and exerts to make His subjects subservient to himself. Such a one may be Satan or a priest or a religious or political leader or a king or a state. Therefore no one can be a true believer of Allah unless one disowns taghut (13). The Meaning of the Qur’an Surah 2 EN. 286. 

In verse 2:257 darkness stands for the darkness of ignorance that causes one to go astray from the Right Way, and to spend all one’s efforts and energies in wrong ways. In contrast to this, light stands for the light of the Truth which enables one to see clearly the Reality and perceive the real aim of life and follow consciously and deliberately the Right Way (14). The Meaning of the Qur’an Surah 2 EN. 287. 

Though taghut is singular in form, here it is plural in meaning, for the one who rejects Allah, becomes a slave not of one but of several forms of taghut. One of these is Satan who goes on tempting him with many false and alluring temptations. Another is his own self that makes him a slave of passions and lusts and misleads him into crooked ways. Then there are others, his wife and children, his kith and kin, his clan and family, his friends and nation, his political and religious leaders and his government. All these are taghut for him and desire to make him a slave of their wishes and ambitions. And this slave of all these masters wastes his whole life in trying to accomplish an impossible feat of pleasing each and every one of them (15). The Meaning of the Qur’an Surah 2 EN. 288. 

The verse 2:257 of the Qur’an compares two different relationships: A relationship Allah has with believers and the other relationship disbelievers have with Taghut. Allah is the Wali (the Protecting Friend – one of the attributes of Allah). Allah has the intent of protecting his believers just like the disbelievers that have a protective friend who is Taghut. Another word of Arabic language is Mawla (the Patron, another attribute of Allah). Mawla means someone who actually protects. Wali is someone who is protective but Mawla is someone who is actually in the act of protecting. It means that Allah does not just want to protect believers, but actually protecting them. Because He is not just Wali of believers but Mawla as well. Taghut would be a wali of disbelievers, they do not have Mawla (47:11). Allah is always there to protect believers. Allah is constantly pulling believers from darkness towards light. Allah inspired inside believers the capacity of sinning and to protect themselves from sin. There is a tendency in them to go the wrong way. Allah keeps pulling believers out towards light. Further information on this issue is given in (16). bayyinahramadan2016.com/2021/03/13/day-93-of-taghut-and-arguing-against-allah/

That is because Allah is the Protector of those who have believed and because the disbelievers have no protector. Indeed, Allah will admit those who have believed and done righteous deeds to gardens beneath which rivers flow, but those who disbelieve enjoy themselves and eat as grazing livestock eat, and the Fire will be a residence for them (17). 47:11-12. 

Have you not seen those who were given a portion of the Scripture, who believe in jibt (superstition) and taghut (false objects of worship) and say about the disbelievers, “These are better guided than the believers as to the way”?   (18). 4:51. 

Literally, the Arabic word jibt means an unreal, baseless, and useless thing. In Islamic terminology, sorcery, magic, divination, omen-taking and the like superstitious practices are called jibt. It is equivalent to superstition. 

The Holy Prophet said, “Taking omens from the sounds of the birds and the footmaks of the animals and all other methods of divination are jibt.”  The Jewish Rabbis had gone so low in their opposition to Islam that they regarded the followers of the Holy Prophet as more misguided than even the Arab pagans, and declared that the polytheists of Makkah were more rightly-guided than the Muslims, though it was quite obvious to them that on one side there was the worship Allah alone without any tinge of polytheism, and on the other, there was idle-worship which had been thoroughly condemned in the Bible  (19). The Meaning of the Qur’an Surah 4 EN. 81 and 83.  

Have you not seen those who claim to have believed in what was revealed to you (O Muhammad), and what was revealed before you? They wish to refer legislation to taghut, while they were commanded to reject it; and Satan wishes to lead them far astray (20). 4:60. 

False objects of worship or those transgressors who usurp the divine light of government (21). (Saheeh International EN 172).  

It is evident from verse 4:60 that the hypocrites claim to profess the Faith, but their activities belie it. For example, they go to the detractors of Islam for a settlement of their disputes instead of to the Holy Prophet or the Faithful, and whenever they are caught and questioned about their duplicity, they swear before the Prophet  that in truth they follow only the orders of the Prophet. But that they had gone to the opponents of Islam just to appease them. It is to this behaviour  that the Qur’an refers in this verse and makes it clear that those who do not believe in the orders and the decisions of the Prophet are not actual believers. It is not enough to say, “We acknowledge your orders.” On the other hand, they should not in the least be vexed over what the Prophet has decided and should accept it in willing submission (22). Tarjman al-Qur’an vol 2 P. 236. 

In the verse 4:60, taghut  stands for the authority that makes decisions in accordance with laws other than Divine. It also implies that the system of judiciary which acknowledges neither Allah as the Supreme Sovereign nor His Book as the final authority. Hence, this verse clearly shows that it is against the demands of one’s Faith to take one’s case for decision to a law court which by its nature is that of taghut. Belief in Allah and His Book, makes it obligatory on the Believer that he should refuse to acknowledge such a court as lawful. According to the Qur’an, belief in Allah demands disbelief in taghut: therefore, to acknowledge both at one and the same time is hypocrisy itself (23). The Meaning of the Qur’an Surah 4 EN. 91. 

Have you not seen those who claim to have believed in what was revealed to you (O Muhammad), and what was revealed before you? They wish to refer legislation to be taught, while they were commanded to reject it; and Satan wishes to lead them far astray (24). 4:60.

Those who believe fight in the cause of Allah, and those who disbelieve fight in the cause of taught. So fight against the allies of Satan. Indeed the plot of Satan has ever been weak (25). 4:76. 

In the sight of Allah, there are two distinct parties of fighters. One party is that of Believers who fight for the cause of Allah In order to establish His way on His earth, and every sincere Believer is bound to perform this duty. The other party is that of unbelievers who fight in the way of taghut so as to establish the rule of rebels against Allah on His earth and no Believer would side with them in this evil work. The Believers have been assured that they should not be cowed and terrified by the apartment grand preparations and evil designs of Satan and his companion: because ultimately they are bound to fail (26). The Meaning of the Qur’an Surah 4 ENs 105-106.  

Say, “Shall I inform you of (what is) worse than that as a penalty from Allah? (It is that of) those whom Allah has cursed and with whom He became angry and made them apes and pigs and slaves of taghut. Those are worse in position and further astray from the sound way”   (27). 5:60. 

Verse 5:60 contains a subtle reference to the shamefaced impudence of the Jews in opposing the Muslims in spite of the fact that they had often been under the curse and wrath of Allah for their evil deeds. According to their own history, they broke the Sabbath and many of them were turned into apes swine. They had become so degraded that they began to worship taghut. Therefore, they were warned to desist from their opposition to the Muslims who sincerely believed in Allah and followed the Right Way, whereas they themselves were involved in disobedience and indecency and other moral sins of the worst type (28). The Meaning of the Qur’an Surah 5 EN. 91.  

And We certainly sent into every nation a messenger (saying), saying, “Worship Allah and avoid taghut” (29). 16:36. 

On the basis of verses 16:35-36 Allah says, “You are not justified in excusing yourselves for committing sins, saying that it is the will of Allah for We sent Messengers to every nation, who told the people in plain words that they should worship Us and none else, and should not follow and obey taghut. Besides this, We have already warned you that We do not approve of your deviations. Why should you then put forward this excuse for your deviations? Do you mean to say that We ought to have sent such Messengersas would have forced you to follow the Right Way instead of bringing you to it by preaching? (30). The Meaning of the Qur’an Surah 16 EN. 32. 

But those who have avoided taghut, lest they worship it, and turned back to Allah – for them are good tidings. So give good tidings to My servants, who listen to speech and follow the best of it. Those are the ones Allah has guided, and those are people of understanding (31). 39:17-18. 

Taghut is from tughyan and means rebellion. If someone is called taghut (rebellion) instead of taghi (rebel), it would mean he is a rebel incarnate. For example, if a person is called husn (beauty) instead of husin (beautiful), it would mean that he has reached perfection in beauty. The other deities other than Allah have been called taghut because it is rebellion to worship others besides Allah, but the one who has others worship him, is a rebel of the worst kind (32). The Meaning of the Qur’an Surah 39 EN. 35. 


Taghut are many such as soothsayer, sorcerer, the magician, idols, Satan, certain celestial bodies, water, air, certain species of plants and animals, every leader of misguidance, whatever is worshipped besides Allah, everyone and everything that misguides from the truth. Other examples include an idol, a grave, a nation flag, a parliament, a man-made constitution, and an ideology that contradicts core teachings and principles of Islam. Moreover, Taghut changes spatially and temporally. For example, at the time of Prophet Noah, the idols of their pious ancestors were Tawaghit; at the time of Abraham, Numrud was Taghut; while, Pharaoh was Taghut at the time of Moses:

(Allah said to Moses), “Go to Pharaoh. Indeed, he has transgressed. And say to him, “Would you (be willing to) purify yourself. And let me guide you to your Lord so you would fear (Him).”  And he showed him the greatest sign. But he (Pharaoh) denied and disobeyed. Then he turned his back, striving (plotting). And he gathered (his people) and called out. And said, “I am your most exalted lord.” So Allah seized him in exemplary punishment for the last and the first (transgression)1748  (33). 79:17-25.  

Pharaoh’s setting himself up as a deity and for his previous oppression of the people and denial of Moses gave him the status of Taghut (34). Saheeh International EN 1748. 

Pharaoh had transgressed in such a way, that he placed himself as a rival with Allah Almighty. He claimed the position of Allah  by saying that he is the lord that is most high. So here Qur’an used the word Tagha, it means Pharaoh was a Taghut. It was continued and at the time of Prophet Muhammad Abu Jahal was Taghut along with many polytheists of Makkah. 

Satan is the biggest Taghut and leader of many tawaghit. There are other tawaghit such as the judge who gives verdict by something other than what Allah revealed, tyrant ruler, whoever claims knowledge of the Unseen, and whoever is worshipped besides Allah and he is pleased with that, or whoever calls the people to the worship of himself, etc.  

Satan, the biggest Taghut, calls people to the worship of other than Allah (swt). In this connection the Qur’an says: 

Did I not enjoin upon you, O children of Adam, that you do not worship Satan – (for) indeed, he is to you a clear enemy – and that you worship (only) Me? This is a straight path. And he had already led astray from among you much of creation, so did you not use reason?  (35). 36:60-62. 

Thus Satan is ever insisting on deviating the people from the obedience of Allah (swt). We have already discussed in detail in the article ‘Evil Web’ the way Azazeel was transformed to Iblis and as a result he was thrown out of Paradise by Allah Almighty and he has been cursed until the Day of Recompense. 

Satan did not confess to his sins, he did not express any remorse over them, he did not reproach himself and he did not hasten towards repentance, and he was haughty. When the origin of disobedience is desire, its forgiveness can be hoped for. But when the origin of disobedience is haughtiness, its forgiveness cannot be hoped for. Satan lost the opportunity when he was ordered to prostrate to Adam and he lost some other opportunities as well. For example, he said to Prophet Moses, “You are the one whom Allah chose for His message and spoke to you?” Moses replied, “Yes. So what do you want and who are you?” Satan replied, “O Moses! Say to your Sustainer that one of His creations has asked Him for repentance.” So Allah inspired Moses saying to him, “Say to him that I have accepted what he has asked. But order him to prostrate to the grave of Adam. If he prostrates to his grave, I will accept his repentance and forgive his sins.” O hearing this from Moses Satan became angry, displayed his haughtiness and said, O Moses! I did not prostrate before him in Paradise, how can  I prostrate before him when he is dead?” (36). An Exposition of Hearts by Imam Gazzali P 75-76. 

The tyrant or oppressive ruler who changes and replaces Allah’s Laws is Taghut. This is done either because one seeks to belittle Allah’s Laws, or because the one prefers some other law over Allah’s Laws, or because Satan has gained mastery over that ruler that has changed and replaced the Laws of Allah with mane-made laws. 

Have you not seen those who claim to have believed in what was revealed to you (O Muhammad), and what was revealed before you? They wish to refer legislation to taghut, while they were commanded to reject it; and Satan wishes to lead them far astray (37). 4:60.

Allah has described their stating that they have Faith as only a claim, thus rejecting it and holding them to be liars. This is because they sought judgement from other than Allah, turning away from Allah’s law. This was after they were commanded to not seek judgement from it. By having been commanded to disbelief in and reject the Taghut. But Satan overpowered them and led them astray from the Straight Path (38). (Muhammad bin Abdir-Rahmaan Al-Khumayys 2003, Al-Ibaanah Book Publishing, USA.  

The one who judges by other than what Allah has revealed is known as Taghut: In this connection the Qur’an says:  

Indeed, We sent down the Torah, in which was guidance and light. The Prophets who submitted (to Allah) judged it for the Jews, as did the rabbis and scholars by that with which they were entrusted with the Scripture of Allah, and they were witness thereto. So do not fear the people but fear Me, and do not exchange My verses for a small price (worldly gain). And whoever does not judge by what Allah has revealed – then it is those who are the disbelievers  (39). 5:44

This is the same whether it is a judge or a king or a president, etc. So whoever rules by other than Allah revealed, implementing it knowingly, then he is a Taghut, even if he claims what he may claim. And indeed Allah has declared him a disbeliever (40). (Muhammad bin Abdir-Rahmaan Al-Khumayys 2003, Al-Ibaanah Book Publishing, USA. 

But no, by your Lord, they will not (truly) believe until they make you (O Muhammad), judge concerning that over which they dispute among themselves and then find themselves no comfort from what you have judged and submit in (full willing) submission (41). 4:65

The judgement can be in various manners such as the dispute between two parties. Judgement may occur in courts, in homes, on the road or in a support arena. In every case the decision should be according to Shariah

The one who claims to have knowledge of the Unseen, apart from Allah, is a Taghut. In this connection the Qur’an says: 

And with Him are the keys of unseen; none knows them except Him. And He knows what is on the land and in the sea. Not a leaf falls but that He knows it. And no grain is there within the darkness of the earth and no moist or dry (thing) but that it is (written) in a clear record (42). 6:59. 

(He is) Knower of the unseen, and He does not disclose His (knowledge of the) unseen to anyone. Except whom He has approved of messengers, and indeed, He sends before him (each messenger) and behind him observers (43). 72:26-27. 

So, Allah alone is characterised with knowledge of the Unseen. No one else has the ability to know it except with His permission. The creation does not know anything of the knowledge of the Unseen about what will happen in the future. So, whoever claims knowledge of the Unseen for himself or for others, then he has disbelieved in Allah, and ascribed partners to Him, in that which only He has the right over knowledge of Unseen. 

The one who is worshipped apart from Allah, while being pleased with being worshipped is also Taghut.  In this connection the Qur’an says: 

And whoever of them should say, “Indeed, I am a god besides Him” – that one We would recompense with Hell. Thus do We recompense the wrongdoers (44). 21:29. 

This is the judgement of Allah (swt) upon that Taghut, who called others to worship him and placed himself as a god besides Allah, as was done by Pharaoh and various others.  

Exposing the Taghut and its establishments is necessary so that the Muslim can keep distant from the kufr, shirk and haram relating to being in contact with it. Alongside exposing the deviation of the Taghut surrounding Islam, because it is an obligation to preserve the true towhid and to cleanse that which has corrupted Islam. 

A person’s  kalimah remains incomplete and unacceptable until one singles out Allah in all the forms of worship be it du’a, sacrifice, or seeking judgement (Tahakum), etc. 

Say, “None in the heavens and earth knows the unseen except Allah, and they do not perceive when they will be resurrected” (45). 27:65

Whoever claims to know the unseen is a Taghut, because he made himself a partner to Allah and claimed an attribute from the lofty attributes of Allah. 


Abu Malik Al-Ashjaee heard from his father that the Holy Prophet said, “Whoever says La Ilaha Illallah and disbelieves in whatever is worshipped besides Allah, his blood and his wealth are prohibited and his reckoning is with Allah” (46). Muslim. 

 It is not sufficient to believe in Allah, but it is obligatory to reject taghut and all other false or pseudo gods. In other words, believe in Allah and disbelieve in false gods or reject all false gods that were worshipped. This concept is known as kufr bit Taghut – it bears witness that no one has the right to be worshipped besides Allah. One is not a believer unless one disbelieves in Taghut. There are two pillars of Faith: Kufr Bit-taghut and Iman Billah. A believer does not grasp the most trustworthy handhold except when one disbelieves in the Taghut. The rejection of the Taghut is the first condition of Tawhid (Monotheism). 

It is evident from verse 2:256 that one cannot have faith in Allah unless he first disbelieves in the Taghut, because Faith and polytheism cannot be gathered together in one heart, for they are opposites. So one must remove all worship offered to others other than Allah first and then establish worship to Allah alone afterward, and make the religion purely for Him. There is no deity that has the right to be worshipped except Allah.  It includes both negation and affirmation. 

One must disbelieve in or reject the Taghut. By one’s heart, tongue, and limbs. If the Taghut is something you love or fear, then you must give up loving or fearing it; if it is something you consent to by praising it, then you must give up praising it; if it is something that you consent to by casting them your vote at their democratic elections, then you must give up contesting to it by refraining from voting; if it is something you go to for arbitration or for solving disputes, then you must give up going to them for arbitration or solving disputes, etc. One must believe and declare that the Taghut is false and has no right to be worshipped, obeyed, or followed (22:62), One cannot be a believer in Allah who stays close to the Taghut, therefore every believer should keep far away from it. One must declare animosity and hatred towards the Taghut. One must declare the Taghut in the form of a law, way of life, ideology, belief or religion that is submitted to, obeyed, or followed in contradiction to Allah’s Din (Islam) as disbelief. One must declare the Taghut in the form of a human or jinn, who is content to have any Unique Attribute or Right of Allah. (legislating, judging, ruling, etc.) or any act of worship directed to himself instead of Allah as a liar and a disbeliever (47).salafiminhaimedia.wordpress.com/2014/05/08rejecting-taghut-is-obligatory-oevery-muslim/ 

This is because Allah is the Truth, and that which they call upon other than Him is falsehood, and because Allah is the Most High, the Grand (48). 22:62. 

There has already been for you an excellent pattern in Abraham and those with him, when they said to their people, “Indeed, we are disassociated from you and from whatever you worship other than Allah. We have denied you, and there has appeared between us and you animosity and hatred forever until you believe in Allah alone” – except for the saying of Abraham to his father, “I will surely ask forgiveness for you, but I have not (power to do) for you anything against Allah. Our Lord, upon You we have relied, and to You we have returned, and to You is the destination (49). 60:4


There are various approaches to discuss targets of Taghut. The ultimate objective of Taghut is to mislead believers to convince disbelievers to deviate from the religion of Islam or deviate from the Straight Path. This topic can also be discussed based on different aspects of Islam. In this connection different numbers of categories can be made. We intend to divide it into four categories: Allah’s Boundaries, Natural Laws, Straight Path, and duties towards others. These are briefly described below. 

6.1.  Exceeding  Allah’s Boundaries (Hudood-Allah)

The Arabic word hudood, or hudud (singular Hadd) means borders, boundaries, limits, prevention, hindrance, restraint, and prohibition, etc. Literal meanings of hudud are limits, bounds or restrictions. Hudud Allah means limits set by Allah. Boundary is defined as something that indicates or fixes a limit or extent (Merriam-webster dictionary). 

Allah’s Boundaries are the laws and ways of Allah to aid, facilitate, optimise, and enrich human life on the planet earth and to achieve true success in this world and in the Hereafter. 

Allah’s boundaries provide order and predictability to life. And life without boundaries is anarchy, confusion and chaos – and leads towards self-destruction. Human life sinks into tyranny when the boundaries are unfair, arbitrary, and unduly restricting, vague or ill defined. On the other hand when boundaries are fair, just, reasonable, meaningful, necessary, clearly defined – as Allah’s boundaries are with regard to everything and every being – they protect, enhance, and enrich life. They add the essential elements of zest, charisma, and excellence to life; provide security, reduce anxiety and uncertainty; optimise the experience of a tranquil, peaceful and truly meaningful life on earth for every body. Imagine how much better our land, water and air would have been today if human beings had done a better job of respecting Allah’s boundaries and directives with regard to their consumption of energy; their discharge of pollutants in air and water, and their profligate and wasteful ways in general (50). islamicsolutions .com/allah’s boundaries-what-a glorious-concept/ Dr. Pasha, May 12, 2007. 

The universe and everything therein is working within the boundaries and none of them crosses its limits and never takes a break until Allah (swt) tells one to stop. There are no distinct and visible borders for the universe, but they all know their limits and work accordingly. For example, two bodies of water or two sea waters of distinct characteristics (sweet and salty) meet but do not merge, and remain separate due to invisible barriers. Each water remains within its limits set for them by Allah Almighty and none of them transgresses its limits. Neither the salty water spoils the sweet nor the sweet dilute the salty (55:19).  Likewise, day and night move subtly and gently, merging into each other seamlessly (57:6). One black thread and one white thread replace each other without any transgression. The Sun is performing its duties and never transgresses its limits, therefore it is doing a wonderful job of providing light and heat on which the entire system of earth is working. Without its heat and light there will be no life on the planet earth. It is therefore necessary for the Believers not to transgress Allah’s Boundaries under any situation. 

The one who exceeds the limits of Allah Almighty and does not repent after committing this sin, may be considered as Taghut. But the worst Taghut is the one who misleads believers to exceed the limits of Allah. For this purpose the Taghut uses various tactics. 

6.2. Working Against Natural Laws

Islam is Deenul Fitrah – a complete and comprehensive way of life in keeping with the basic needs of human nature and perfectly in consonance with the primordial functioning of the broader laws of nature that govern the universe. It is helpful in optimising human life on earth. The Qur’an says there shall be no change in the laws prescribed by Nature.  The Natural Laws cannot be replaced by man-made laws. Any deviation from Natural Laws and spending life according to man-made laws is prohibited by Allah (swt).  

But those who wrong follow their (own) desires without knowledge. Then who can guide one whom Allah has sent astray? And for them there are no helpers  (51). 30:29.  

And whoever turned away after that – they were definitely disobedient. So it is other than the religion of Allah they desire, while to Him have submitted (all) those within the heavens and earth, willingly or by compulsion, and to Him they will be returned?  (52). 3:82-83. 

And whoever desires other than Islam as religion – never will it be accepted from him, and he, in the Hereafter, will be among the losers (53). 3:85. 

Religion lies in strictly following the moral law prescribed by Allah. The Entire creation conforms to this law. For the upkeep of everything in the universe and its sustenance, a law of action is prescribed and all should obey it. The slightest urge on the part of creation to stray away from the prescribed path will result in the collapse of the machinery of life (54). Tarjman al-Qur’an by A.K. Azad, vol. 1, P. 177. 

Tawaghit try their level best to convince and mislead believers to work against Natural Laws. For this purpose they attack believers in diverse ways and from all directions. 

6.3. Deviation from the Straight Path 

The Qur’an represents the universal truth sponsored by every religion. It not only stated that all religions were divinely revealed and upheld but one truth enjoining belief in Allah and righteous living in consonance with that belief. In addition, there was a spiritual law of life which regulated and governed the life of human beings, and that this law was one and the same for everyone. It is obligatory to follow Sirat-al-Mustaqim (the Straight Path). It is the path or the Din of Allah (Islam). The call of the Prophets was an invitation to the Straight Path (55). Tarjman al-Qur’an by A.K. Azad, vol. 1, P. 181. 

 And thus We have revealed to you an inspiration of Our command (the Qur’an). You did not know what is the Book or (what is) faith, but We have made it a light by which We guide whom We will of Our servants. And indeed (O Muhammad), you guide to a Straight Path – the Path of Allah, to whom belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. Unquestionably, to Allah do (all) matters evolve (return) (56). 42:52-53.

Allah (swt) showed Abraham the Straight Path (16:121), Jesus Christ said, “Verily my God and your God is the God of all; so worship Him; that alone is the Straight Path (43:64). Allah declared: We have chosen them (Noah,  Abraham) as Prophets and shown them the Straight Path (6:87). It is only the Path which is called the royal road and it is the only path by which people reach their destination safely and quickly. 

And (moreover), this is My Path, which is straight, to follow it; and dot follow (other) ways, for you will be separated from His Way. This has He instructed you that you may become righteous (57). 6:153. 

Indeed, Allah is my Lord and your Lord, so worship Him. This is a Straight Path (58). 43:64. 

Abdullah bin Masud reported the Holy Prophet drew a line on the ground and said, “Take this as the Path prescribed by Allah. It is very straight.” After this, he drew several lines in different styles and said, “These are the paths which man has chalked out for himself, and of these, there is not one path to which there is not a Satan to invite!” 

The Straight Path is the path of progress and goodness. It is such a path which is ingrained in human nature, but due to deviation from Islam, people may adopt other paths and become prey of Tawaghit. The successful are only those who have followed the Straight Path in letter and spirit and in the next world, with the mercy of Allah, they will enjoy unlimited bounties of Allah in the Hereafter. But those who follow Taghut will utterly fail in the journey of life in this world and in the Hereafter their permanent adobe will be Hell-fire. 

(That is Our) established way for those We have sent before you of Our messengers, and you will not find in Our way any alteration (59). 17:77. 

(This is) the established way of Allah with those who passed on before; and you will not find in the way of Allah any change (60). 33:62. 

(Due to) arrogance in the land and plotting of evil; but the evil plot does not encompass except its own people. Then do they wait except the way (fate) of the former peoples? But you will never find it in the way (established method) of Allah any change, and you will never find in the way of Allah any alteration  (61). 35:43.

It is evident from verses 17:77, 33:62 and 35:43 of the Qur’an that all those people who walked on the Straight Path achieved true success and those who did not follow that path failed. This principle is applicable at present and will be applicable in the future and there will be no change in this principle. In other words, the universe is working on the principle of cause and effect and this principle is working spatially and temporally and is also working everywhere in the World and there is no change in it under natural conditions, but if Allah intervenes, then anything may happen. 

Tawaghit are working hard to mislead human beings from the Straight Path. In the religious literature a lot of information is available that along the Straight Path there are many paths which are not straight, and at each such path Taghut is ever ready to convince human beings to adopt crooked path instead of the Straight Path. 

6.4. Lack of Performance in Duties Towards Others  

In the religion of Islam, duties of every person towards others have been described in detail and in very clear terms without any confusion. These include duties towards Allah and His Prophet; towards Muslim fellows; towards himself;  husband and wife; parents; towards relatives, and friends, and duties towards neighbours, etc.   

Duties towards Allah Who is the Creator, Beautifier, Maintainer and Sustainer of the universe and everything therein are many. It is the duty of every believer to behave like an obedient servant of Allah (swt); not ascribe any partner to Him and  recognize all His Names and Attributes. The other duties towards Allah include fulfilment of the pillars of Islam (Having firm Faith in Allah, establishing Salah, fasting, paying zakah, and perform pilgrimage at least one time in one’s life if one have means for it); to submit and perform the commands of Allah; accepting with patience all the decisions of Allah; observing patience, steadfastness and thankfulness of Allah; confidence in Allah, love and hate for the sake of Allah; and do not deviate from any commandment of Allah at any cost; and remember Him and praise Him. The love of Allah is the last stage and the highest in rank. His love can be achieved by performing obligatory and optional duties towards Him; by avoiding sinful acts, having disbelief in taghut, if any sin is committed, it is obligatory for every one to immediately repent sincerely.  It is the obligation of every believer to love Allah more than anything else, even more than one’s own self. One must always be ready to sacrifice each and everything for the cause of Allah Almighty. 

Loving the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) should be our second priority, because Allah loves him. 

He reached the highest place by his perfection

He removed the jahliya darkness by his radiance

Enlightenment are all his attainments

Send blessings on him and his family

Believers love the Holy Prophet, because he was Al-Amin (Trustworthy), Sayyid Walads Adam (the leader of the sons of Adam, Rahmat-al-Aalameen (Mercy for the universe), Khatimun-Nabiyyin (the Seal of the Prophets), Imam-ul-Ambiyyia (the Leader of Prophets), Sahib Al-Maqam Al-Mahmud (the Owner of the Station of Praise and Glory), As-Siraj Al-Munir (the Shining Lamp), Ar-Raheequl-Makhtum (the Sealed Nectar), and An-Nadhir Al-Bashir (the Bringer of warnings and glad tidings). He was the greatest military commander, most successful ruler and administrator, the greatest benefactor, most charismatic magnetic personality, a transforming teacher and inspiring speaker, the greatest revolutionist, an ideal judge, the leading legislator, and the greatest personality of the whole world.

“O Believers, do not take your fathers and brothers as allies, if they choose disbelief in preference to Faith; for whoso of you will take them as allies shall surely be the workers of iniquity. O Prophet. Tell them plainly, if your father and your sons, and your brothers, and  your wives, and your near and dear ones, and the wealth which you have acquired and the trade you fear may decline and the homes which delight you – if these things  – are dearer to you than Allah and His Messenger and the struggle in His Way, then wait till Allah passes His judgement on you; for Allah does not guides the wicked people” (62). 9:23-24. 

Indeed, the Prophet is preferable for the believers to their own selves, and the Prophet’s wives are their mothers (63). 33:6. 

Every Messenger whom We have sent, must be obeyed, because Allah has enjoined this…….they can never become until they accept you as judge for the decision of the disputes between them, and then surrender to your decision with entire submission without feeling the least resentment in their hearts (64). 4:64-65. 

Abu Hurairah reported that the Messenger of Allah said, “By Him in whose Hands my life is, none of you will have faith till he loves me more than his father and his children” (65). (Summarised Bukhari). 

I have very carefully studied Islam and the life of the Prophet Muhammad. I have done so both as a student of history and as a critic. And I have come to the conclusion that Muhammad was indeed a great man and benefactor of mankind which was till then writhing under the most agonising pain. The Prophet Muhammad’s teachings on the status of women, exposure of females, children, and kindness to animals were far ahead of Western Christians thought, even of modern thought (66). (George Bernardv Shaw). 

Muslims belonging to different tribes, clans, casts, or territories are brothers and sisters. The Holy Prophet abolished and obliterated all forms of distinction and privilege, and declared emphatically that the superiority of one to the other lies in Taqwa (piety) alone. 

The Holy Prophet not only established love between the two tribes of Madinah, but also created brotherhood between the migrants and locals. Mutual fighting is not the characteristic of Believers. However, if there is any conflict, the Muslim community should play its role to create peace. The statement of the Holy Prophet ‘the believers are like a single body’ in the tradition is of great significance. The working mechanism of the human body is wonderful. Every cell of the body is performing its function properly and in a well coordinated manner without interfering in the working of any other part of the body. Ideally, the Muslim community should be like a single body. In the human body, if one part or organ is injured, the pain of injury is felt by the whole body and one cannot sleep because of that pain. If the eyes see a beautiful thing or object or scene, not only the eyes feel pleasure, but the whole body feels pleasure, and the signs of pleasure become visible on the face of a person and vice versa. If the ear hears a pleasant voice, the whole body enjoys that voice and vice versa. In the Muslim community, if someone is in trouble, the other members should also feel it and should try to remove it. Another statement of the Holy Prophet ‘a believer to another believer is like a building: whose different parts enforce each other’ is of great significance for making the Muslim community strong against the evil web of Tawaghit, and other evil forces. Individuals are the building blocks of the community or nation. Any deviation from duties of a believer toward others results in chaos, disunity, conflicts, etc. and they become weak and prey of Tawaghit and other components of the evil web. 

Allah commanded the believers to help each other in good deeds and in piety (5:2). The one who endeavours to fulfil a need of his Muslim brother, and fulfil or is unable to fulfil it, Allah will forgive his past and future sins, and record for him two freedoms: freedom from the hell-fire and freedom from hypocrisy. The one who walks to fulfil the need of his Muslim brother, Allah records seventy good deeds for every step that one takes and wipes off seventy sins from his record. If the Muslim brother’s need is fulfilled by Him, he will come out of his sins like the day one’s mother gave birth to him. If he passes away by fulfilling that need, he will enter Paradise without reckoning. Fulfil the needs of people as much you can and be a person who removes the worry of his brother. For surely, from among the best days of a person in the day wherein he fulfils a need (67). An Exposition of the Hearts P. 418-420. 

A person has duties towards himself. Human personality is itself a sort of kingdom in which there are evil forces such as the human lower soul and the devil which is attached with each person for throughout one’s life in this world. On the other hand there are pious forces in human personality such as the spiritual (Soul or Spirit) and the angel who is deployed by Allah to every person. 

Love between male and female (sexual love) is of universal nature. It is found in almost all organisms. It is the sexual love in plants which is responsible for the production of fruits, seeds, and other edible parts of different plant species. In animals, it is more prominent than those of plants. Even among the inanimate creatures, things are found in pairs, and both compliment each other and attract each other. Sexual love is responsible for the procreation of human beings and other organisms – population build up and development of communities. Verse 4:1 of the Qur’an reveals that Allah first created Adam and from him created his mate Hawa (Eve) and from that pair produced a large number of children. All human beings on the planet earth are the progeny of Prophet Adam and his wife. 

Islam does not allow free sex in any case, but emphasises legal marriage. The concept of marriage in Islam is ethical, refined and practicable. The Nikh linguistically means to unite and bring together, after Nikah sexual intercourse not only becomes permissible but compulsory as well. The major benefits of marriage are the protection of honour and chastity; lowering the gaze; and avoiding sinful life at least relating to sex. Such moral progress leads to spiritual progress that is necessary for achieving true success. The success of marriage depends on a number of factors, such as selection of suitable life partners, the consent of both boy and girl before marriage without any pressure and encouragement or discouragement. Other matching parameters should also be taken into consideration, such as lineage, beauty, age, education, family background and profile, behaviour and conduct, etc.  

Marriage is the union of two souls for love, cooperation, harmony for whole life and procreation in a legal way. A successful marital life is based on love and compassion. Free sex, lewdness and other moral deviations lead to corruption, grave crimes, violation of sanctity and honour; creates disorder and chaos in family and society leading to destruction of human civilization. 

The basic unit of human civilization is the family, and families create tribes and nations. A family is like a small state. Marriage gives peace of mind to both partners. It increases links and relationships, and in the next generation these links and relationships further increase after the marriage of sons and daughters. It gives impetus to the social system and contributes to the moral welfare of people. 

For maintaining good relations between husband and wife it is necessary to follow prescribed duties towards each other. Both husband and wife must obey the boundaries of Allah. If one spouse transgresses, it can make the other spouse transgress. If both the life partners remain within the boundaries, they will be productive in society. No one should cause corruption by exceeding the limits.

Blood-based relationships are stronger than relationships with other believers. Allah with His Mercy has created blood ties. Allah and His Messenger offered incentives for establishing and retaining blood ties and warned those who break them. The one who respects and helps blood-based relatives, Allah keeps connected with him and the one who severs blood ties, Allah will not stay connected with him and such a person will not enter Paradise. In general, love between the nearest relatives, such as parents and children, brothers and sisters) is of highest level, followed by nearer relatives and then near relatives. Each type of help and charity should be started from the nearest relatives. 

Duties of parents towards their children include: to look after them at young age, impart them necessary knowledge including Revealed Knowledge and acquired knowledge, take into consideration overall training for the completion of their personalities on sound basis so that they become true Muslims. Their personality must possess positive traits. 

Parents render great sacrifices for their children. The mother bears great hardships during pregnancy, child’s birth, breast feeding and looking after the child in its subsequent developmental stages. The sacrifices of fathers are also tremendous. It is the obligation of every person to be most grateful, respectful, and loving to one’s parents after Allah (swt) and His Messenger (pbuh). One must respect one’s parents, treat them kindly, and speak to them with kind words and in polite language. Treat them with humility and tenderness. One should not say them even fie (uff). The pleasure of Allah is in the pleasure of parents and displeasure of Allah is in their displeasure. Showing disobedience to parents is a great sin. The one who respects his parents and treats them well will enter Paradise, because the Paradise in the feet of mother and father is the gate of Paradise, therefore the one who is disobedient to parents and treats them harshly will be thrown in hell-fire which is the worst abode. 

The mission of Tawaghit and other evil forces is to destroy love, harmony and unity among human beings, and  create such an atmosphere in which they fight at every level from families to nations. This is the first priority of Satan as a leader of Tawaghit and others of the evil web. 


Iblis (satan) is the founder and lifetime overall in-charge of the Evil Web. Other members of this web include Jinn satans, human satans, Tawaghit and lower souls of men.  Satan is the eternal temper who enables man to exercise one’s freewill according to one’s own way. Iblis is the name of the first Satan who disobeyed Allah’s order to prostrate for Prophet Adam. The Arabic root word ‘balasa’ means to be expelled, be dismissed, be driven out. The verb ‘aablasa’  means despaired or broken in spirit. Azazeel was the original name of Iblis. 

The aim of Iblis  is to use pain and pleasure, desires, and shahwat  to make human beings blind, stupid, and miserable forever. He prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour, God is sovereign over Satan, therefore he does not have a free hand in this world. He is on a leash, so that he can do more than God permits. So God sees the ongoing role of Satan as essential for his purpose in the world, since if God willed, Satan would be thrown into the lake of fire. God intends that part of our preparation for Heaven be a life of warfare with Satan. God has given us the walkie-talkie of prayer to call for help: Take…. The sword of spirit, which is the word of God, praying for all times. Primer on Satan strategies include: Satan lies, and the father of lies; he blinds the minds of unbelievers; he masquerades in costumes of light and righteousness; he does signs and wonders; he tempts people to sin; he plucks the word of God out of people’s hearts and chokes faith; he causes sickness and disease; he is a murderer; he fights against the plans of missionaries; and he accesses Christians before God. In spite of these strategies he will not win (68). desiringgod.org/articles/satans-ten-stratigies-against-you (by John Piper). 

Satan is always vigilant and never ceases attempts to mislead us from the Straight Path. He is present by any one of you in all of his affairs, even at the time one eats. Satan is the source of all evils, because the wickedness and corruption of the lower soul result from his whispers. 

There are two forces working in the human heart:  pious forces and evil forces. Pious forces instil good in the heart and testifying to the truth. Whoever experiences this should praise Allah. The evil forces instil evil in the heart, rejecting the truth and stopping from good. The one who experiences this should seek refuge in Allah from Satan, the cursed one. There are two anxieties that revolve in the heart. One is from Allah and the other is from the enemy. May Allah have mercy on the person who stops and ponders over his anxiety: the one which is from Allah he continues with it and the one which is from his enemy, he strives against it. In fact, Satan does not enter a heart that is devoid of desires. So, every person who follows his desires is the servant of desires and not the servant of Allah Almighty. Nothing can erase the whispering of Satan from the heart except thinking of that which is other than the whispering, this is because when the heart thinks of something, whatever one was thinking of before that becomes non-existent. The remembrance of Allah alone can keep a person safe and he will know with certainty that Satan cannot affect him, because the opposite of all the whisperings of Satan is Allah’s remembrance by seeking His refuge and absolving all power and might to everyone except Allah (swt). Satan spreads out of the heart or swallows the heart or places his trunk on the heart of a heedless person. But once the person remembers Allah he withdraws and slinks away. When the person becomes negligent of Allah again, he spreads out his heart again. This mutual repulsion between the remembrance of Allah and the whispering of Satan is like that of the mutual repulsion between light and darkness, and night and day. In this connection the Qur’an says: Satan has overcome them and made them forget the remembrance of Allah. Those are the party of Satan. Unquestionably, the party of Satan – they will be the losers (58:19). Just as desires are intermingled with the flesh and blood of man, the power of Satan is also flowing in one’s flesh and blood, and it encompasses the heart from all sides (69). An Exposition of the Hearts P. 505-507. 

The fight between angelic forces (good forces) and devilish forces (evil forces) continues in one’s heart round the clock and throughout one’s life. It is evident from 7:16-18 verses of the Qur’an that Satan emphatically declared that he will sit in wait of human beings on the Straight Path as a predator sits in wait for its prey. 

It is evident from a number of statements in Islam and Christianity that Satan is like a predator Lion and wolf) and man is their prey (sheep or goat).   

Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and and harmless as doves (70). Matthew 10:16

Obviously a sheep that finds itself in the midst of wolves is finished, as the wolves would kill it seconds later. So in the case of men, God clearly defines humans’ position. Human beings practically are prey while the enemy in the midst of men are predators. God is telling us that wisdom (Heavenly given wisdom) is the most important key to defeat the predators of men. Be sober and vigilant. Being sober means to avoid being carried away by the events and occasions of this world; avoid worrying over irrelevant issues; and it is to be serious minded and steady. Vigilant is to avoid being carried away; avoid loss of concentration; looking strait at a target without blinking an eye; keeping awake and ready for battle; to possess the hunting eye of the hawk; to be prepared to fight having a foreknowledge of an imminent attack or battle; remain to be alert and attentive. Satan, the Lion is moving here and there; and he is hungrily looking for ignorant people (71). bishopofsoul.worldpress.com/2015/12/18/spiritual predators-1 

Mu’adh bin Jabal reported that the Messenger of Allah said, “Verily, Satan is a wolf amongst humanity like the wolf who seizes the sheep wandering and straying from the flock. Beware of the winding mountain paths. You must stay with the wider community (72). Musnad Ahmad 22107. 

Abu Darda reported that the Messenger of Allah said, “If three people in a town or in the desert do not establish prayer among them, then Satan has overcome them. You must establish prayer in the congregation, for the wolf eats the isolated sheep (73). Sunan Abu Dawud.    

We intend to discuss evil web (Satans and Tawaghit) in relation with human beings in the light of scientific knowledge:  

The animal kingdom can be divided into two categories: predators and preys. Predators are strong animals that prey on weaker ones. For example, a lion is a predator to a zebra, deer, and various other animals; a snake is predator of mouse; or a wolf is a predator of sheep or goat. Likewise, Satan and other members of the ‘Evil Web’ are predators of human beings. 

Predation is a biological interaction where one organism, the predator, kills and eats another organism, its prey. The concept of predation is broad, defined differently in different contexts, and includes a wide array of feeding methods. Predators may or may not kill their prey prior to feeding on them, but the act of predation always results in the death of the prey. Predators may hunt actively for prey, or sit and wait for prey to approach within striking distance. Some predators kill large prey and chew it prior to eating it, such as jaguar, while others may eat their prey whole, as does a bottlenose dolphin or snakes. In some cases the prey organism may die in the mouth or in certain cases in the digestive system of the predator. 

Apparently, the act of predators seems harmful, but in reality those are not harmful, but potentially beneficial under natural conditions. For example, it has been proved experimentally and by other scientific means that predators generally increase the biodiversity of communities by preventing a single species from becoming dominant; predators play an important role in maintaining natural balance in each ecosystem and in the whole biosphere of the earth. It is well established that biological diversity enhances the stability of ecosystems under natural conditions and even in agroecosystems. In other words, introduction or removal of predators, or changes in their population density, can have drastic cascading effects on the equilibrium of many other populations in the ecosystems. 

Some scientists are of the view that the relationship between predator and prey is one which is typically beneficial to the predator, and detrimental to the prey species. Predators usually have indirect benefits to the prey species as well. In reality, this maximises their respective abilities to obtain food or avoid being eaten. 

Lot of diversity exists in the manners of killing and methods of feeding of prey by the predators. Here, we intend to give some examples in this connection. Snake seizes the prey with its mouth, throws coil around it and starts constriction. When prey exhales; snake tightens the coil to stop inhaling. This goes on til the death of the prey. After death, the snake starts eating it. For killing prey, the snake uses the envenomation  technique. Snake bites through the skin of prey and then injects saliva into the wound. Venom containing saliva produces deadly reactions inside the body and leads to death of the prey. Some species of snakes overpower their prey and start complicated procedures to swallow the prey alive. There are hundreds of curved teeth present in snakes along with this their body is fully capable of digesting the prey that is even bigger in size. Komodo dragons charge their prey and attack their underside or throat with their sharp claws and serrated teeth, causing rapid blood loss or fatal lacerations and killing the prey. In the main article ‘Evil Web’ we have already discussed spiders which are very important predators of insects and other small animals. 

Even beings also have predatory nature including aggression and a gluttonous nature inclining to desire and appetite, as well as a moral nature inclining to charity and a spiritual nature inclining to the Divine. Becoming conscious of these sinister urges is crucial to a person’s success on their spiritual journey towards Allah and the Hereafter. When Tawaghit overpower man, then he may also become a predator against other human beings. 

There are some similarities between predator vs prey in science and Satans vs human beings in spirituality. In both cases predators are powerful and prey are weak; predators use diverse tactics to locate, catch and kill prey; and prey in certain ways and means to protect themselves from the attack of predators. Predators are helpful for the regulation of population of the prey; maintain stability in the population of the prey. In the absence of predators the population of prey may increase from carrying capacity of the ecosystem and due intraspecific competition the prey may become weak due to shortage of food and increase in diseases. Predators also increase diversity of the ecosystem, and generally diversity and stability have positive correlation. Moreover, predators play an important role in the screening process to increase the fitness of the prey populations, because usually predators hunt weak individuals in order to minimise the use of energy for catching the prey. These are only a few benefits of predators out of many others. 

The predators cause the death of their prey, but Satans and Tawaghit cause the spiritual death of human beings. In human beings spiritual death is many times more dangerous than that of physical death. Every person will die at one’s appointed time in all cases without any exception. It is important to mention here that this world is a place of tests and trials and for a true believer this world is like a prison. For true believers, sacrifice for the sake of Allah is not so difficult, but the spiritual is very much devastating for them, because their death, and onward journey – grave, rising from graves, appearing for test before Allah, crossing the bridge will be very difficult and their final abode will be hell-fire eternally. 

Satans, especially jinn satans, are more powerful than man: human beings are not in a position to see them and observe their activities; lower soul of human beings is their representative; Satan can circulate in human body like blood; Satan can take over the control of heart of man which is king and ruler of the human personality. The spiritual transformation involves a constant struggle  against the lower nature of the soul. On the other hand Tawaghit and Satans gain access to our intellect, thereby helping lower souls and people come under their control(71).yaqeeninstitute.org/read/paper/devil-in-details-an-analysis-of-the-dark-side-of-the-self

(Satan) said, “Because You have put me in error, I will surely sit in wait for them (human beings) on Your Straight Path. Then I will come to them from before them, from behind them and on their right and on their left, and You will not find most of them grateful” … .Whoever follows you among them – I will surely fill Hell with you, all together (74). 7:16-18. 

Indeed, those who fear Allah – when an impulse touches them from Satan, they remember (Him) at once they have insight (75). 7:201. 

Satan threatens you with poverty and orders you to immorality, while Allah promises you forgiveness from Him and bounty. And Allah is all-Encompassing and Knowing  (76). 2:268.

Indeed, My servants  – no authority will you have over them, except those who follow you of the deviators. And indeed, Hell is the promised place for them all (77). 15:42-43. 

The sinner is forever shackled by Satan; he is confined to the prison of his desires and chained by his whims (76). (Ibn Qayyim) 

Being cautious of Satan is more critical than being cautious of disbelievers because if you are afflicted by plotting of Satan you will be from the losers, whereas if you are afflicted by disbelievers’ harm, the trial will serve as a form of expiation for your sins and elevation of your rank (78). Imam Izz Ad-Din bin Abd As-Salam, Maqasid Ar-Riayah

In order to avoid the machinations of Tawaghit and satans is to strengthen our relationship with Allah and to humble ourselves in servitude to Him. 


  • Firm faith in Allah and other articles of iman
  • Performing good deeds – establishing salah, keeping fasts, paying zakah, performing pilgrimage, worship of Allah, etc. Islamic acts of worship, properly practiced, may result in good character and acquisition of virtues such as authentic love, patience, compassion, and temperance, etc. 
  • Supplication to Allah
  • Remembrance and praise of Allah.
  • Seeking and taking refuge of Allah against Ibis, Satans, and Tawaghit and other members of evil web
  • Conducting self-accountability
  • Observing patience and thankfulness
  • Enjoying good and forbidding evil
  • Using senses and organs of body properly
  • Proper use of freewill
  • Fulfilling Covenants of Allah in letter and spirit
Hypocrisy: The Most Serious Spiritual Diseases

Hypocrisy: The Most Serious Spiritual Diseases



Hypocrisy is the most serious spiritual disease of human beings. The hypocrites never realise that they are victims of such a fatal disease in this world, therefore they never think to control it. Moreover, there is an acute shortage of spiritual physicians and surgeons to treat this disease. Hypocrites utterly fail in this world, and in the Hereafter there will be no relief for them at any stage from death to onward journey – grave, resurrection from the grave, journey towards the plain, failure in the test and while crossing the bridge, they will be thrown at the lowest zones of Hell eternally. 

Hypocrisy has spread out in almost all aspects of life; and has been prevalent in almost all  cultures and at all levels in the human species, starting from individuals to communities, nations  and at global level as well. It is a hidden fatal poison; a state of inner darkness and a grave moral vice; a manifestation of a dead heart which is blind, hard, and sealed. It is a form of moral and behavioural deviations that can adversely affect the lives of  people in a number of ways. 

In this article, we intend to discuss the concept of hypocrisy, factors affecting it, hypocrisy as the most serious spiritual disease, and the characteristics of hypocrites.     


The term hypocrisy (Nifaq) has been derived from the Greek words ‘hupokrasis’ or ‘hypokrisis’ (acting a part), ‘hupokrinesthai’ (to act on a stage) and ‘hypokritai’ (stage actors). The actors are not what they claim to be, they are really not what they pretended to be, they are just acting a role on the stage. When the audiences have gone and there is no ‘on-looker’ they convert to their true self (1). Iqbal A. Khan and Hamza I. Malik 2021). Iqbal A. Khan and Hamza I. Malik. 2021. A Moral Hypocrisy: A Devastating Affliction of Diseased Heart. Clinical Psychology and Mental Health Care, 2(4). 

“No habit or quality is more easily acquired than hypocrisy, nor anything sooner learned than to deny the sentiments of our hearts and the principle we act from” (2).

The Arabic word ‘nifaq’ comes from the words ‘nafaqa’ or ‘nifaqan’ which has the meaning to hold, take part in, talk about something in a religious view. The munafiq is taken from the word nafiqa, which means the mouse holes, a kind of tunnel that has two holes where it comes in and out. If being pursued here it comes out there, and vice versa (3). Shihab, 2006.

The tunnel of the mouse has two holes: one apparent which it uses for going inside and going out of the tunnel and the other is a secret hole, which it uses under emergency situations or in cases of danger. 

Entering into religion from one door and coming out of it through another door is known as hypocrisy (4).

Allah (swt) is pleased with a heart which is not sullied by hypocrisy, because hypocrisy is the opposite of concord (wifaq), and the state of being well pleased (rida) is the essence of concord. There is no connection between hypocrisy and love, and love subsists in the state of being well pleased (with whatever is decreed by Allah Almighty). Therefore rida is a characteristic of Allah’s friends, while hypocrisy is a characteristic of His enemies (5).

Hypocrisy is a deep rooted and all-pervading spiritual disease. A person’s heart could be overflowing with it yet be oblivious of it due to its hidden and subtle nature; frequently does it lead a person to think one is acting rightly when in reality he is spreading corruption (6).

Despite frequent charges of ‘hypocrisy in the Church,’ the subject has been neglected in research on religion. Defined as simulating qualities in a false pretence of being holy or virtuous, hypocrisy is widespread in all domains of life. It has played a significant role in the history of bigotry, wars, persecution, church-state relationships, and ‘selective indignation’ of Christians accusing other Christians. The Bible and the Qur’an refer to it often. Jesus strongly condemned it and the projection which name – calling accusations often involve. Its impact is evident in the social and behavioural sciences. Scientific methodology aims to control it. Theoretical analyses can deal with defence mechanisms, the inconsistency of behaviour with ideals, motivational analysis, deception, dramaturgical face-work, self presentations, self-concepts, labelling, social control, social sources, extrinsic and intrinsic commitment, and its social functions and dysfunctions, to mention only a few potential approaches. Triangulation of disciplines, methods, researchers, theories, and value orientation is desirable in the scholarly and applied investigation of hypocrisy and related topics (7).

Hypocrites are those who apply to others the standards that they refuse to accept for themselves (8).

Moral hypocrisy is the desire to behave morally while seeking opportunities to avoid adopting behaviours that actually result in morally good outcomes (9).

It is the desire to present oneself as moral while acting in one’s self-interest, in which a person violates one’s own moral standards. Hypocrites are persons whose actions are inconsistent with their words or who have word-deed misalignments. 

The only thing worse than a liar is a liar that is also hypocrite (Tennessee Williams, U.S. playwritter and screenwriter). An absolutely devastating ridicule of all that is false, primitive, and vicious in current American life: the abuses of power, hero worship, aimless violence, materialistic obsession, intolerance, and every form of hypocrisy (Terry Southern – U.S. novelist, and professor). A hypocrite is the kind of politician who would cut down a redwood tree, then mount the stump and make a speech for conservation (Adlai E. Stevenson, U.S. politician and diplomat).

A hypocrite is a person who pretends to have firm faith in Allah, does pious deeds, and is sincere to believers but he does not in reality possess such characteristics. He basically practises dishonesty with self and with other fellow human beings who come in contact with him. He develops such an attitude of deceiving others keeping in view that other people will not be able to understand his nefarious designs. In other words, one believes he will be able to deceive believers and they will not be able to understand his conspiracies against Muslim community. 

The present justice system in the world is not in a position to punish hypocrites, but Divine Justice punishes them to some extent in this world, but complete justice will be done on the Day of Judgment; their all conspiracies will be disclosed and they will be thrown in the lowest level of Hell eternally. 

In this world, they live in a constant state of fear and trouble throughout their lives and have no peace of mind. With the passage of time they change their tactics and strategies to make people fool, but in reality they themselves are fools, but they do not understand this reality in this world.

A hypocrite claims oneself a monotheist, and hides polytheism or other ims, but monotheism is the only reality in the sight of Allah (swt) and His Messenger (pbuh); while, other isms are wrong, because those emerged as a result of deviation from Allah’s Commandments and teachings of the Prophets, especially that of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), therefore hypocrite may be considered as a disbeliever or nonbeliever. The hypocrite hides his disbelief in the heart and declares himself as true believers with his tongue. They use such double standards as opportunists in order to get benefits from both Muslims and disbelievers, but they are not sincere to any one. 

Hypocrisy is a heart disease or psyche that blossoms in the hearts of the people who are not strong in their faith yet; the people who play a dual role in religious life – by displaying good faith when meeting with believers, but keep the nature of revenge and envy in the heart. In short, hypocrisy is a serious mental illness or abnormality in humans; it resides in the hearts and badly affects the behaviour and conduct of a person. Hypocrisy is harmful for the hypocrite and also creates serious problems in the communities and nations. 


Those are the ones who purchased errors (in exchange) for guidance, so their transaction has brought no profit, nor were they guided (10). 2:16. 

Due to the disease of hypocrisy in their heart, they purchased errors in exchange for guidance. In other words they have bartered away Guidance for error, which is a harmful bargain in this world and even more harmful in the hereafter.

Indeed, those who have believed then disbelieved, then believed then disbelieved, and then increased in disbelief – never will Allah forgive them; nor will He guide them to a way. Give tidings to the hypocrites that there is for them a painful punishment (11).

And it has already come down to you in the Book (the Qur’an) that when you hear the verses of Allah (recited), they are denied (by them) and ridiculed; so do not sit with them until they enter into another conversation. Indeed, you would then be like them. Indeed Allah will gather the hypocrites and disbelievers in Hell all together (12). 

These are the people, who do not consider the question of Faith as a serious matter but play with it like a toy to gratify their whims and lusts. They adopt Islam, if and when they are swayed to it by some fanciful notion, and become disbelievers, if another notion moves them away to the opposite side. Or they become Mulims when their interests demand it and become disbelievers, without the least hesitation, if their interests lie in disbelief. Obviously, there is neither forgiveness nor guidance from Allah for such people. They do not stop at their own disbelief but go much further in it. They strive to run other Muslims away from Islam, conspire against it and make open designs to harm it so as to raise the standard of kufr high up and to pull down the standards of Islam. As this an addition to the sin of one’s personal disbelief, it deserves more punishment than the offence of the one who disbelieves in Islam but is not antagonistic to it  (13).

Ibn Umar reported that when Abdullah bin Ubay died, his son Abdullah came to the Prophet and said, “O Messenger of Allah, give me your clothes for my father and pray for him and ask forgiveness for him.” So, the Holy Prophet gave him his clothes and said, ‘Allow me to pray for him.’ When the Prophet wanted to pray, Umar bin Al-Khaththab suddenly came and said to the Prophet, ‘Did not Allah forbid you to pray to a hypocrite?’ The Holy Prophet said, ‘I have been given two choices from the Word of Allah (verse 9:80): Ask forgiveness for them (O Muhammad), or do not ask forgiveness for them. If you should ask forgiveness for them seventy times – never will Allah forgive them. That is because they disbelieved in Allah and His Messenger, and Allah does not guide the defiantly disobedient people. So the Holy Prophet does the praying. Then the verse 9:84 was revealed. And do not pray (the funeral prayer O Muhammad), over any of them who has died-ever-or stand at his grave. Indeed, they disbelieved in Allah and His Messenger and died while they were defiantly disobedient. 

Hypocrisy is the worst disease of the spiritual heart. Even in this world, hypocrites are considered the most degraded persons in the world. He may be called as a member of the evil web of Iblis. The punishment of the hypocrites shall be more severe than that of the polytheists. Hypocrisy is in reality the worst kind of disbelief.

This is not a curse but a declaration of the verdict about hypocrites by Allah that they had become worthy of His punishment and He will certainly inflict His punishment on them. It is also possible that Allah may not have used these worlds in their literal sense but in the meaning of a curse and condemnation according to Arabic idiom (14).

Hypocrisy is a deep rooted all-pervading spiritual disease, but the patient is unable to realise its seriousness because his heart is seriously sick and approaching spiritual death therefore his senses are not working properly. Generally, this disease may  lead the patient to think that one is acting rightly but in reality one may be  spreading corruption. Moreover, the disease makes one opportunistic and this trait leads him towards the wrong path. The disease of hypocrisy leads one towards many other spiritual diseases.  

In the beginning of Surah 2 of the Qur’an Allah has divided mankind into three groups: the believers, disbelievers and hypocrites. Four verses (2:2 to 2:5) about believers; two verses (2:6 to 2:7) concerning the disbelievers, and thirteen verses (2:8 to 2:20) give information about hypocrites. On this basis we can imagine the seriousness of this disease. 

In addition to Surah two hypocrites and hypocrisy have been mentioned in a large number of verses in different contexts, which indicates the seriousness of this spiritual disease.  The harm they cause to Islam is truly severe for they claim to be Muslims, they claim to aid and support Islam, whereas in reality they are spending their wealth and energies to harm Islam and Muslims from within, covertly spreading their corruption and ignorance such that the unwary thinks that what they are upon is knowledge and right action.

Allah abhors their obeying Him because of the filth of their hearts and impure intentions; as such He held them back and impeded them obeying Him. He hates to have them close to Him and in His vicinity due to their love of His enemies; as such He distanced them and discarded them. They turned away from His revelation so He turned away from them and decreed misery for them (15).

In the Qur’an, Allah (swt) has unveiled beliefs, the qualities, and  goals of hypocrites clearly so that the believers can be aware of their conspiracies and evil designs against them and make viable strategies to save Muslim community from them. 

The hypocrites are apprehensive lest a Surah be revealed about them, informing them of what is in their hearts. Say, “Mock (as you wish); indeed, Allah will expose that which you fear.” And if you ask them, they will surely say, “We were only conversing and playing.” Say, “Is it Allah and His verses and His Messenger that you were mocking?” (16). 

The disease of desires and doubts has consumed their hearts and destroyed them, and evil objectives have permeated their motivations and intentions and corrupted them. Their corruption is so severe that they are flung to prediction, and the doctors of the religion are unable to cure them.  By Allah! How many strongholds of Islam have they destroyed; how many fortresses have they rendered to ruin; how many sign-posts of Islam have they effaced; how many raised flags have they lowered; and how many seeds of doubt they have attempted to sow in order to uproot the religion! Islam and Muslims have always faced trial and tribulation from hypocrites, wave after wave, of doubt they assault at it, while thinking that they are doing right.  (17).

The characteristics of faith are not to be found in their hearts  and hence they do not know them. Extinguished are the brilliant lights of its stars in their hearts and they do not try to relight them, and the darkness of their thoughts and beliefs has eclipsed the sun of faith such that they no longer see it. They have wretched the texts of revelation of their true status, they have detached them of their importance and definitiveness, and they have submerged them in the obscurity of false interpretations. They are of the view that sufficient for them is what they find the latter people upon for they were more knowledgeable than the Religious Predecessors, and former and more rightly guided in knowing the proofs and evidences! Their tongues are the tongues of Muslims but their hearts are the hearts of those fighting the Muslims. Their capital is deception and scheming, their merchandise is lies and treachery, and their intellect is one that is employed just for this world. Believers and disbelievers alike are happy with them and they live in security among both (18).

This verse describes their belittling the religion and those who follow it, and their foolishness. Hypocrites are true fools because they are not knowing what is for themselves and their pursuing that which would harm them. They have turned away from the Book and Sunnah, making mockery of those who follow them and looking down on them. They refuse to submit to the revelation. They ply their trade in oceans of darkness traversing vessels of doubts. Uncertainty and suspicion plagues them as they sail through waves of illusion. Strong winds play havoc with their boats and lead them to their destruction. The fire of faith alights for them and in its light they perceive guidance and misguidance, then that fire is extinguished and is left as red hot ashes. With that fire they are punished and in that darkness do they wander blindly. The hearing of their hearts is burdened by a heavy load and as such they are unable to hear the call to faith; the eyes of their spiritual sight are covered with a blinding wrapping such that they cannot see the realities of the Qur’an; and their tongues are mute to the truth such that they are unable to speak it (19).

They  are like a sheep that has strayed and finds itself between two flocks, it goes to one and then the other and does not stay with any of them. They are standing between two groups of people, all the while searching as to which is the stronger and nobler. 

The vileness of doubts and suspicion cling firmly to their hearts and they can find no way of absolution from them. May they perish! How distant they are from the reality of faith  and how false their claim to cognisance is! They are one thing and the followers of the Messenger are something totally different (20).

Indeed, the hypocrites will be in the lowest depths of the Fire – and never will you find for them a helper – except for those who repent, correct themselves, hold fast to Allah, and are sincere in their religion for Allah, for those will be with the believers. And Allah is going to give the believers a great reward (21).

Hypocrisy is not only a route to foolishness and away from wisdom, but also a hindrance to any one attempting to become wise (Socrates, Greek Philosopher). A hypocrite is like a pot of poisonous fluid whose neck and mouth are smeared with milk (22).

Hypocrisy is the most serious, destructive and dangerous spiritual disease, because it is either a cause or an effect of a number of other spiritual diseases such as lying, violation of promises, breaching of agreements, etc. Hypocrisy advances in these circumstances and ultimately becoming an acute disease results in a dangerous epidemic or pandemic form which threatens one’s honour and dignity; transforms one’s positive  personality traits into negative ones. In Abrahamic religions, hypocrisy is considered an ‘unforgivable sin.’ Hypocrites have terrible disease in their heart – betrayal, lying, deception, and disbelief; the soul of hypocrite is the most evil soul or the worst soul; the mind is the most heinous mind. 

Destruction caused by hypocrisy has an adverse impact on social life by preventing others from virtue such as by spreading negative issues, instilling hatred and breakdown of society (23).

In short, Allah will collect the hypocrites and disbelievers altogether in Hell (4:140). Hypocrites will be in the lowest depths (grade) of Fire (4:145). It is evident from the tradition that one who meets Muslims with a double tongue, on the Day of Judgment he will come with two tongues of fire. 

Hypocritical behaviour is hated by Allah and His Prophets, because this behaviour is more dangerous than disbelievers; his actions are inconsistent with his words; he has word-deed misalignment; contradiction between saying and doing, therefore he is not trusted. Hypocrisy is a matter of causing a corrupt personality toward youth characters in which their positive traits of personality may be transformed into negative ones. Hypocrisy is not hated by Allah, His Prophets, and true believers but it is disliked by every community, culture, and civilization; even it is disliked by atheists. 


Hypocrites possess a number of characteristics by which they can be identified to some extent, and the real knowledge of hypocrites is only with Allah (swt). However, by knowing their characteristics believers can protect themselves from their evil designs to some extent, but by coming under the protection of Allah Almighty against them. 

The hypocrite men and hypocrite women are one another. They enjoin what is wrong and forbid what is right and close their hands. They have forgotten Allah, so He has forgotten them (accordingly). Indeed, the hypocrites – it is they who are the defiantly disobedient. The believing men and believing women are allies of one another. They enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong and establish prayer and give zakah and obey Allah and His Messenger.  (24).

Allah has promised the hypocrite men and hypocrite women and the disbelievers  the fire of Hell, wherein they will abide eternally. It is sufficient for them. And Allah has cursed them, and for them is an enduring punishment (25).

These are the common characteristics of all hypocrites. All of them are interested in evil and inimical to good. If someone undertakes to do an evil thing, they would dedicate all their sympathies, counsels, encouragement, contribution, good wishes, praises and their approvals to such a one. They would join hands to accomplish that evil thing and persuade others to take part in it and encourage the doer in every way. Moreover, they would show in every way their hearty pleasure if they perceived that that evil thing was progressing satisfactorily. On the other hand, if someone undertakes to do a good thing, they are shocked to hear the very news of it for it pains their hearts; nay, they do not even like that such a thing should be undertaken at all. THen if they see someone coming forward to help it, they feel uncomfortable and try their worst to hinder him from it and if he does not give it up, they would wish that he should fail in it. Then all of them have this common characteristic that they do not spend anything at all for good ends irrespective of the fact whether they are otherwise parsimonious or generous. At any rate, their wealth is either for hoarding or for evil deeds. As a matter of fact, they would spend large sums on evil works generously but would not be willing to spend a farthing for good things  (26).

The contrast between the characteristics of the hypocrites (9:67) and of the true Believers (9:71) clearly shows that the two are entirely different from each other, in spite of their outwardly similar profession of faith in Islam and obedience to it. The difference lies in their morals, conducts, habits, attitudes and ways of thinking. On the one hand are the hypocrites whose tongues are never tired of professing faith in Islam, but who are void of sincere faith, and whose whole conduct belies their profession. They are, as it were, like bottles which have labels of ‘musk.’ but contain rotten material which may easily be recognized from its appearance and unpleasant odour. On the other hand are the true believers who are like those bottles which contain musk which may be tested in any way – by its appearance, its smell, and other characteristics – to be musk. Likewise, the outward label of Islam apparently makes both of them one Community of Muslims, the real characteristics of the hypocritical Muslims are so different from those of the true Muslims that they have, in fact, become two different communities. The hypocritical Muslims men and women, from a separate community with those who have similar characteristics. They all are neglectful of Allah (swt), take interest in evil things and deviate from all that is good and never cooperate with true Believers and, in short, they are allies to one another and practically disassociate themselves from true Believers and from a group of their own. In contrast to them, the true Believers, men and women, have practically become one Community. All of them take interest in what is dood, and abhor what is evil: they remember Allah day and night and cannot think of life without the constant remembrance of Allah; they are very generous in spending in the Way of Allah, and obey Him and His Messenger without any mental reservations. These common characteristics have dissociated them from the hypocrites and united them in one Community and made them allies to one another (27).

Whoever falls prey to the claws of their doubts will have his faith shredded to pieces; whoever allows his heart to open to their vile tribulations will find himself in a burning furnace; and whoever lends an ear to their deceptions will find them coming between and firm belief. Indeed the corruption they cause on earth is great but most people are unaware  (28).

They have characteristic signs by which they can be known, explained in the Book and the Sunnah, and clear for all those who are enriched  with faith to see. They are people, by Allah, given to ostentation, and this is the worst station that man can reach. They are people prone to laziness and laxity in fulfilling the orders of the All-Merciful, and because of this they find sincerity burdensome  (29).

The plant of hypocrisy grows from two stems: lying and ostentation. It grows out of two sources: weakness of spiritual insight and weakness of resolution. When these four factors exist, the plant of hypocrisy flourishes and grows firm. However, it grows by the side of waters on the brink of a crumbling precipice, so when they see the flood of reality on the Day when all secrets are disclosed, and the graves are emptied out, and the heart’s contents are brought to light, the one whose capital was hypocrisy will discover that all one attained was a mirage  (30).

In one tradition of the Holy Prophet three signs of hypocrisy are mentioned: If one speaks he lies, if promises he reneges and if given the mandate, he will betray. In another hadith four signs are mentioned: If given the mandate he betrays, if speaks he lies, if promises he denies and if fight or feud is cheating or crossing the line. 

Abu Hurairah reported that the Holy Prophet said, “Prayer that is felt heavy for hypocrites is Ishya morning prayer, if they know the virtues, surely they will come by crawling. Really, I wish to order someone so that prayer is established , then I tell someone  else and he leads the people. Then some people brought firewood to meet people who did not attend the prayer, then I burned their house” (31).  

Abdullah bin Amr reported that the Messenger of Allah said, “There are four signs that make someone a pure hypocrite and whoever has them has a characteristic of hypocrisy until one abandons it. When he speaks he lies; when he makes a covenant he is treacherous; when he makes a promise he breaks it; and when he argues he is wicked” (32).

Four characteristics constitute anyone who possesses them a sheer hypocrite and anyone who possesses one of them is a hypocrite till he abandons it. 

Abu Hurairah reported that the Messenger of Allah said. “The signs of a hypocrite are three. When he talks, he speaks falsehood; and when he promises, he breaks, and when he is entrusted, commits treachery” (33).

There are five aspects of hypocrisy: whenever hypocrite speaks, he tells a lie; whenever he promises, he always breaks it; if you trust him, he proves to be dishonest (if you keep something as trust with him, he will not return it); whenever he quarrels, he behaves in a very imprudent, evil and insulting manner; and whenever he makes a covenant, he proves himself treacherous. 

Based on available information in the Qur’an, traditions of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and the statements of eminent religious scholars we intend to briefly describe the characteristics of hypocrites. 

4.1. Lying  

Lying is a serious spiritual disease, because it is the opposite of the truth. A lie can be anything spoken or written that is totally or partially baseless, unreal, distorted or exaggerated. It is a widespread problem and is the root of other problems; it is the root cause of various other spiritual diseases, or in other words it can be said that it is the mother of a number of other spiritual diseases. It is the root of all evils or spiritual diseases; it is the worst of the great sins; the liar loses the brightness and radiance of the face.   

Lying is against human nature, and it produces inner conflicts between various control centres in the brain and the heart. The moment one begins to lie, his body sends out contradictory signals to cause facial muscles twitching, expansion and contraction of pupils, perspiration, flushing of cheeks, increased blinking of eye, tremors of the hand, and an increased heart rate, constant covering of mouth, touching of nose, rubbing of the eye, scratching of the side of the neck, rubbing the ear, keeping eyes in another direction to the person one is lying to in order to avoid eye to eye contact (34).

A liar tells a lie for concealing the truth; for cheating and deceiving people; for short term worldly gains; 

And the filth (oath will be) that the curse of Allah be upon him if he should be of the liars (35).

And if he should be lying, then upon him is (the consequence of) his lie; but he should be truthful, there will strike you some of what he promises you. Indeed Allah does not guide one who is a transgressor and a liar (36).

The Holy Prophet said, “Indeed, truth leads to virtue and virtue leads to Paradise, and a truthful person continues to speak the truth until he becomes the most truthful person. Lies lead to evil and evil leads to Hell, and a liar continues to lie until he is listed as a high ranking liar before Allah” (37).

Bahz bin Hakim reported that the Messenger of Allah said, “Destruction is for the man who tells lies for the amusement of other people. Destruction is for him” (38).

Sufyan bin Usayd reported that the Apostle said, “The biggest breach of trust is that you tell a thing to your brother who believes it to be true, whereas you have lied to him” (39).

The verse 63: 1 describes the first characteristic of a hypocrite ‘lying.’ They say with their tongues that which is not in their hearts. This quality is so entrenched in them that even when they spoke words that were true, Allah still called them liars because what they said did not conform to what they believed (40).

They will make excuses to you when you have returned to them . Say, “Make no excuse – never will we believe you. Allah has already informed us of your news (affair). And Allah will observe your deeds, and (so will) His Messenger; then you will be taken back to the Knower of the unseen and the witnessed, and He will inform you of what you used to do” (41).

They will swear by Allah to you when you return to them that you would leave them alone. So leave them alone; indeed they are evil; and their refuge is Hell as recompense for what they had been earning. They swear to you so that you might be satisfied with them. But if you should be satisfied with them – indeed, Allah is not satisfied with defiantly disobedient people (42).

And (there are) those (hypocrites) who took for themselves a mosque for causing harm and disbelief and division among the believers and as a station for whoever had warned against Allah and His Messenger before. And they will surely swear, “We intended only the best” And Allah testifies that indeed they are liars. Do not stand (for prayer) within it – ever  (43).

When the hypocrites come to you (O Muhammad), they say, “We testify that you are the Messenger of Allah,” And Allah knows that you are the Messenger of Allah.” And Allah knows that you are His Messenger, and Allah testifies that the hypocrites are liars. They have taken their oaths as a cover, so they averted (people) from the way of Allah. Indeed, it was evil that they were doing (44).

Although the thing they are uttering with the tongue is true by itself, it does not reflect their belief. Therefore they lie when they say that they bear witness that you are a Messenger of Allah. (45).

Allah Almighty informed the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in verses 63:1-2 if hypocrites come to you, they say with their mouths about things that are contrary to what is in their hearts “We admitted that you truly are the Messenger of Allah” and Allah knows that you really are His Messenger, and Allah witnesses, that is knowing that the hypocrites are really liars, what is in their hearts is different from what they say (46).

The hypocrites say with their mouths about things that are contrary to what is in their hearts. They say, “We admitted that you truly are the Messenger of Allah” and Allah knows that you really are His Messenger; and Allah witnesses, that is knowing that the hypocrites are really liars, what is in their hearts is different from what they say. 

Falsehood is a door of hypocrisy; it is built on falsehood; it reduces provision; Allah will not speak with persons who sell things by lies; and a believer cannot be a liar. 

4.2. Promise Breaking 

Breaking promises has a bad effect on the person who breaks promises in a number of ways: It creates inner disturbance and he will avoid meeting that person with whom one promised and failed to fulfil it; he will try to justify it by telling lies; his reputation in the society will be deteriorated. Trust erodes when promises are not fulfilled. A number of verses of Surah 9 mentions about breaking of promise by the hypocrites. This is the punishment in this world, but in the Hereafter there will be very severe punishment for him. 

They swear by Allah that they did not say anything against the Prophet while they had said the word of disbelief and disbelieved after their (pretence of) Islam and planned that which they were not to attain. And they were not resentful except (for the fact) that Allah and His Messenger had enriched them of His bounty. So if they repent, it is better for them; but if they turn away, Allah will punish them with a painful punishment in this world and the Hereafter. And there will not be for them on earth any protector or helper (47).

And among them are those who made a covenant with Allah, (saying), “If He should give us from His bounty, we will surely spend in charity, and we will surely be among the righteous” (48).

But when He gave them from His Bounty, they were stingy with it and turned away while they refused. So He penalised them with hypocrisy in their hearts until the Day they will meet Him – because they failed Allah in what they promised Him  and because they (habitually) used to lie  (49).

But those who break the covenant of Allah after contracting it and sever that which Allah has ordered to be joined and spread corruption on earth – for them is the curse, and they will have the worst home (50)

And fulfil the covenant of Allah when you have taken it (O believers), and do not break oaths after their confirmation while you have made Allah, over you, a security. Indeed, Allah knows what you do (51).

It is strictly prohibited to make a promise which one intends to not fulfil. The literal meaning of promise is pledge, statement, agreement, oath, or asseveration. It is necessary to fulfil a promise, whether you make a promise to believer or disbeliever, to a dear friend or stranger, or anybody else or to Allah; you must fulfil all promises. 

The Holy Prophet said, “The nation that breaks promises causes murder and shamelessness to become widespread amongst them, and the nation in which evil becomes apparent has death set upon them by Allah, and the nation which withhold Zakah has Allah withhold rain from them”  (52).

4.3. Riya (ostentation) 

Riya (ostentation, showing off, pretension) is showing off a good characteristic or manner with the sole intention of getting a positive response from people. A person performing his prayers  or fasting just to let people know that he is a good practising Muslim will be an example of riya. Riya is of various types such as riya of the body, riya of beauty and dress, riya of speech, riya of actions and riya of outward kind. Others are of the view that it can be divided into bodily, demeanour, clothing, acts and deeds, etc.  

Ostentation is a common behaviour of hypocrites where they want people to see their good deeds. They deceive Allah (swt) by showing things that are contrary to disbelief and they hide it to avoid the worldly laws which relate to it and Allah deceives them to relay their deception by telling what they hide to His Prophet until their secrets are opened in this world while in the hereafter they will suffer. And if they stand to pray with the believers they stand lazily and they are riya for human with the prayer and not remember Allah, it means they do not pray except for a short time because of riya (53).

Hypocrites remember Allah only for a very short span of time and that also not from the heart, but with tongue only. Most of the time they spend in worldly affairs and on materialistic aspects. They are not willing to face difficulties and hardships for the sake of Allah Almighty. Generally, people stay away from them when they find out about their hippocratic behaviour and attitude.  

4 .4. Slandering

Slander indicates mentioning hidden weak points and faults of the others so that if they hear, they will be disturbed. These points are either concerned with religious, moral, spiritual and social aspects, or with corporeal aspects including face, body’s limbs, corporal powers, and actions and behaviours, of his attachments, such as wife, children, and his clothing and house, etc. The motives of slender include malice and revenge, envy, mockery deride, recreation and amusement, etc. (54).

Slandering is to take the faults of one to the ears of another, for instance, a certain man is speaking thus about you. The man to whom it is communicated and the man whose fault is communicated both dislike it. A third person also does not like it, though it is expressed by hints, gestures, writings and by other means. The hearer of the slander or defamation has got certain duties to perform. He should not believe the standerer as he is a transgressor and sinner and his evidence to be rejected. He should prevent him from it and  inform him that it is a great sin. He should hate such a person. He should not disclose this slander (55).

The hypocrites of Madinah in the leadership of Abdullah bin Ubay, often used slander as a weapon to destabilise Muslim community and Islamic movement. Hypocrisy is a very bad behaviour for humanity, it destroys social order, true friendship, brotherhood, and even shared hostility to anyone who obstructs his interests. 

For example, on the way back from the expedition of Tabuk the Holy Prophet said that the Muslim army should take the longer route through the valley round the hills, while he himself along with Ammar-bin-Yasir and Huzaifah-bin-Yaman would make the shortcut over the hills. While they were on the way, suddenly they discovered that a dozen of the hypocrites, with covered faces, were following them. At this Huzaifah turned towards them so that he may drive away their camels  but they were terrified lest they should be recognized. In this way Allah Almighty protected His Prophet by casting fear into the hearts of hypocrites. The verse 9:74 of the Qur’an mentions that event: And they resolved that plot to murder Prophet Muhammad which they were unable to carry out.  

The other plot was to declared Abdullah bin Ubayy as king at Al-Madinah as soon as they should hear some ‘bad news’ about the Muslim army, because according to their expectations, the Holy Prophet and his faithful Companions could never fare well against the armies of the Great Roman Empire (56).

This refers to the mean conduct which the hypocrites evinced on the occasion the appeal of the Holy Prophet for contributions towards the Tabuk Expedition. The well-to-do hypocrites did not themselves make any contributions, but when the sincere Muslims came forward with generous contributions according to their means, they began to deride them. If a well-to-do Muslim made a handsome contribution, they would at once accuse him of being guilty of a ‘show-off.’  On the other hand, if a poor Muslim contributed a partly sum which he could hardly spare after sacrificing some of the barest necessities of his family or contributing the small earnings obtained by hard work, they would at once ridicule, saying, “Lo! Here is the farthing that will help conquer the forts of the Roman Empire” (57).

They are the ones who say, “Do not spend on those who are with the Messenger of Allahuntil they disband.” And to Allah belong the depositories of the heavens and the earth, but the hypocrites do not understand (58).

They say, “If we return to al-Madinah, the more honoured (for power) will surely expel the humbler.” And to Allah belongs (all) honour, and to His Messenger, and to the believer, but the hypocrites do not know (59).

Zaid bin Arqam says, “When I reported these words of Abdullah bin Ubayy to the Holy Prophet, and he came and disowned them on oath, the elderly people of the Ansar, and even my own uncle, reproved me for this; so much so that I felt that the Holy Prophet had mistaken me for a liar and Abdulla bin Ubayy for a truthful person. This caused me great anguish and grief. Then, when these verses were revealed, the Holy Prophet called me, and taking hold of my ear, said, “ The boy’s ear was truthful: Allah has Himself testified to what he had heard (60).

4.5. Ignoraning 

Ignorance is a spiritual disease of hypocrites. Due to this disease they try to deceive Allah (swt) but He cannot be deceived. He is the One who knows what they manifest and what they hide! (61).

Ignorance is considered a serious spiritual disease. From spiritual ignorance all other mistakes follow. Knowledge is light and ignorance is darkness. An ignorant person may make mistakes in one’s journey of life in this world at different cross roads. The more one lacks revealed knowledge the more ignorant he becomes. . 

Knowledge is the best asset one can have. All knowledge can be classified into a number of categories: obligatory, obligatory for community, recommended, permissible and blameworthy knowledge. Acquisition of obligatory knowledge should be the priority of everyone in the society, an excuse of making mistakes due to ignorance in this connection is not acceptable to Allah and the Holy Prophet (pbuh). In case of second categories of knowledge some people in the community will acquire one type of knowledge and others of other categories of knowledge, if none of them gets necessary knowledge, then the whole nation will be held responsible and may be treated accordingly on the Day of judgement. Everyone should avoid acquiring blameworthy knowledge such as astrology, magic, etc. 

Knowledge is necessary in every walk of life. Without knowledge one cannot make decisions based on analysis; without necessary knowledge one cannot achieve true success in this world and in the Hereafter; knowledge is helpful in the performance of one’s duties towards Allah, fellow human beings and other creatures in this world. Due to lack of proper knowledge the life of individuals, communities and those of nations become full of superstitions, disbeliefs, and a number of hypocrisies which result in utter failure in this world and their final abode in the Hereafter may be Hell permanently. Without knowledge material progress is also not possible.  

4.6. Deceiving 

Deception is to conceal the actual state of things. Deception is also a dangerous spiritual disease. The hypocrites tried to deal with Allah and believers in this way. But their deception came back on themselves (62).

And when they meet those who believe, they say, “We believe;” but when they are alone with their evil ones, they say, “Indeed, we are with you; we were only mockers” (63).

The hypocrites were deceiving both Believers and disbelievers. In Front of believers they claim that they were believers like other true believers, but when they meet non-believers or polytheists they used to tell them that in reality they are polytheists like them and they were just mocking those people (believers). Deception plays a role in the losing of one’s trust, which is difficult to re-establish. 

Indeed, the hypocrites (think to) deceive Allah, but He is deceiving them. And when they stand for prayer, they stand lazily, showing (themselves to) the people and not remembering Allah except a little  (64).

The Holy Prophet said, “Whoever cheats us is not of us” (65).

Cheating and deception are despicable characteristics that are beneath a decent person. Intentionally distorting the truth in order to mislead others contradict the values of honesty, which requires an attitude of sincerity, straight forwardness, and fairness that leaves no room for cheating, trickery or deceit.  Cheating and deception are alien characters in contrast to the noble character of a true Muslim. Islam views cheating and deception as heinous sins, a source of shame to the one guilty of committing them, both in this world and next. One should steer clear of all the various forms of deceit and deception present in today’s society (66).

4.7. Doubts and Desires

Another disease is becoming plagued with doubts and desires. The sickness of doubt and desires beset the heart and eject it from its state of balance and  normalcy. Each time a Surah was revealed of the Qur’an containing new injunctions, this increased them in their doubts and hence their disease increased (9:124-125). When one of them follows the Book and Sunnah, one is doing so to keep up appearances, one is like a donkey carrying books: it understands none of what it is carrying. The revelation in their eyes is profitless merchandise and as such worthless. Those who follow it are fools in their eyes (2:13). This verse describes their fifth characteristic: spreading corruption in the land, and direct consequence of the corruption of their hearts. They combine spreading corruption on earth with making out that they are only putting things right, thereby altering reality and believing the falsehood to be the truth. Allah rebuts them saying, ‘No indeed, they are the corrupters,’ for there is no greater  corruption than disbelieving in the verses and signs of Allah, preventing people from His Way, trying to deceive Allah and His Friends, and befriending the enemies of Allah and His Messenger” (67).

In their hearts is disease, so Allah has increased their disease; and for them is a painful punishment because they (habitually) used to lie (68).

The sickness here is the sickness of doubts and desires; the heart is set by two diseases  that eject it from its state of balance and normalcy: the disease of false doubts and disease of vile desires. In this connection Ibn Qayyim says, “Whoever falls prey to the claws of their doubts will have his faith shredded to pieces; whoever allows his heart to be open to their vile tribulations will find himself a burning furnace; and whoever lends an ear to their deceptions will find them coming between him and firm belief. Indeed, the corruption they cause on earth is great but most people are unaware. 

Hypocrites were of the view that through hypocrisy they will be able to safeguard their interests and they also be able to save themselves from hardships which believers were facing at that time. However, they could not achieve their objectives in this world, because they were exposed on different occasions. They may hide this spiritual disease temporarily but not permanently or for a long time. When they were exposed they lost their credibility. In reality, hypocrisy is a very serious spiritual disease. In the beginning, they were successful in hiding the disease and they intensified their efforts to oppose the Islamic movement and the helped disbelievers, therefore Allah increased the intensity and severity of the disease and in the hereafter they will encounter with painful punishment due to hypocrisy and habitually telling a lie. 

And when it is said to them, “Believe as the people have believed,” they say, “Should we believe as the foolish have believed?” Unquestionably, it is they who are the foolish, but they know (it) not (69).

When the hypocrites were told to enter into the fold of Islam truly and sincerely. They considered the believers as fools because at that time all the believers were in great troubles and hardships and they were of the view that it was foolishness to make all people their enemies for the sake of truth, and sacrifice their interests for the sake of Islam. Due to a serious spiritual disease they were not able to understand the importance of Islam in the onward journey of life and they were not aware of the significance of true success.  

In your presence, they say, “We are obedient to you,” but when they leave you, some of them meet together secretly at night to plot against what you say; Allah writes down all their secret talks; so leave them alone and trust in Allah; Allah alone suffices for trust. Do they not ponder over the Qur’an? Had it been from any other than Allah, surely there would have been many contradictions in it (70).

In the presence of the Holy Prophet they announce obedience to him but when they go away they with disbelievers of hypocrites at night they plan against him and believers. Under such a situation Allah (swt) directed the Holy Prophet to trust in Him and do not care about their evil plots. 

The main cause of the wrong attitude of the hypocrites and the people of weak faith, who had been warned in the foregoing verses, was that they had doubts that the Qur’an was from Allah. They could not believe that it was being sent down by Allah to the Holy Prophet and that the Commandments contained in it were really coming from Him. That is why they were being admonished to consider the Qur’an by giving close attention to it. And to verify whether their doubts are genuine and whether it is from Allah or not. The Qur’an itself bears witness to the truth that it is from none other than Allah, for none else, however wise and intelligent he might have been, could have gone on delivering an address under different circumstances about variant topics so as to form a  connected, balanced and coherent Book at the end of twenty-three years and that too, without showing any contradiction whether from the beginning to the end, and without ever revising or making any change in it (71).

4.8. Laziness in Worship and Other Duties

They delay the prayer to the last possible time. They quickly peck the ground as does a crow. This is because their prayer is a prayer in the body but not in the heart. While praying they look left and right as does a fox being certain that it is being hunted and chased. They do not attend the congregational prayer, ratchet they make do with praying in their homes and shops. When they argue they behave uncouthly, when they are entrusted with something they break the trust, when they speak they lie, and when they promise they break it. This is how they deal with creation and Creator (72).

The offering of Salah in congregation has been held out as a test of one’s being a sincere Believer or a hypocrite because during the lifetime of the Holy Prophet one could not be considered a member of the Islamic Community unless one offered Salah regularly and punctually. Just as every association or organisation considers the absence of a member without genuine excuse from its meetings as a sign of his lack of interest, and expels from it for continuous absence, in the same way, if a Muslim absented himself from Salah in congregation, it was considered a clear sign of his lack of interest in Islam. And if he continuously absented himself from it, this was taken as a proof of his desertion from Islam. That is why even the confirmed hypocrites of that time had to join Salah in congregation five times a day; otherwise they could not be counted as members of the Islamic Community. But what distinguished the true Believers from the hypocrites was that the Believers went to the mosque with great enthusiasm before time and stayed there even after the prayer which was clear proof of their genuine interest in it. On the other hand, the very call to the prayer sounded like a death knell to a hypocrite. He would, however, rise up reluctantly to join the congregation, but the whole of his demeanour showed clearly that he was offering his Salah unwillingly. The he would have the mosque in haste as if he had been released from prison. All his movements showed that, in utter contrast to a true Believer, he did not take any interest in the remembrance of Allah even during his hypocritical devotion (73).

The word ‘Bedouins’ refers to those Arabs who lived in the desert near Al-Madinah. The background which may help one to comprehend the meanings of the verses 9:97-98. Though these people had outwardly embraced Islam, that had not done so from conviction. When they saw the rising of the power of Islam in Al-Madinah, they were so overawed by it that they could not ignore it. So at first they adopted the attitude of the opportunists towards the conflict between Islam and kufr. But when the power of the Islamic Government spread over the major portions of Hijaz and Najd, and the power of its enemy clans began to decline, they thought it expedient to enter the fold of Islam. But there were very few among them who had sincerely accepted Islam from the conviction that it was the Right Way. That is why they did not make any sincere efforts to fulfil the implications of the True Faith, and observe the obligatory duties imposed by Islam. On the contrary, the majority of them had accepted Islam just because it was the best policy for them. They merely desired to take advantage of being ‘Muslims’ in order to gain those benefits to which they were entitled as members of the ruling party, without performing those duties which became obligatory on them by the acceptance of Islam. Therefore they were utterly averse to saying the prescribed prayers, observing the Fast, paying the Zakat due from date-palm gardens and their herds of cattle. Moreover, they smarted under the discipline of the Islamic State and resented being subdued by any power for the first time in history. Above all, it was against their very nature to make the sacrifice of their lives and wealth in the Way of Alla, as was being demanded by Islam, for they were accustomed to fight only for plunder and spoils. That is why they always invented one excuse or the other for exemption from the restrictions and obligations that were imposed on them. For they had no interest in the Truth or the welfare of humanity; their only concern was their camels and their goats, that is, the narrow world around their tents. As regards anything higher than these, the only thing which they could believe in was irrational reverence for those who would guarantee their worldly welfare and protect them from calamities and give them amulets to safeguard them against harm and evil, and say prayers for them as a recompense for their offerings to them. But they were not prepared to accept any faith or belief that would bring under its moral and legal discipline every aspect of their cultural, social and economic life, and demand from them the sacrifices of lives and wealth for the cause of a universal reform. It can be concluded that the Bedouins are more hypocritical than the urban Arabs and are more stubborn and obdurate in their denial of the Truth. This is because the urban people make use of the opportunities of meeting the learned and pious people and thus learn the laws and regulations of the Way. On the other hand, in all probability, the Bedouins will learn they get  little about the Divine Way, because they get few opportunities for this. Moreover, they lead lives of ‘economic animals’ rather than of human beings having moral and spiritual values; therefore they do not think of higher things than their animal urges. It should also be noted that the main cause of the subsequent storm of rebellion and apostasy during the caliphate of Abu Bakr two years after the revelation of verses 9:97-99 was the same that has been mentioned therein (74).

4.9. Duplicity

In the literature for the word ‘duplicity’ different terms have been used such as two-faced, two-tongued, etc. Two-faced means hypocrites find it very difficult to develop true friendships with other people because of their inconsistency. 

Duplicity means dishonest talk or behaviour, especially saying different things to two people; double dealing; contradictory doubleness of thought, speech, or action;  the belying of one’s true intentions by deceptive words or action or both; technically incorrect use of two or more distinct items in a single action. Duplicity means twofold – having two parts; two-faced – may be showing one side in public and another in private – saying something known to be untrue or misleading. 

Abu Hurairah reported that the Messenger of Allah said, “The worst amongst the people is the double-faced one; he comes to some people with one face and to others with the other face” (75). 

The tradition of the Holy Prophet reveals that the hypocrite is a double-faced person. It means a hypocrite has two faces. He comes to some people with one face and to others with the other face. In other words he is the person who assumes an outward appearance and simulates a behaviour which is contradictory to one’s inner state. For example, one gives an impression of altruistic love and affection and pretends to be sincerely sympathetic, but in reality one’s heart harbours an opposite feeling. He  apparently behaves like a friend but in reality acts like an enemy. Such a person cannot be a man of faith. As such he always seeks what one thinks to serve one’s immediate interests, knowing that he is lying and deceiving others. 

Two-faced means that hypocrites find it very difficult to develop true friendship with other people because of their inconsistency. They used to sacrifice friends for the sake of their vested interests or to fulfil their purposes or objectives. Hypocrites in Madinah had extended help to disbelievers against the Holy Prophet and his Companions. At the time of the war between the Muslims and the polytheists and the victory of the Muslims, the hypocrites came forward to raise their hands as who was very instrumental in helping Muslims to win the war. However, when the polytheists won, the hypocrites also appeared to the polytheists, clapping their chests as the heroes who determined the victory over the Muslims. 

Each hypocrite has two faces: a face with which he meets the Muslims and a face with which he meets his deviated associate. Each one of them has two tongues: a false tongue with which he meets the Muslims and a true tongue which expresses his actual beliefs (76)

And of the people are some who say, “We believe in Allah and the Last Day,” but they are not believers. They (think to) deceive Allah and those who believe, but they deceive not except themselves and perceive (it) not (77).

They delude themselves by imagining their duplicity will safeguard their interests, but obviously their policy proves harmful in this world and most surely shall be so in the next world. A hypocrite might succeed in deceiving some people for some time but he cannot deceive all people for all times. When such a person is exposed, he loses all honour once for all. As the Hereafter, mere lip-service will carry no weight there because it is deeds alone that matter there (78).

Allah increases the disease of their duplicity on account of their misbehaviour. When their duplicity appears to succeed apparently for some time, they become convinced of its efficacy and effectiveness and practise it even more frequently and persistently than before (79).

And (also) those who spend their wealth to be seen by the people and believe not in Allah nor in the Last Day. And he to whom Satan is a companion – then evil is he as a companion (80).

Those who wait (and watch) you. Then if you gain a victory from Allah, they say,”Were we not with you?” But if the disbelievers have success, they say (to them), “Did we not gain the advantage over you, but we protected you from the believers?” Allah will judge between (all of) you on the Day of Resurrection, and never will Allah give the disbelievers over the believers a way (to overcome them) (81).

The hypocrites of every age enjoy and have always enjoyed all the benefits conferred by Islam, by professing it with their tongue, and nominally joining the Muslim Community. At the same time they enjoy all the benefits they can derive from the disbelievers, by mixing with them and assuring them, “We are not bigoted Muslims though we are nominally connected with them. We are akin to you in culture, in thoughts and in the way of life and our interests and loyalties are the same as yours. Therefore, you should rest assured that we will side with you in the conflict between Islam and kufr  (82).

Wavering between them, (belonging) neither to these (believers) nor to those (the disbelievers) And whoever Allah sends astray – never will you find for him a way (83).

And when you see them, their forms please you, and if they speak, you listen to their speech. (They are) as if they were pieces of wood propped up – they think that every shout is against them. They are the enemy, so beware of them. May Allah destroy them; how are they deluded? (84).

Abdullah bin Abbas has stated Abdullah bin Ubayy was a strongly built, healthy, handsome and smooth-tongued person, and the same was the case with most of his companions. They all were the nobles of Madinah. When they came to sit in the Holy Prophet’s assembly, they would sit reclining on cushions against the walls and would talk agreeably and convincingly. From their outward appearance and manner of speech no one could imagine that those honourable people of the city would be so wretched and degraded in their character. They are not men but pieces of timber. Comparing them to timber is meant to imply that they are devoid of the moral sense which is the essence of humanity. Then, by comparing them to blocks of timber propped up against the wall, it has also been pointed out that they are absolutely worthless, for the timber would be useful only when it has been utilised in making of a ceiling, or a door frame, or a piece of furniture. Ablock of timber that has just been placed against a wall serves no useful purpose at all” (85).

Abu Hurairah reported that the Messenger of Allah said. “Two traits cannot unite in a hypocrite: good conduct and knowledge of religion” (86).

Abu Hurairah reported that the Messenger of Allah said. “You will find the worst of men on the Resurrection Day having two faces, who will come to some with one face and to some with another face” (87).

4.10. Cowardice

Linguistically, cowardice (jubn) is the antonym of courage. Technically, it is fearing that which ought not to be feared. 

Indeed, those whom the angels take (in death) while wronging themselves – (the angels) will say, “In what (condition) were you? They will say, “We were oppressed in the Land.” They (the angels) will say, “Was not the earth of Allah spacious (enough) for you to emigrate therein? For those, their refuge is Hell – and evil it is as a destination (88).

‘When the angels seized the souls of those who were doing wrong to their own souls  or doing  in justice to their souls’ were the people who had accepted Islam but were still living among their own clans, which had not yet embraced Islam without any genuine excuse or compulsion. They were doing injustice to their own selves by living in a state of semi-Islam, although ‘the abode of Islam’ had come into existence where they could migrate and live the full life of a Muslim. They were quite content to live such a wretched life of semi-unbelief, because they preferred their comforts, their families, their properties and their interests to their Faith. That is why their excuse, ‘We were weak and helpless in the land,’ has not been accepted (89).

Have you not seen those who were told, “Retrain your hands (from fighting) and establish prayer and give Zakah?” But then when battle was ordained for them, at once a party of them feared men as they fear Allah or with (even) greater fear. They said, “Our Lord, why have You decreed upon us fighting? If only You had postponed (it for) us for a short time.” Say, “The enjoyment of this world is little, and the Hereafter is better for he who fears Allah. And injustice will not be done to you, (even) as much as a thread (inside a date seed” (90).

This verse has three meanings, and the three are equally correct. First, it means that those very people who were then showing cowardice were very impatient to fight  before permission was given for this. They would repeat the tales of their persecution and oppression and say, “Give us permission to fight, for we have no more patience to bear these wrongs.” At that time they were advised to be patient for the time being and to purify themselves by means of Salah and Zakah, they would resent such pieces of advice. But when the Command to fight was given, some of those very people began to show cowardice when they confronted the enemy armies and the dangers of war. The second meaning is that those people were very religious as long as such harmless demands as the offering of Salah and the payment of Zakah. Were made; but no sooner was the demand to fight in the way of Allah made on them than they were filled with terror and fear for their lives, and they forgot all about their religiosity. The third meaning is that during the pre-Islamic period, they were ready to fight for the sake of spoils or for the gratification of their whims, and were engaged day and night in war. That is why, after embracing Islam, they were enjoined to desist a while from fighting and to reform their hearts by means of Salah and Zakah. But when they were enjoined to fight in the way of Allah, the same people who showed reckless bravery in fighting for the sake of false pride, were showing timidity, and those who were dare-devils  turned into milk-sops and shirked. These three meanings apply to the three different categories of people and the words of the Arabic text are so comprehensive that they fit equally into all the three cases (91).

So you see those in whose hearts is disease (hypocrisy) hastening into (association with)  them, saying, “We are afraid a misfortune may strike us.” But perhaps Allah will bring conquest or a decision from Him, and they will become, over what they have been concealing within themselves, regretful. And those who believe will say,”Are these the ones who swore by Allah their strongest oaths that indeed they were with you?” Their deeds have become worthless, and they have become losers (92).

This refers to the condition of the hypocrites during the period when the conflict between Islam and kufr had not come to any decisive conclusion. Although Islam had become a power by dint of the sacrifices of its followers, the opposing forces were also very powerful and there were equal chances of the victory of either side. The hypocrites, while living among the Muslims, wanted to keep good relations with the Jews and the Christians so that if the conflict ended in the defeat of theMuslims, they might safely take refuge with their enemies. Then there was also the economic factor; at that time the Jews and the Christians were economically the most powerful people in Arabia. The money-lending business was almost entirely in their hands and they had a strong economic hold upon the people. Moreover, the most fertile regions of Arabia were in their possession. This also led the hypocrites to preserve their old relations with them. In short, they considered it very dangerous to break relations with these people because of the conflict between Islam and kufr, for they feared that it might ruin them economically and politically  (93).

And they swear by Allah that they are from among you while they are not from among you; but they are people who are afraid (94).

If they could find a refuge or some caves or any place to enter (and hide), they would turn to it while they run heedlessly (95).

Ibn Qayyim said, “Cowardice and miserliness come together, they are respectively not benefitting through one’s self and wealth. They are two causes of anguish, as the coward misses all sorts of pleasantries and gets pleasures which can only be attained through courage. 

Nature created strong innate dispositions toward self-preservation so that courageously sacrificing oneself for the benefit of genetically unrelated people is unnatural. In contrast to natural tendencies, cultural norms celebrate and reward courageous behaviour, especially during combat. Courage is a biologically unnatural, but culturally revered behaviour. Conversely, cowardice is a natural response to danger because humans, like all organisms, are instinctively prone to flee from situations that threaten their well-being. However, for men, cowardice is among the most culturally stigmatised behaviour (96).

Cowardice causes a number of harms at different levels from individuals to nations. For example, it results in self-humiliation, and leading an evil life, seeking the stations of the lowly; having no steadfastness and patience at times where they are necessary. It is a cause for laziness and love of comfort which are the root of all ignoble characteristics. It is a reason to accept every debasement and grievance. 

Cowardice is the deadly condition native to the heart of every human born. It fogs the mind when clarity is most needed, it shuts down the legs when rushing forward into danger is required, it clamps down the tongue when speaking Truth is mandatory, and it acts like glue applied to the derriere when standing up is essential (97).

4.11. Blame-Game 

They had been admonished for their attitude towards the Holy Prophet. When there was success and victory, they would attribute it to Allah’s grace and forget that Allah had blessed them with grace through the Holy Prophet. But when they suffered a defeat or had a set-back because of their own errors and weaknesses, they would lay the whole blame on the Holy Prophet, and would absolve themselves from all responsibility  (98).

And among them are some who criticise you concerning the (distribution of) charities. If they are given from them, they approve; but if they are not given from them, at once they become angry (99).

This was the condition of the hypocrites of Al-Madinah, the majority of whom were rich and old. Only one of them was young and none was poor. These people had large properties and a flourishing business in Al-Madinah. They were worldly wise and their wide experience had taught them expediency, but their sense of self-interest had put them into a dilemma. When Islam reached Al-Madinah and a large majority of the population embraced it sincerely and enthusiastically, they found themselves in a very perplexing situation. They could not reject it outrightly for the majority of their own people, nay, their own sons and daughters, were filled with enthusiasm for Islam. If they have remained unbelievers, they would have lost their high position, their prestige and reputation and run the risk of a rebellion by the Muslims of their own household. On the other hand, if they sincerely embraced Islam, they would incur the danger of war, not only with the whole of Arabia but also with the adjoining nations and empires. Above all, self-interest had so blinded them that, in resolving the dilemma, they would not consider the problem from the point of view of truth and the righteousness which by themselves are worthy of every sacrifice. Therefore they decided that the best thing for them was to profess Islam outwardly in order to make their positions, properties and businesses  secure, but to adopt a hypocritical attitude towards it so that they might be able to avoid the losses and perils inherent in the sincere acceptance of Islam. Verse 9:57 depicts the lilemma of the hypocrites, as if to say, “In reality these peoples are not Muslims, though they swear that they are Muslims like you; they profess Islam simply because they are afraid of losses they might incur, if they reject it overnight. Then they dare not stay at Al-Madinah as non-Muslims for they would lose the high positions they enjoyed and might even have to cut off their connection with their wives and children; and if they decided to emigrate from Al-Madinah, they would abandon their properties and businesses. But they are not prepared for these sacrifices for they have no sincere attachment even to kufr. Therefore they are compelled against their belief by the force of circumstances to remain in Al-Madinah: they offer their Salah but regard this as forced labour; they pay the Zakat dues but as a penalty, for they are in their heart of hearts averse to these things.To add to their calamities they are asked every now and then to make sacrifices of their lives and their wealth and to go forth for jihad and to fight with one enemy or the other. They are so afraid of these calamities that, in order to escape from them, they would run in a frantic haste to take refuge in any hole, if they hoped that it would provide immunity against these calamities  (100).

The people referred to were the hypocrites, who felt depressed on every occasion of the distribution of the Zakah collections, for they thought that they were not being given their due share. Then they would taunt the Holy Prophet with making unfair distributions. This happened when the payment of Zakah was made an obligatory duty on all those Muslims whose possessions exceeded the prescribed limits. They were required to contribute from their agricultural produce, animals, commercial commodities, minerals dug out of mines and the gold and silver they possessed, at different rates varying from 2.5% to 20% and all these were collected and spent in a systematic way from a central place. 

As a result of this so much wealth flowed into the hands of a single person, the Holy Prophet, that it had no parallel in the whole territory of Arabia. Naturally the materialists looked at these things with greedy eyes and wanted to grab as much as possible out of this wealth. But their greed could not be satisfied, for the Holy Prophet, who had made the use of Zakah Fund unlawful for his own person and for his own relatives, could not be expected to give anything out of it to any one who did not deserve it. It is thus obvious that they found fault with the Holy Prophet not because he was unfair in the distribution of the Zakah collections  but because he did not allow the hypocrites to grab anything from these without any right to them. They, however, very cunningly hid their real grievance, and accused the Holy Prophet of showing partiality and injustice in the distribution of the Zakah collections (101).

That is, it would have been much better for them if they had been content with their share of the spoils which the Holy Prophet gave them and what they earned by the grace of Allah and with the prosperity Allah had bestowed on them (102).

4.12. Lack of Sincerity

All the good acts they did as Muslims were lost because they lacked sincerity. The prayers they offered, the fast they observed, the Zakah dues they paid, and other things they did in obedience to the Islamic Law became null and void because there was no sincerity in them. They did not dedicate themselves wholly to Allah but had divided their loyalties equally between Allah and His rebels. For the sake of their worldly interests (103).

If good befalls you, it distresses them; but if disaster strikes you, they say, “We took our matter (in hand) before, and turn away while they are rejoicing. Say, “Never will we be struck except by what Allah has decreed for us: He is our Protector.” And upon Allah let the believers rely (104). 9:50-51

In this passage a demarcation has been made between the attitudes of a man of the world and a man of Allah. Whatever the man of the world does, he does it to please his own self. He exults if he attains some worldly ends but feels utterly dejected if he fails to attain them. Besides, he depends entirely on his material resources for his success and feels encouraged if these are favourable, but loses heart if these are unfavourable. In contrast to the man of the world, whatever the man of Allah does, he does it to please Him and trusts in Him and not in his own powers nor in material resources. Therefore he is neither exultant over his success in the cause of Allah nor loses heart by failure, for he believes that it is the Will of Allah that is working in both the cases. Therefore he is neither disheartened by disasters nor is filled with conceit by success. This is because he believes that both prosperity and adversity are from Allah and are nothing a trial for Him. Therefore his only worry is to do his best to come out successful in His test. Besides, as there are no worldly ends before him, he does not measure his success or failure by the achievements before his ends. On the other hand, the only objective before him is to sacrifice his life and wealth in the Way of Allah, and he measures the success or failure of his efforts by the standard he achieves in the performance of his duty. Therefore he is satisfied that he has done his best to perform this duty, he believes that he has come out successfully by the grace of Allah, though he might not have been able to accomplish anything from the worldly point of view; for he believes that his Allah in Whose cause he has expended his life and wealth will not let go waste the the reward of his efforts. As he does not depend on the material resources only, he is neither grieved if they are unfavourable, nor feels exultant when they are favourable. His entire trust is in Allah, who is the controller of all the resources; therefore he goes on doing his duty even under the most unfavourable circumstances with the same courage and perseverance that is shown by the worldly people in favourable circumstances alone. That is why Allah asked the Holy Prophet to say to the hypocrites, “There is a basic difference between you and us in regard to the conduct of affairs. We believe that both the good and the bad are from Allah: therefore the apparent result does not make us happy or sad. Moreover, we depend on Allah in our affairs and you depend on material resources; so we are content and happy in all circumstances” (105).

Say, “Do you await for us except one of the two best things (martyrdom or victory) while we wait for you that Allah will afflict you with punishment from Himself at our hands? So wait; indeed we, along with you, are waiting” (106).

This is the answer to those who, as usual, were not taking any part in the conflict between Islam and kufr, but were very wisely watching it from a distance to see whether the Holy Prophet and his Companions would return victorious from Tabuk or would be totally destroyed by the powerful Roman army. They were told that either of the two results they were awaiting, would be good for the Muslims. For it was obvious that it would be a good thing if they won. But even if they were killed in the Way of Allah, it would be a success from their point of view, though not in the sight of the world, as the Muslims’ standard of measurement is different from that of the hypocrites and the like. A Believer considers it his success if he sacrifices his life and wealth in the Way of Allah, irrespective of whether he succeeds in conquering some country or in establishing a government or not. According to him the criterion of success or failure is whether he has extended or not all the powers of his body and soul, his head and his heart to elevate the Word of Allah, though from the worldly point of view the result of his efforts might be nothing at all  (107).

Say, “Spend willingly or unwillingly; never will it be accepted from you. Indeed, you have definitely been a disobedient people.” And what prevents their expenditure from being accepted from them but that they have disbelieved in Allah and in His Messenger and that they come not to pray except while they are lazy and that they do not spend except while they are unwilling. So let not their wealth or their children impress you. Allah only intends to punish them through them in worldly life and that their souls should depart (at death) while they are disbelievers (108).

Verse 9:53 is a sharp retort to those hypocrites who desired exemption from jihad but, at the same time, wanted to make some monetary contributions in order to avoid the exposure of their hypocrisy. They said, “Please grant us leave from the military service because we are unable to do this, but we are ready to make monetary contributions towards it.” To this Allah retorted, saying, “Whatever you may contribute, it shall not be accepted……….”  (109).

“Allah wills to chastise them by means of these things in this world…….,” because of their great love for their children and wealth as these misled them to adopt the hypocritical attitude which, in turn, degraded them in the Muslim society. Consequently, in the Islamic System they would lose the respect, the reputation and the prestige they enjoyed in the pre-Islamic society. On the contrary, even the Muslim slaves and the sons of slaves, the farmers and the shepherds, who proved the sincerity of their Faith would win honour in the new system, and the big hereditary chiefs, who refrained from this because of their love of the world, would lose their fame, honour and prestige.

In order to illustrate the above we cite an incident that happened during the Caliphate of Hadrat Umar. Once some big chiefs of the Quraish including Suhail-bin-Amr and Harith-bin-Hisham, went to see Caliph Umar and took their seats near him. Soon after this some humble people from among the Muhajirin and the Ansar came there. The Caliph asked those chiefs to make room for them, and seated these humble people near his own seat. This went on for some time till these chiefs reached the remotest corner in the assembly. When they came out, Harith bin Hisham said to his companions, “You have noticed humiliating treatment has been meted out to us today!” Suhail bin Amr replied, “It is no fault of Umar but it is our own fault. When we were invited to Islam, we turned away from it, but these humble people accepted it and made sacrifices for it.” Then both of them returned to the meeting and said, “Today we have noticed your treatment and we feel that it is all due to our own shortcomings, but tell us if there is a way for us to make atonements for our past failures.” The Caliph did not make any reply but merely pointed towards the Roman territory, which meant that the only way of regaining their prestige was to expend their lives and wealths in doing jihad there  (110).

“They would die in a state of unbelief” because of their hypocrisy, which would not let them attain sincere Faith till they die. Thus after ruining their moral and spiritual lives in this world, they would leave it in the state of unbelief, which will ruin their lives in the Hereafter in a far worse way  (111).

4:13. Guilty Conscience 

The brief statement portrays the state of their guilty conscience.  Since they fully well knew what game of hypocrisy they were playing under the screen of their superficial faith, they always remained in a state of alarm, thinking as to when the secret of their treason might might be exposed, or the believers might feel disgusted with their evil deeds and machinations and take them to task for them. If ever a cry was raised anywhere in the city, or a noise was heard; they immediately grew alarmed and thought it was directed against themselves. These hidden enemies are more dangerous than the open enemies. Do not be deceived by their outward appearances. Beware of them for they can deceive you any moment (112).

 4.14. Arrogance

An arrogant person is one who has an exaggerated opinion of himself and therefore super-imposes it on others. He has a form of superiority complex. Arrogance is the act or habit of arrogating, or making undue claims in an overbearing manner; that species of pride which consists in exorbitant claims of rank,dignity, estimation, or power, or which exalts the worth or importance of the person to an undue degree; proud contempt of others; lordliness; haughtiness; self-assumption; and presumption. 

And when it is said to them, “Come, the Messenger of Allah will ask forgiveness for you,” they turn their heads aside and you see them evading while they are arrogant  (113).

An arrogant person considers himself perfect. This is the chief harm of arrogance. It interferes with a person’s main task in lids – becoming a better person (Leo Tolstoy). 

Learning and innovation go hand in hand. The arrogance of success is to think that what you did yesterday will be sufficient for tomorrow (William Pollard). 

There is a very thin line between confidence and arrogance (Adam Peaty). 

Arrogance on the part of the meritorious is even more offensive to us than the arrogance of those without merit: for merit itself is offensive (Friedrich Nietzsche). 

5. CONCLUSIONFurther information on afore-mentioned topics and some other aspects of hypocrisy will be available in our book entitled ‘SPIRITUAL DISEASES: INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT’ in a short span of time. Insha Allah. 

Some Aspect of Diseases

Some Aspects of Diseases


This is the fifth article of the Men and Evil Web. In this article we intend to discuss some aspects of diseases with special reference to spiritual diseases (sickness of the spiritual heart). In connection with human beings, diseases can be divided into two main categories: physical diseases and spiritual diseases. It is necessary to differentiate ‘spiritual disease’ from that of ‘physical disease.’ Physical disease is the sickness of the physical body, while spiritual disease is the sickness of the spiritual heart (Soul). Some people define the spiritual disease as the disease of the freedom of will (obsession with some kind of sin). The more a person commits sins the more severe disease one faces. There are certain diseases which may be considered both: the physical and the spiritual.

In this article we will discuss in the light of Revealed Knowledge and acquired (scientific) knowledge, the concept of health and sickness, spiritual health and sickness, seriousness of spiritual sickness, classification of spiritual diseases, causes of spiritual diseases, spirituality as a component of disease management, and integrated management of physical diseases. 


The health is a balance between a person and the environment, the unity of soul and body, and the natural origin of disease. It was the backbone of the perception of health in ancient Greek. For example, Plato in his ‘Dialogues’ mentions: a healthy mind in a healthy body can be achieved if people establish internal harmony and harmony with the physical and the social environment. Aristotle emphasized the necessity for regulating the relations in the society to achieve harmonious functioning and preservation of health of its members. Hippocrates was the founder of the concept of ‘positive health,’ which depended on the primary human constitution (in modern language ‘genetics’), diet and exercise. In the 5th century BC, Pindar defined health as ‘harmonious functioning of the organs,’ emphasizing the physical dimension of health, the physical body, and the overall functionality, accompanied by the feeling of comfort and absence of pain.    

All modern concepts of health recognise health as more than the absence of disease, implying a maximum capacity of the individual for self-realisation and self-fulfilment. The holistic concept of health is contained in the expression of wholeness. Both health and illness are dynamic processes and each person is located on a graduated scale or continuous spectrum ranging from wellness and optimal functioning in every aspect of one’s life.  

Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity (WHO). With the passage of time certain modifications were made in the WHO definition of health by the addition of a fourth dimension i.e. the inclusion of spiritual health. Generally speaking, spiritual health involves a sense of fulfilment and satisfaction with our lives, system of values, self-confidence and self-esteem, self-awareness and presence, peacefulness and tranquallity with dynamic emotional balance, both internal and toward the environment, morality and truthfulness, selflessness, positive emotions, compassion and willingness to help and support others, responsibility and contribution to the common good, and successful management of everyday life problems and demands as well as social stress(1).

Paul King is of the view that diseases of flesh are physical in nature and are treated using the traditional medical model: a history is taken, physical exam and laboratory or other tests are conducted, and treatment is discussed with the patient, physicians also discuss prevention ideas such as diet and exercise. Diseases of the spiritual heart  may result from the misuse of short-term anxiety – relieving techniques and may not be adequately addressed by the medical model. For example, drinking to relieve stress may lead to alcoholism; opiates and benzodiazepines can lead to abuse problems and chemical dependency; sexual promiscuity may become sex addiction; excessive gambling and shopping may lead to financial ruin; and pornography can lead to sex offender behaviour. The spiritual heart requires sustenance and care, and its neglect can lead to disorders, just as neglect of the body leads to physical disease. 

The normal state of an organism represents a condition of delicate physiological balance, or homeostasis, in terms of chemical, physical, and functional processes, maintained by a complex of mechanisms that are not yet fully understood. 

Sickness is any harmful deviation from the normal structural or functional state of an organism, generally disease is associated with certain signs and symptoms and differing in nature from physical injury. Thus, the normal condition of an organism must be understood in order to recognize the hallmarks of disease. The disease represents the consequences of a breakdown of the homeostatic control mechanism.


Spiritual health means a person with a healthy spiritual heart. If the spiritual heart is healthy all senses, organs, limbs and other parts of the body will be healthy. If the spiritual heart of a person is sick, then one’s senses, and other parts and limbs of the body will become spiritually sick and will not be able to perform their functions for which they have been created. Any deviation from Allah’s Commandments and that of teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) will result in the sickness of human personality. The concept of health and spiritual diseases becomes clear from the Qur’an and the traditions of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh): 

In their hearts is disease, so Allah has increased their disease; and for them is a painful punishment because they (habitually) used to lie (2).

The disease mentioned in this verse includes doubt, hypocrisy, arrogance and disbelief.

O mankind, there has come to you instruction from your Lord and healing for what is in the breasts and guidance and mercy for the believers (3).

And We sent down the Qur’an which is healing and mercy for the believers, but it does not increase the wrongdoers except in loss (4).

He has certainly succeeded who purifies himself (5).

And (by) the soul and He who proportioned it; and inspired it (with discernment of) its wickedness and its righteousness. He has succeeded who purifies it. And he has failed who instills it (with corruption) (6).

The Soul (Spirit) is also known as the spiritual heart, and these two terms are used interchangeably in the literature. Some religious scholars are of the view that the Soul resides in the heart, while others assert that it is attached to the heart. Every organ of the body has a function; and when it fails to perform its prescribed function, it means it is not healthy but sick. The function of the spiritual heart is to know its Creator, to love Him, and to get closeness to Him. If the heart fails to perform its functions as a ruler and a king of human personality then it is considered sick. It is important to mention here that ailments make the heart weak. When the heart gets sick, it loses its desire and ability to do truthful utterances and perform  good deeds. This affects the morals and manners, and general behaviour of a person. 

Moral vices and sins lead to sickness of the spiritual heart.. Human beings are able to purge their heart through establishing a relationship with Allah Almighty and then take actions to reform the outside world. The worlds are run by Allah’s will based on prudence and mercy. All events happen with Allah’s authorization, and human beings have to respond to them. It is imperative to recognize the patient’s spiritual response to illness that can appear as symptoms of an unsound heart or sick heart due to the pains caused by sickness and then alleviate the patient’s suffering with the help of spiritual approaches for the transformation of the sick heart to a healthy one (7).

Spiritual disease is a lack of hope in Allah, deviation from His Commandments and the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh); the patient of spiritual diseases becomes unable to distinguish between right and wrong; good deeds and bad deeds; and one becomes servant of Satan instead of the Creator and the Maintainer of the universe.

Some examples of spiritual diseases are arrogance and conceit (al-kibr wa al-ghurur), ostentation (ar-riya), jealousy or envy, hate and conceit, (al-hasad, al-hiqd, al-ghish), suspicion (su’az-zann), anger (al-ghadab), stinginess (al-Bukhl), love of power, money, position and fame, etc. These are called ‘diseases of the spiritual heart.’(amrad al-Qalb), and they lead to major sins if they are not managed properly.

Through the spiritual heart, human beings acquire the knowledge of Allah Almighty and His attributes; attains nearness to Him, or it takes away from Him depending upon the condition of the heart. If a person deviates from the Straight Path, the heart becomes sick and becomes susceptible to spiritual disease  or diseases. A healthy heart is accepted by Allah (swt) and such a heart remains in touch with Him, while the heart which remains busy in things other than Allah, it drifts away from Him..

The heart remains most of the time in an unstable condition – sometimes it reaches the last limit of Satan and just the next moment it achieves very high status among the known creations of Allah Almighty. It is therefore necessary to acquire in depth knowledge relating to spiritual knowledge which is the root of religion. Spiritual heart is a basic subtle element which has connection with the material heart  and has a link with Allah and His angels. It will be rewarded and punished according to one’s faith and deeds. Hands, feet, eyes, ears, tongue and other outward and inward organs of the body are the submissive servants of the spiritual heart. 

According to Imam Gazzali, their submission to the heart is like that of angels of Allah Almighty. The senses and other organs are necessary for the health of the heart in the journey of life and to achieve true success, as conveyance and food are necessary for the body. It has to cross many stations to meet Allah. Body is the conveyance or carrier of the heart and its food is knowledge. To reach Allah is impossible for it till the body does not remain sound. To take food which keeps the health of the body is necessary and to avoid that which is harmful to it. Greed for food and drink have been created in the heart as they are necessary for the upkeep of the body (8).

 For a healthy spiritual heart, a healthy physical heart and healthy body are required. The health of the body depends on the availability, selection,  ingestion, and digestion of balanced food. In this connection human senses (power of sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch) and the coordination of different organs and senses is required. The food of the spiritual heart is knowledge, especially the revealed knowledge.The system of human personality works on sound basis if the spiritual heart is able to have full control over internal and external senses and internal and external body limbs and organs.

The position of the intellect is that of advisor of the king. If the heart fails to control his public or is attacked by the evil web it will become sick and the possessor of such a heart will get astray. The disease will lower the level of resistance against the evil web. Occurrence of one disease may invite a number of other diseases and such a complex of diseases may make the heart helpless against Iblis and his web. If the heart fights against evil forces with the help of its conscience, seeks help from pious forces such as angels and comes under the protection or refuge of Allah against internal enemy (lower soul) and external enemies, and does righteous deeds, it can defeat all of them and become resistant against their attacks with the grace and help of Allah.

There is a need to remove the impurities, contamination and infection of both physical and spiritual heart that has fallen on both types of hearts due to bad habits, eating of unhygienic food and drinks and by committing sins. Knowledge of Allah (swt) does not enter in the spiritual heart if it is already filled up with things other than Allah. The person who remains busy in the remembrance and worship of Allah Almighty and does righteous deeds, the evil forces do not dare to attack such persons, and their hearts remain healthy. It is therefore necessary to make efforts to keep both the physical as well as spiritual constituents of human personality healthy and protect them from all types of diseases. It is evident that those who make efforts only for their physical comforts become like beasts or other lower animals.

Heart directly influences areas of the brain integral to emotion production and regulation. The construction of emotional experience is not only influenced via the heart-brain axis, but via neurons that stem from the heart itself. It has become evident that spirituality and emotions are inextricably linked. Intuition initiates in the heart; which houses the soul. The spiritual heart is open and expressive and its energy is not merely confined within the physical body, but is found beyond the limits of the body. Capacity for spiritual experience is innate and lies dormant until it is exploited properly. The spiritual heart may have a physiological vigor and vitality due to harmonization of mind, body and soul, etc.

Spiritual diseases of the heart are those sins which are committed by the heart and cannot be seen. They have an impact also on our outer actions, because they are often the cause of other sins. If we do not cure these diseases we cannot get rid of the cycle of sin (9).

Spiritual diseases may result from the misuse of short-term anxiety-relieving techniques and may not be adequately addressed by the medical model (10).

Shamanism is a spiritual practice, it cuts across various faiths and creeds, reaching deep levels of ancestral memory (John Matthews). This spiritual practice is sound in different cultures around the world from ancient times to the present time (E. E. Baken Centre for Spirituality and Healing). According to American psychologist Stanley Kripper, Shamans are “community-assigned magico-religious professionals who deliberately alter their consciousness in order to obtain information from the ‘spirit world.’ They use this knowledge and power to help and to treat people.” 

Shamanism encompasses the oldest form of healing and psycho-spiritual and energetic practices and sophisticated technology of consciousness known to mankind. It offers an interconnected ecological, cosmological, and evolutionary perspective of our sense of Self, our embodied present moment sensory and sensual awareness of being. According to them everything that exists is alive and has a spirit or vital essence. Consciousness is not solely dependent on our physical existence. It crosses boundaries of time and space, language, culture, race and species. The wider field of consciousness can communicate via images, symbols, intuition, inner knowing, direct revelation, and bodily felt sensations. Everything in the universe including human beings is an interconnected and reciprocal web of life. In this connection Chief Seattle says: This we know: The Earth does not belong to man, man belongs to the earth. All things are connected like the Blood that unites one family. Man did not weave the web of life; He is merely a strand in it.

As a natural consequence of the interconnected web of life, psycho-spiritual, neuro-social, ecological, and energetic realm of our creative consciousness can be assessed in order to acquire resources and information that may assist in the healing of an individual, community and our world. The ultimate causes of virtually of all illnesses are to be found within the imaginal realms – those same regions from which illnesses derive their initial power to affect us adversely. Because of this it is not enough to simply suppress the effects of illness with medication of the physical plane and hope for the best. For true healing to occur, the causes of the illness must be addressed. From the shaman’s perspective, there are three classic causes of illness, and they are not microbes, bacteria, or viruses. Rather they are negative internal states that appear within us in response to negative or traumatic life experiences. These include disharmony, fear, and soul loss. Disharmony is what we experience when life suddenly loses its meaning, or when we have lost an important connection to life. This causes a diminishment of our personal power or disempowerment in a subtle manner or in a catastrophic way and affects our energetic matrix, rendering us vulnerable to illness. Fear produces disharmony, disharmony generates fear, and if both are working together it affects the protective mantle of the body’s immune system, as well as the energetic matrix and results in illness. Soul loss is regarded as the most serious factor and it is considered as damage to one’s life essence. It results in trauma and in severe cases causes fragmentation of one’s soul cluster and these soul parts may not return to their original position  (11).

The most manifest attribute of the lower soul is lust (shahwat). Lust is a thing that is dispersed in different parts of the human body, and is served by the senses. One is bound to guard one’s senses from it, because one shall be questioned concerning the act of each sense. The lust of the eye is sight, that of the ear is hearing, that of the nose is smell, that of the tongue is speech, that of the palate is taste, that of the body is touch, and that of the mind is thought. It behoves the seeker of Allah (swt) to spend his whole life, day and night, in ridding himself of these incitements to passion which show themselves through the senses, and to pray Allah Almighty to make him such that this desire will be removed from his inward nature, since whoever is with lust is veiled all spiritual things. If anyone should repel it by his own exertions, his task would be long and painful. The right way is resignation (12).

The spiritual heart is like a mirror in which the evils and virtues are reflected. The virtues make the heart shining, resplendent, and bright, but the evils and sins make it dark. The sins are like smokes full of darkness which covers the heart. One sin after another comes over the heart like a layer of smoke till one’s heart gets completely enveloped with darkness. As a result, the heart becomes removed from Allah (swt). When sins accumulate in the heart, it becomes blind to good things of religion. When a person commits a sin, a black spot falls in one’s heart. When one repents, it blots out. Again when one commits sin, the spot increases in size. Thus if sins are committed one after another, the heart becomes dark and that is the seal on the heart (13). We have already discussed in previous article about the death or sealing of the heart.

No! Rather, the stain has covered their hearts of that which they were earning (14).


Spiritual diseases are comparatively more dangerous than those of the physical diseases, because physical diseases to the extreme extent can cause death of a person, but the spiritual diseases badly affect in this world and prove very detrimental from death to onward journey and result into very bad final  abode in the hereafter (15).

As the body becomes sick and requires care, the spiritual heart also needs spiritual care. The treatment of both are same in certain aspects, but different in other cases. A physically healthy person may be sick spiritually and vice versa. However, there is a need to treat both types of diseases in an integrated manner. In certain cases physically healthy persons may suffer from spiritual diseases due to deviation from the religion of Islam. Sometimes human beings with physical diseases also suffer from spiritual crises due to fear and anxiety about the likelihood of losing their health. 

One disease may become the cause of other diseases. For example, arrogance and conceit stem from egotism and overestimation of oneself and one’s abilities or merits, which leads sometimes to the denial of the Creator, as happened in case of Satan; ostentation may lead one to hypocrisy; jealousy, envy, hate and conceit; jealousy and envy lead to hate, deceit, and violence; suspicion comes from lack of trust and confidence in others; suspicion creates cynicism and takes away hope and optimism; suspicion sometimes leads to violence; stinginess stems from selfishness, materialism, and too much love of this world. Stinginess leads sometimes to cheating and dishonesty. 

The spiritual heart is like a fort and Satan wishes to enter it and commit havoc. In order to save it from the attack of Satan, one must guard the doors of the fort. It is impossible for one to guard them unless one knows the mechanism of attack of Satan. A great door for Satan’s entry is anger and sexual passion. When intelligence is weak, the forces of Satan attack it. Whenever any person gets angry, Satan plays with him. When a person gets angry, Satan moves in one’s  body like the circulation of blood; and he holds control over a person at the time of anger. When a person has a haughty temper, Satan overturns him as a boy overturns his toys. When a person has got greed for anything, Satan makes him deaf and blind.

Hastiness comes from Satan, therefore one should avoid it. Another great door of Satan is to have wealth and properties beyond necessity. If one possesses surplus wealth he cannot enjoy peace and he wants more and more and there is no end in this regard. Another great door of Satan is miserliness and fear of poverty, they prevent charity and expense, encourage hoarding and create greed for wealth. There is no weapon stronger to Satan than fear of poverty. One of the great doors for Satan to enter is love for sect and hatred for opponents. These are such faults for which the theologians are ruined, because to disclose the faults of others is the beastly conduct of man. Bad opinions about Muslim also encourage Satan to attack the spiritual heart (16).

Sick body not only badly affects physical activities of human personality, but also  affects one’s worship of Allah (swt). In severe cases, the body ceases to work and it needs proper care and treatment, otherwise its death may occur. 

The diseases of the spiritual heart and its death are more dangerous than those of the body. The physical diseases, to maximum extent, can cause death of the body – the separation of the Soul from the body temporarily. The purpose of this separation is to shift a person from time zone to non-time zone. In the non-time zone, union of body and Soul again occurs in the grave. It means human journey continues and it stops for a while. The grave is a temporary abode and it is generally a resting phase, after a short span of time the journey will start again on the Day of Judgment. 

On the other hand, spiritual diseases cause the death of the spiritual heart in this world. After the death of the spiritual heart, apparently people are alive and they are performing their duties not for the sake of Allah, but for the sake of Satan and for his evil web; they have eyes but they cannot see; they have ears, but they cannot hear; they have heart but they cannot perceive and use their faculty of reason and become unable to ponder on Allah’s signs. In other words they do not remain in a position to use their senses and body parts and limbs in a proper way, but misuse them in all their utterances and actions. They become aggressors, oppressors, violators of all rules and regulations; they use their wealth and authority in creating fitna in the world. In short, they become the worst of all the creatures in the world. The sickness of the heart results in loss of spiritual pleasure in worship; no joy in remembrance of Allah; no surge of faith; and subsequently the intensity and severity of the disease increases and one may reach to the death of the heart due to which one’s life in this world becomes miserable and one will face difficulties at the time of death, in the grave and onward journey and one’s final and permanent abode will be Hell. 

People with a polished spiritual heart welcome their death and feel pleasure of meeting with their Lord in the hereafter. Their graves are one of the orchards of Paradise; their souls are welcomed by angels in the heavens; their whole period in the grave may become enjoyable on the resurrection Day; they drink water from the pond of Kausar when there will be no other source of water; they will be under the shade of Allah’s Throne, when there will be no other shade and their final abode will be in the Paradise eternally.     


Diseases have be classified into two main categories: physical diseases and spiritual diseases, or diseases of the body (physical diseases) and diseases of the spiritual heart (spiritual diseases). Religious scholars have divided diseases into two categories: shubuhat and shabawat. The first category is known as shubuhat  or obfuscation, which relates to impaired understanding, such as doubt and anxiety relating to Divine Providence. Heart is vulnerable to anxiety and agitation. The second category is known as shahawat, which means base desires of the lower soul – the desires which exceed their state, as when people live merely to satisfy these urges and are led by them. 

The spiritual diseases have also been classified into two categories: the diseases which cause pain in the body, especially in the heart. Some examples of painful diseases are extreme sadness and anger, hatred, envy, displeasure with divine decree, negative thoughts, displeasure with blame, etc. Anger is such a spiritual disease which causes undesirable changes in a person’s behaviour and attitude. The patient of this disease becomes restless, and the rate of his heartbeat increases. 

The second category of diseases that apparently do not cause any pain include superstitions, innovations, iniquity, love of the world, and fraud, etc. Some of the spiritual diseases include love for wealth, arrogance, jealousy, narcissism, pretense, stinginess, lying, backbiting, and negligence, etc. These diseases do not cause any pain and the patient feels no disturbance or discomfort. These diseases are very dangerous and deteriorate the human personality but apparently they do not cause any pain.  

Desired-based diseases are those in which instead of revealed knowledge, one follows one’s own desires in utterances and actions. If these diseases are properly established not only ruin the heart, but in severe cases may cause death of the heart as well. The major cause of these diseases is to deviate from Allah’s Commands and the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and follow one’s own desires in utterances and in actions. These diseases may induce susceptibility against other diseases of the heart as a result of reduction of light of faith in the heart and the lower soul of that person becomes strong. Human desires are of diverse nature such as desire to develop relationships with opposite sex; desire of wealth, name, fame and status, etc. In this connection the Qur’an says: 

And do not approach unlawful sexual intercourse696. Indeed, it is ever an immorality and is evil as a way (17).

EN 696: Avoid all situations that might possibly lead to sexual intercourse (Saheeh International). 

And do not kill the soul (person) which Allah has forbidden, except by right697. And whoever is killed unjustly  – We have given his heir authority, but let him not exceed limits in (the matter of) taking life. Indeed, he has been  supported (by the law) (18).

EN 697: Through legal justice or during jihad (Saheeh International). 

O you who have believed, do not enter houses other than your own houses until you ascertain welcome and greet their inhabitants. That is best for you, perhaps you will be reminded (advised) (19).

Tell the believing men to reduce (some) of their vision and guard their private parts935 That is purer for them. Indeed, Allah is (fully) Aware of what they do (20).

EN 935: From being seen and from unlawful acts (Saheeh International). 

And  tell the believing women to reduce (some) of their vision936 and guard their private parts and not expose their adornment937 except that which (necessarily) appears thereof938 and to wrap (a portion of) their head covers over their chests and not expose their adornment (beauty) except to their husbands, their fathers, their husband’s fathers, their sons, their husband’s sons, their brothers, their brothers’ sons, their sisters’ sons, their women, that which their right hands possess (slaves) or those male attendants having no physical desires939 or children who are not yet aware of the private aspects of women. And let them not stamp to make known what they conceal of their adornment. And turn to Allah in repentance, all of you, O believers, that you might succeed (21).

EN 936: Looking only at what is lawful and averting their eyes from what is unlawful (Saheeh International). 

EN 937: Both natural beauty, such as hair or body shape, and that with which a woman beautifies herself of clothing, jewellery, etc. (Saheeh International). 

EN 938: The outer garments or whatever might appear out of necessity, such as a part of the face or the hands (Saheeh International).  

EN 939: Referring to an abnormal condition in which a man is devoid of sexual feeling (Saheeh International).  

The  Holy Prophet said, “Neither a  man should meet a woman in isolation nor any woman travel alone but can travel with her mehram” (22).

In another tradition it has been said that when a woman travels with a man who is not mehram, in that case that person is not alone but Satan accompanies him in order to mislead (23).

In this connection guidelines are available in the Qur’an and in the traditions of the Holy Prophet. If his teachings are followed properly with the grace of Allah, one save oneself from such diseases. 

Allah has set a seal upon their hearts and upon their hearing, and over their vision is a veil.12 And for them is a great punishment (24).

EN 12: A veil or covering preventing them from discerning guidance. This condition is a direct result of their arrogance and persistence in sin (Saheeh International). 

In their hearts is disease, so Allah has increased their disease;13 and for them is a painful punishment because they (habitually) used to lie (25).

EN 13: The ‘disease’ mentioned here includes doubt, hypocrisy, arrogance, and disbelief (Saheeh International). 

Sh. Abdul Rahman Al-Saadi writes in his ‘Tayseer Al-Kareem Al-Mannan Fi Tafseer Kalam’ on the commentary of verse 2:10 of the Qur’an here, disease means shahwat (desires), shubhaat (doubts) and  hypocrisy. This disease means having doubt about any Commandment of Allah, having doubt or insisting to discuss the well established and proven facts from the Qur’an and the Sunnah, etc. are the manifestations of such spiritual diseases in a person. 

In this connection the Holy Qur’an says: 

They are not but (mere) names you have named them – you and your forefathers – for which Allah has sent down no authority. They follow not except assumption and what (their) souls desire, and there has already come to them from their Lord guidance (26).

Doubt-based diseases are more dangerous than those based on desires, because such diseases lead to hypocrisy, innovations, polytheism, disbeliefs and subsequently result in displeasure of Allah and utter failure in this world and in the hereafter. 


There are a number of causes of spiritual diseases in human beings which are evident from the Qur’an and the traditions of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). The root cause of all spiritual diseases is the attack of Satan and his evil web on humans’ spiritual hearts. The heart is like a fort in which there are a number of doors. Depending upon the condition of the heart, from each door may come good things or bad things. Human senses are the gates of knowledge, and knowledge may be useful, useless or harmful. Thoughts may be good or bad; good thoughts are known as ilham (inspiration), and bad thoughts are called waswasa (whisperings of devils). One should avail the opportunity of inspiration, but in case of whispering of Satan, one should shut up the door completely and remember Allah Almighty, and worship Him, and come under His protection, then Satan will not be able to attack one’s heart.

Generally, the door of passion, hatred and greed remains open towards the heart. The devil of a true believer is weak and thin, but the devil of a person with a sick heart is robust, stout and powerful. However, in certain cases even true believers are caught by Iblis and his evil web. In this connection there is a wonderful story and this story was told by the Messenger of Allah to his Companions:  

There was a hermit among the children of Israel. Once Satan snared a woman and he generated in the minds of her family members that her cure is in the hands of the hermit. They took the woman to the hermit and requested him to keep her with him for treatment, but he was inclined to keep her. Being greatly requested, he was convinced kept the woman with him for treatment. Then Satan came to the hermit and gave him an evil suggestion. The hermit then cohabited with the woman who became pregnant as a result. Then Satan came to the hermit again and again and tried to convince him to kill the woman, and told him otherwise her family members would come and kill you. Satan told him that if they ask you about the woman, you can tell them that she had died. Then, the hermit killed the woman and buried her. Satan then came to the family members of the woman and told them that hermit killed her as the woman became pregnant owing to his cohabitation with her. When they came to the hermit for the woman, he told them that she had died. Then Satan came to the hermit and said to him: I will save you from them if you obey my command. Prostrate before me twice. When the hermit made prostration before Satan, he said: I am now free from you (27). 

The founder of evil web (Iblis) and all the members of the web use diverse tactics to mislead people from the Straight Path. Any deviation from this path  leads to  one, two or more spiritual diseases simultaneously. 

 But as for those in whose hearts is disease, it has (only) increased them in evil (in addition) to their veil. And they will have died while they are disbelievers. Do they not see they are tried every year once or twice but then they do not repent nor do they remember? And whenever a surah is revealed, they look at each other, (as if saying), “Does anyone see you?” And then they dismiss themselves. Allah has dismissed their hearts because they are a people who do not understand. (28).

The Holy Qur’an explains reasons for spiritual diseases in different contexts in various verses. There are a number of reasons, such as feeling of superiority over others (11:25-28); apostasy (5:51-54); mocking those who are inviting towards the path of truth (2:10-14, 74:30-31); abstinence from the authority of Allah (24:48-50); lying,  accusations, and not protecting the dignity of believers. Traditions of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) also mention a number of causes of spiritual diseases, such as excessive or over eating; eating forbidden food; too much sleeping; and excessive laughing.  

The five senses collect almost all information from the environment in a number of ways and supply it to the spiritual heart. Generally, the senses are known as the gates of knowledge and the head is the shrine of the senses. There are five senses and five types of stimuli, in this way each stimulus is connected with one sense organ to react to it: vision reacts to visible things, hearing reacts to audible things, smell reacts to to the various smells, taste glands react to the various tastes, and touch reacts to tactile stimuli. 

In addition to senses and stimuli, Allah (swt) with His great wisdom has created certain aids to help in the process of sensing. The sense of sight is assisted by light rays; the sense of hearing is assisted by the air which carries sounds and deliver it to the ear; the sense of smell is assisted by the soft breeze; the sense of taste is assisted by the saliva; the sense of touch is assisted by a certain power conferred on it by Allah, through which it perceives the touched things.

Everything that becomes known to human beings passes through five senses, except intuitive knowledge and Divine inspiration, and in each sense there is purity and impurity; for, just as they open to knowledge, reason, and soul, so they are open to imagination and passion, being organs which partake of piety and sin and of felicity and misery. Four of the senses (hearing, sight, taste, smell) have a particular locus, but the fifth, namely the touch, is spread over the whole body.   

Guarding the eyes from lustful looks, and the ear from listening to evil talk about anyone in one’s absence, and the tongue from vain or foul word, and body from following after worldly things and disobedience to Allah. Imprison your tongue and your senses. To imprison the senses is complete self-mortification, because all kinds of knowledge are acquired through the five senses (29).

He further writes: the means of acquiring knowledge are five. Allah has created for the heart these five avenues, and has made every kind of knowledge depend on one of them. Out of the five senses, hearing is superior to other senses. Allah has sent Apostles with true evidence, but belief in His Apostles does not become obligatory until the obligatoriness of knowing Allah is ascertained by means of hearing. It is hearing, then, that makes religion obligatory; and for this reason it can be concluded that hearing is superior to sight in the domain of religious obligation. Moreover, all religious ordinances are based on hearing and could not be established without it; and all the Prophets on their appearance first spoke in order that those who heard them might believe, then in the second place they showed miracles which also were corroborated by hearing (30).

The eyes work as a guide, guard, and pilot for the human personality. Both eyes contain different layers, a pupil, eyelid and eyelashes. The lens of the eye is transparent therefore reflects light-rays that pass through it, focusing them to one point (the Retina), whatever the distance of the object may be. Eyes are capable of engulfing the whole horizon from east to west and can see various celestial bodies in one glance. Eyes receive various colours, see things of various sizes and shapes, therefore these work as guides to move, guide to select things. Eyes contain a saline liquid which protects them from various harmful small creatures, especially insects. 

The appropriate use of eyes such as acquisition of knowledge, recitation of the Qur’an, reading of the traditions of the Prophet Muhammad, earning livelihood, seeing and pondering over Allah’s signs in the universe, are some of the appropriate uses of eyes, and there is great reward for such types of uses. Lot of information is available both in the Revealed knowledge and acquired knowledge, but here we are mainly concerned with the disadvantages and sins due misuse of the eyes. 

The one who cannot control one’s eyes cannot save his organ. Take care of your eyes as it sows the seed of sexual passion in your heart and that is sufficient for creating danger. Eye sight is a poisonous arrow out of the arrows of Satan. Two eyes commit fornication by sight, which may lead to fornication practically by sexual organ. Casting of look out of passion is prohibited (31).

The sense of hearing in human beings consists of two ears. The outer ear is made hollow, similar to a shell, so that it may collect sound, and then convey it to the outer ear canal. It has convolutions, grooves and windings that enable it to catch incoming air and sound, and funnel it to the outer ear canal after softening it. The air carries sound and delivers it to the ear, which receives and processes it, conveying it to the hearing faculty and after processing sends it to the brain.  A semi-liquid substance (ear wax) work as repellent  for  insects and other small creatures in order to save the inner ear from them.  Ears receive different voices, and those voices may of recitation of the Qur’an, or voices of songs. Proper use of ears may lead prove helpful to maintain the health of the spiritual heart or even may improve its health. On the other hand their misuse may result into the sickness of the heart.

Nose is mounted on the face, which gives it a nice shape and size. It consists of two nostrils in order to  divide it into two chambers. It also inhales air for breathing; it is the receiver of waste material which comes from the brain and is collected and drained out. In short, the nose is a pipe and conduit that receives waste material and the channel for the ascending air. The barrier in the middle protects the inhaled air from being contaminated by the impurity that descends from the head. As the liquid flows down, it occupies one of the nostrils in most cases, leaving the other for breathing; if it flows through both nostrils, the liquid will be on one side, leaving enough space for the inhaled air. There is great wisdom of dividing the nose into two chambers. The nose has the power to perceive and distinguish different types of smells. Air carries the scent, and then delivers it to the smelling faculty, it spreads in the nasal cavities, where it comes in contact with the cilia, and it is processed and interpreted through a complicated process and   the nose becomes able to  perceive and distinguish the smells. This quality of nose proves helpful for saving one from negative effects of bad smell on one’s health.

Tongue works as an interpreter of the heart in the human personality. Imam Gazzali has discussed the role of tongue in detail. According to him there are four kinds of talks. One kind of talk is always beneficial; one kind of talk is always harmful; one type of talk is mixed with harm and benefit; and the last type of talk is useless – it has got no benefit or harm. As to the talk which is always harmful, is essentially necessary to remain silent therefrom. As to the talk which is mixed with harm and benefit, it is necessary to talk which is beneficial and remain silent where the talk is harmful. Talk which has got no benefit or harm is useless. One should refrain from it. The power of the tongue is unlimited; its sins are heinous; its virtues are great. Infidelity and faith do not find expression except through tongue. Tongue can express the Creator and the creations; it explains what intellect brings in mind, whether truth or untruth. 

Dangers of tongue are falsehood, show, useless talk, unnecessary talk, excessive talk, to make ornamentation in talks, obscene talks, bad talks, song and poetries, laugh and jokes, quarrels, disputes, rebukes, scolding, harsh words, curse, false speaking, backbiting, self-praise, ridicules, to disclose secret talks, false promises, cheating, slandering, verbal hypocrisy, false praise, and unnecessary questions such as questions of an ordinary men about Allah. We will explain the meanings of these terms and their harms while describing spiritual diseases in subsequent articles.     

The dangers and harms of the tongue are many, therefore one should fear from its dangers. The Holy Prophet gave guarantee of Paradise to that person who can save one’s tongue from misuse. Various major sins of a person accrue from one’s tongue. The one who talks excessively commits blunders, and the one who blunders much commits many sins, and sins may lead one to Hell as a final abode. Silence gives two benefits to a person – safety of religion and knowing of friends (32).

Hasan Basari said: Once many people were talking in the assembly of Muawiyah, but saint Abu Bakr remained silent. On the question he replied, ‘If I tell a lie, I fear Allah. If I tell the truth, I fear you’ therefore I did not speak. 

The dangers and harms of the tongue are many and rescue from them is very difficult therefore the best way to save oneself from its harms is to remain silent. There are various virtues of remaining silent. Silencer is one of the means to get salvation and saving oneself from a number of spiritual diseases.         

Tongue is a great asset in human personality. It works as an agent of the spiritual heart, but through intellect. When one saves his tongue from misuse his sins and weaknesses remain hidden, but when one does not control it properly then his secrets are exposed. Allah’s zikr is better than remaining silent; remaining silent is better than useless talk, and much better than misuse of tongue in any way or any manner. One should not talk except for good. A safe person is the one who remains silent; and avoids useless talk, or unnecessary talk. There is a wise saying – there are ten portions of divine service, nine of which are in silence, and the remaining one in loneliness.  

Abu Hurairah reported that the Holy Prophet said, “The son of Adam has been destined for his share of fornication, which he will inevitably acquire. The eyes fornicate by looking, the ears fornicate by listening, the tongue fornicates by speaking, the hands fornicates by hitting or touching, the feet fornicate by stepping. The heart loves and wishes. The genitals prove or disprove that” (33).

The Holy Prophet said, “Do not follow one glance at a woman with another” (34).

In the above tradition the Holy Prophet (pbuh) mentioned examples of fornication by senses and other parts of the body. The eyes fornicate i.e. when a man looks at a woman, even if not lustfully, who is not from his Mahrams, this is one kind of fornication. In other words the fornication of the eye is the lustful look. The ears fornicate by listening to and enjoying the voice of a woman or listening to songs or talks. The hands fornicate by touching or by lustful embrace or grip. The feet fornicate by going to a place of immorality, or following a woman that one unlawfully desires; or walk to the place where one intends to commit fornication. The heart fornicates by being inclined to women. The genitals prove that when they commit real fornication. If they do not fornicate, then this will be disapproval of other organs’ fornication. From this, men should learn to be cautious not to get attached to women. They should not listen to their voice, see them, touch them, pursue them, and think about them lustfully. Likewise, women should also save themselves from such lustful interactions.

Although different types of fornication are mentioned in the same tradition of the Prophet Muhammad, but there is difference in the intensity seriousness of the sin. Committing intercourse is a major sin, and other types of fornications  are minor sins. Committing minor sins repeatedly will be transformed into major sins, therefore it is necessary to repent if one commits such sin.

Tell the believing men to reduce (some) of their vision and guard their private parts. That is purer for them. Indeed, Allah is (fully) Aware of what they do. And tell the believing women to reduce (some) of their vision and guard their private parts and not expose their adornment except that which (necessarily) appears thereof and to wrap (a portion of) their head covers over their chests and not expose their adornment (beauty) except to their husbands, their fathers, their husbands’ fathers, their sons, their husbands’ sons, their brothers, their brothers’ sons, their sisters’ sons, their women, that which their right hands possess (slaves), or those male attendants having no physical desire, or children who are not yet aware of the private aspects of women. And let them not stamp their feet to make known what they conceal of their adornment. And turn to Allah in repentance, all of you, O believers, that you might succeed (35).


The spiritual heart is the conductor of the symphony of soul (spirit)-mind-body response. When threat is perceived consciously or unconsciously, it has been suggested that the prefrontal cortex becomes inactivated so that the autonomic system takes over. The heart then sends out signals to the digestive tract, the limbic, and endocrine system sets off the impulses that inevitably dictate an approach or avoid response and; constructs a system wide sequence that determines the acute and chronic consequences of each event. It is here that the heart ‘chooses’ the outcome. Specifically, the autonomic nervous system spurs action tendencies related to emotions not limited to fear, but including positive emotions such as compassion, gratitude and love. A spiritual heart will always choose the path of love and safety and this manifests in qualitative reports of spiritual experience that map onto optimal heart rhythms. The stressed, fearful heart will perpetuate the flight or freeze pattern until the body’s response to fear is shifted through intentional and often effortful re-syncing of the soul, mind and body. 

The spiritual heart can aid recovery from collective stresses. Person-to-person, the heart has been shown to provide the strongest emission of electromagnetic energy from the body and that energy can be experienced as shared and loving with or without human touch. Electromagnetic energy produced by the heart is the mechanism for energy healing. It is not only that energy is available for exchange, but that adopting a spiritually attuned attitude of loving and caring may maximize therapeutic potential as these subtle shifts are noted by the receiver. Human energy produced by cardiovascular systems engage directly with the earth’s magnetic field. Energetic synchronization with nature is happening all the time outside of our consciousness. It can be concluded that neurovisceral phenomena manifested in the body, transmitted by the heart, experienced as spiritual awakening and associated with longevity and health can be cultivated, fostered and shared collectively suggest a direct pathway to renewal and recovery from both physical, psychological and environmental pathology (36).

The uncertainty of life events and crisis of illness create spiritual needs. Life events are unique events that generate spiritual responses and provide opportunities for spiritual care. The reaction of human beings to disease is ‘bio-psycho-social-spiritual.’ Basically spiritual care involves understanding the spiritual beliefs of all concerned clients. Spiritual approach for disease management is recognized as an essential component of holistic care and is described as body, mind, and soul care. It is imperative to monitor the effect of this approach on spiritual beliefs and lifestyles and response to the disease. Spiritual vacuum creates destructive excitement, unhealthy lifestyle, and high risk behaviour and sin. The goal of spiritual care is achieving the Sound Heart (37).

Religious beliefs and spirituality are deemed beneficial to the maintenance of physical and psychological health, a reality which revives the idea of integration of the body and the psyche. All divine religions, particularly Islam, place special emphasis on the non-material aspects of life and draw attention to the spiritual life of mankind. Due to this capacity, Islam, as well as other monotheistic religions, play a key role in helping people cope with disease. Religion is an important factor in preventing many diseases and the promotion of health. 

Spirituality encompasses a series of meanings that underline aspiration, compatibility, vision, beliefs, and the meaningfulness of conditions. It is an inextricable element of human life and an important factor that enables humans to overcome numerous challenges. Traditionally, health represents human biological identity based on modern medical science and the principle of definition of health. Spirituality is considered one of the natural capacities of humans that has positive effects on individuals’ health. Most of the studies conducted on this aspect have confirmed the positive impact of religious beliefs and other spiritual approaches on health and the course of recovery from acute and chronic diseases. (38).

Spirituality is an important component of overall strategy for the management of physical diseases. It is an essential part of the existential domain measured in quality-of-life scores. The technological advances of the past century tended to change the focus of medicine from a caring service oriented model to a technological, cure-oriented model. Spiritual or compassionate care involves serving the whole person – the physical, emotional, social, and spiritual. Such service is inherently a spiritual activity. Helping, fixing and serving represent three different ways of seeing life. When you help, you see life as weak; when you fix, you see life as broken; and when you serve, you see life as whole. Fixing and helping may be the work of ego, and service is the work of the Soul (spiritual heart). 

Man is not destroyed by suffering; but is destroyed by suffering without meaning. Cure may not be possible for many illnesses, but there is always room for healing. Healing can be experienced as acceptance of illness and peace with one’s life. Spiritual beliefs can help patients cope with disease and face death (39).

Spirituality is recognized as a factor that contributes to health. The concept of spirituality is found in all cultures and societies (40).

The Soul (the spiritual heart) and the unseen universe has been neglected from the scientific standpoint and this important dimension of human existence in the medical sciences has been neglected. Spirituality seems to be important for reducing mortality, coping with disease and recovery of disease. For many patients, pastoral care and other spiritual services are an integral part of health care and daily life. 

Studies carried out on the effect of spirituality on health by physicians, psychologists, and intellectuals on morality, coping and recovery revealed that spirituality is of great importance. It has been observed that regular spiritual exercises or practices increase the longevity of life; and improve stress control. Patients who practise spirituality cope with illness in a better way, and  feel less pain.

Studies have revealed that about 93% of patients in a study said that with the help of spiritual belief they were able to cope with a serious disease like cancer; about 50%  became more spiritual after the diagnosis of the disease.

It has been observed that people with sustained and regular spiritual training live longer lives. The people who are spiritual may use their beliefs to cope with disease, and pain and stressful situations. Patients with spiritual vision have a more positive perspective on life and report a better quality of life and well being. Other evidence has shown that spirituality plays an important role in quality of health, especially among the elderly and those afflicted with non-communicable diseases. 


Integrated management of spiritual diseases will be discussed in the last one or two articles. Here we intend to touch some important aspects of integrated management of physical diseases. In humans, disease is often used more broadly to refer to any condition that causes pain, dysfunction, distress, social problems, or death to the person affected. There are four major types of diseases: infectious diseases, deficiency diseases, hereditary diseases, and physiological diseases. Disease may be acute or chronic. An acute disease is one of short-term nature; a chronic disease is one that persists over a long time. A congenital disease is one that is present at birth. A genetic disease is caused by one or more genetic mutations. An iatrogenic disease is one that is caused by medical intervention, whether as a side effect of a treatment or as an inadvertent outcome. A primary disease is an illness that is due to a root cause of sickness. A secondary disease is a complication of a prior, causal. For example, a primary viral infection that weakens the immune system could lead to a secondary bacterial infection. Likewise, a primary burn that creates an open wound could provide an entry point for bacteria, and lead to a secondary bacterial infection. Diseases are of diverse nature, it is therefore necessary to apply an integrated approach for management of diseases. 

Cleanliness is one of the most important component of management of both physical diseases and spiritual diseases, because cleanliness is also of two types: physical cleanliness and spiritual cleanliness. In some cases it becomes difficult to draw line between them, because these are interrelated. It is generally belied that revealed religion is founded on cleanliness. For example, the most important act in religion is prayer and cleanliness of body, dress, and praying place is key to prayer. Cleanliness is one half of belief.

There are four stages of purity. The first stage is the purification of the external organs from excrements and filths. The second stage is the purification of bodily organs from sins and faults. The third stage is the is the purification of the of the heart from evil traits and evil vices. The fourth stage is the purification of inner-self from everything except Allah. Lowest stage of the cleanliness is like the outer husk of a gain or like skull in relation to brain.

Every item of cleanliness is half of action, because the objective of the actions is the glorification and greatness of Allah. In reality, Allah’s knowledge is not attained unless the heart is purified of every thing except Allah. Purify the bodily limbs from the prohibited things is the first half and to strength it with religious acts is second half. These are the stages of belief and every stage has got its rank. Generally, no body will attain a higher stage unless one first goes through the lower one. On can attain real purity of heart after he purifies it from the blameworthy vices and adorn it with the praiseworthy qualities. One cannot purify the heart till one purifies one’s organs prohibited things and makes it firm with religious acts. The one who is blind to these stages of purity will not be able to understand the afore-mentioned stages (41).

The importance of cleanliness for the management of physical diseases is well evident and almost every person is aware of it. For example, in the near past, for the management of corona virus disease, the most important recommendations were, washing of hands and face with water again and again, and use of sanitizer and using of mask. This is also true for all infectious diseases. Even for other diseases, the cleanliness is of paramount importance in one way or the other.

 Spirituality is becoming a focus of increasing inquiry in medicine. Currently, the National Centre for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) has a comprehensive strategic plan for the years 2021-2025, that delineates a commitment to research programmes on ‘the whole person and on the integration of complementary and conventional care,‘ although the plan omits the spiritual dimension of healthcare (42). 

Important advances have been made by studies of the neuroscience. Spirituality is a way of being in the world in which a person feels a sense of connectedness to self, others, and Higher Power, a sense of meaning in life, and the transcendence beyond self, everyday living, and suffering. Spirituality is a transcendent space of being, which is non-physical and non-mental, wherein dwells a higher power, God, or universal energy with which a person seeks to enter  or bask in a relationship temporarily, periodically, or permanently. It is within the context of this transcendent space that the experience or symptoms of spiritual pain may be manifested in the clinical setting. Keeping the heart healthy and sound is an important principle. If due to certain mistakes the heart becomes sick it is a very important to treat it as soon as possible in order to avoid its further deterioration.  This concept is different from the concept of spirituality in Islam.  

It is generally believed that the presence of three factors – susceptible hosts, virulent pathogens and favourable environmental conditions for the pathogen are necessary to cause disease in most of the organisms. If any of these factors is missing there is less likelihood of the occurrence of disease in an organism. These principles are also applicable for causing physical diseases in human beings. The body of human beings is affected by a number of physical diseases caused by diverse factors such as viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, nematodes, etc. Sometimes one is healthy and other times it becomes sick. Generally, one becomes sick due to certain mistakes, negligence and carelessness, but we wish to remain healthy, and hate diseases. Generally, when a person gets sick one will have to take certain precautions – taking prescribed medicines at recommended times and doses; eating recommended diet only, and refraining from eating things of one’s choice without the permission of the physician. The patient should remain conscious and careful and strictly follow the advice of the physician. 

The heart is prone to various spiritual diseases which are more dangerous than physical diseases due to a number of factors. In the case of the majority of spiritual diseases, people are ignorant – they are unaware about the spiritual diseases and do not know their prevalence, the extent and severity of the disease; there are many medical doctors and hospitals for the treatment of physical diseases, but there is an acute shortage of specialists who can treat spiritual diseases. Moreover, the pathogens of physical diseases do not possess faculty of reason, intellect, consciousness, freewill, and those can be killed or eliminated with the use of antibiotics and pesticides. All the members of the evil web do possess all these qualities. Moreover, the members of the evil web work under the leadership of Iblis, who has a very long experience of misleading human beings starting from Prophet Adam, and next led astray his son Qabil who killed his brother Habil without any just cause. The Satan continued his struggle and has been able to mislead majority of the descendants of the Prophet Adam throughout human history. The main cause of spiritual diseases in human beings is the evil web. When Iblis himself or any member of the evil web, especially jinn satans mislead human beings through the tool of waswasa , they usually remain ignorant of their attacks and unintentionally or intentionally obey them, but think they were on the right path. Moreover, the lower soul of all those people is at the stage of nafs-e- Ammara, which is a member of the evil web or under the influence of the evil web. Human heart is the most favourite target  of the evil web. It is therefore imperative to give more emphasis to save the heart from spiritual diseases at any cost. 

In Islam, there are a number of principles in the management of spiritual diseases of human beings. Religious scholars suggest two types of disease management techniques: theoretical and practical techniques. The theoretical techniques focus on  understanding the disease itself. The practical techniques are used to restore the heart to its natural purity. 

Abu Hurairah reported that the Messenger of Allah said, “Allah does not see your body and wealth but your hearts and deeds” (43).

In the previous article we have discussed in detail the importance of the heart in human personality, it is therefore imperative to care for the heart and save it from every type of disease for the proper functioning of the kingdom of human personality. It is necessary to make efforts to keep the heart safe from black dots and spots, rust and hardness by increasing the level of Faith by engaging the heart in the remembrance of Allah and doing righteous deeds, and save it from the temptations of Satan and its evil web.

O children of Adan, We have bestowed upon you clothing to conceal your private parts and as adornment. But the clothing of righteousness – that is best That is from the signs of Allah that perhaps they will remember (44).

The above verse reveals that Allah has bestowed human beings with two types of dresses: material dress which is for covering of necessary body parts and for beautification of the human body and covering its some physical defects. The second type of dress is taqwa which beautifies the heart and protects from the machinations of Satan. The absence of both types of dresses reduce the level of resistance and induce susceptibility in human beings against Satan and his evil web. However, the absence of a second type of dress is more dangerous than the first one. 

And Allah knows what is in your hearts. And ever is Allah Knowing and Forbearing (45).

Allah knows very well what is hidden in the hearts. Moreover, the condition of the heart is manifested in the overall working of the human personality. It means when the heart is healthy, soft and transparent, all the body organs, senses and limbs will perform those functions for which they have been created. Any disease in the heart may lead to misuse of tongue, brain, ears, hands, feet and other organs of the body. Their misuse disturbs the whole system of the kingdom of human personality. 

O children of Adam, let not Satan tempt you as he removed your parents from Paradise, stripping them of their clothing to show them their private parts. Indeed, he sees you, he and his tribe, from where you do not see them. Indeed, We have made the devils allies to those who do not believe (46).

We conclude the this article by emphasizing on the integrated management of diseases which consists of various components. We will discuss in detail all the components of spiritual diseases in the last one or two articles. May Allah save us from all physical and spiritual diseases and bestow us healthy and polished hearts.

Important note: First of all we intend to thank all those readers who have given very valuable suggestions of diverse nature which will be helpful for us to make improvements. We especially appreciate all those readers who gave inspiring and encouraging comments.    

Some of the readers asked certain questions. In this regard we request to wait for a short span of time till we complete our article with regard to the ‘men-evil web’ . Hopefully, we will complete all the articles on this topic within two to three months. We do hope that most of your questions will be covered in the coming articles. At the end Insha Allah we will try to answer all those questions which will remain unanswered. 

We encourage you, O dear readers, to continue to ask questions and give us valuable suggestions for further improvements. May Allah forgive our mistakes, transform our weaknesses to strengths and give us courage to move forward in our journey of life to achieve true success, and bear those hardships with patience which come on the way in the turbulent journey, and be thankful to Allah (swt) for His innumerable bounties which He bestowed on us.

Transformation of the Heart


In the third article in the series of the ‘Evil Web,’ we discussed different states of the heart, and threw some light on its transformation from one to another state (or states) keeping in view three states of the heart (healthy, sick, and dead heart); four states (healthy, sick, inverted and dead heart); six states (healthy, deviated, sick, hard, rock, and locked heart); and seven states (healthy, broken, fearful, angry, hopeless, hard, and the numb heart). In this article we intend to discuss the mechanism of heart transformation based on three states of the heart, but with some modifications and innovations.  

The Qur’an has classified people of the world into three categories: believers, non-believers (atheists) or disbelievers and hypocrites. In the previous article we discussed the condition of the heart of disbelievers and hypocrites, here our emphasis will be on the hearts of believers.  The hearts of disbelievers are dead, locked, sealed, hard or black; and the hearts of hypocrites are seriously sick or diseased and inverted. For the description of believers we will divide them into three categories based on Hadith Qudsi (Muslim, Mumin and Muhsin or Islam, Iman and Ihsan).  

Transformation of the spiritual heart mainly depends on the way of life of each believer. Almost every baby is born with a healthy spiritual heart, but In the subsequent stages, the health of the heart of each person will mainly depend on the role of parents, teachers, neighbours, friends and other concerned. The spiritual heart from healthy may become further healthier, polished, softer or on the other hand may deteriorate –  become sick or diseased, partially rusted or black or hard or completely die – become black, rusted, or sealed completely during the subsequent developmental stages of life in this world. 


Omer bin al-Khattab reported: “Once we were in the company of the Messenger of Allah suddenly there appeared a person dressed extremely in white clothes and having jet black hairs. No fatigue of journey did appear on him and nobody among us could recognise him. He sat down near the Holy Prophet. Then he (stranger) joined his knees and placed both of his palms over his two thighs and said, ‘O Muhammad, inform me about Islam.’ The Holy Prophet replied, ‘Islam is – that you attest that there is no deity but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, that you establish prayer, pay zakah, keep fast of Ramadan, and perform pilgrimage of the House provided you have means of making journey to it.’ He (enquirer) replied, ‘You have spoken the truth.’ We were astonished to see that he asked the Prophet and corroborated him. He enquired, ‘Inform me about faith (Iman).’ He (the Holy Prophet) replied, ‘It is that you believe in Allah and His angels and His Books and His Prophets and the Last Day and that you believe in predestination – in its good and in its evil.’ He (the enquirer) said, ‘You have spoken the truth.’ He inquired, ‘Inform me about Ihsan.’ He replied, ‘It is that you serve Allah as if you see Him and if you do not see Him, He certainly sees you.’ …..Then he departed. The Messenger of Allah kept silent for some time and then addressed me, ‘O Omer do you know about the enquirer?’ ‘Allah and His Apostle know better’ I replied. The Holy Prophet said, ‘Certainly, he is Gabriel; he came to teach you your religion’” (1).

When the term Muslim is used alone it covers all the titles starting from Messengers to nominal Muslims, but when the word Muslim is used along with Mumin or Muhsin, then Muslim means a common Muslim and all other titles are superior to it. Based on the above hadith Qudsi there are two stages above a common Muslim: Mumin and Muhsin.    

Islam is wider than Iman. The former signifies complete resignation or submission and the latter uttering by tongue and attestation by heart the article of faith. Islam is based on five things of which Iman is one; Islam is a general term, while Iman is special; Islam connotes faith as well as action; Iman is a thing of the heart, while Islam is a thing uttered by tongue.

The word Mumin is repeatedly used in the Holy Qur’an. Here only one passage of the Qur’an is given, in which the characteristics of a mumin are mentioned:

Most certainly those Believers (muminoons) have attained true success, who perform their Salat with humility: who refrain from vain things: who spend their ZakaH dues in appropriate ways: who guard their private parts scrupulously, except with regard to their wives and those women who are legally in their possession, for in that case they shall not be blameworthy, but those, who go beyond this (in lust for sexual desire), shall be transgressors: who are true to their trusts and their promises: and who strictly guard their prayers. These are the inheritors who will inherit Paradise and dwell therein for ever (2).

 “The Arabic word falah (true success through welfare, and social service) used in the above verse of the Qur’an signifies the attainment of all desires as well as protection from all misfortunes. Total falah cannot be achieved in this world, which is a place of pain and suffering, where nothing is everlasting and everything must ultimately perish.  Falah will be available in the Hereafter, in Paradise. It is there that people will achieve all their wishes. In that world there will be no sorrow, no distress for the Mumineen” (3).

 The literal meaning of ‘khushu’ (humility) is calmness, but in connection with prayer it means to attain and maintain such deep concentration in the heart as does not allow any thought to enter the it except remembrance of Allah Almighty, and avoid unnecessary movement of body organs or body parts. It is essential to observe khushu, both of heart and body, in the Salat. There is a difference of opinion among religious scholars with regard to the status of ‘khushu’ in prayers. Some religious scholars are of the view that it is obligatory during the prayer and prayer is not accepted without it. Other scholars consider khshu as the essence of prayer, and in its absence, prayer is accepted but its objectives are not achieved. Other scholars consider it very important for prayer, but they are of the opinion that prayers are accepted even without khushu. It may not be obligatory in prayers, but surely it increases significantly the efficacy and reward of the prayers.  

Strictly guarding the prayers means to perform prayers at the prescribed times, keeping in view all other conditions such as clean body, clean clothes, clean site or place, and with sincere intention and clean heart. Moreover, one should know the concept and meaning of what one recites in prayer.

 One must try to infuse the afore-mentioned qualities and traits in oneself in order to become beloved of Allah Almighty and His Messenger to achieve true success in this world and in the Hereafter.

The Arabic word Muhsin comes from Ihsan which signifies, “doing a thing beautifully – that is, in the manner that is proper to it.” Besides the lexical meaning, Ihsan has a technical meaning as mentioned in a Hadith, “Offer your prayers as if you can see Allah” (4).

A Mumin is one from whom people’s lives and wealth are safe; he provides food to the needy, and utters gracious words for others.; remains true to his trusts and promises; performs Salat (prayer) with humility; refrains from vain things; pays and spends Zakah in appropriate ways and guards one’s private parts scrupulously. 

Abu Hurairah reported that the Messenger of Allah said, “The Muslim is the one from whose tongue and hand the people are safe, and the Mumin is the one from whom the people’s lives and wealth are safe” (5).

Ihsan means high action, goodness, and sincerity; doing something in good manner; the highest level of deeds and worship with perfection. It means to be patient in performing duties to Allah, totally for Allah’s sake, and in accordance with the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad  (pbuh)in a perfect manner (6). 

In Islam, Ihsan is to obtain perfection and excellence in worship and other actions. Ihsan is a more inclusive concept than Iman. Muhsin is more distinguished than Mumin and the Mumin is more distinguished than the Muslim. In fact Ihsan constitutes the highest form of worship. 

Every Muhsin is a Mumin; but every Mumin is not a Muhsin. The level of Allah’s love is higher for a Muhsin than that of a Mumin. The love of Allah the Exalted for Muhsineen is evident from the following verses of the Holy Qur’an:

Do all things gracefully, for Allah loves those who do all things with excellence (Muhsineen) (7).

Allah likes (loves) only those people who do good deeds (Muhsineen) (8).

Allah likes those people who show generosity in their dealings (Muhsineen) (9).

Those, who have believed and have done good deeds, shall not be called to account for whatever they might have eaten in the past, provided that they abstain from those things that have been made unlawful, and remain steadfast in their Faith, and do good works: then restrain themselves from whatever they are forbidden and believe in the Divine Law: then fear Allah and adopt the righteous attitude, for Allah likes (loves) those who do righteous deeds (Muhsineen) (10)

Surely, the mercy of Allah is near to the righteous people (Muhsineen) (11).


Generally, believers can be divided into a number of categories in the descending order from Messengers to nominal believers.  Messengers of Allah (about 313) are at the highest level in His sight; followed by Prophets (about 124,000); Companions or Disciples of Prophets; Tabieen, and Taba Tabieen. Every Messenger may be called a Prophet, but every Prophet is not a Messenger. The Prophet Muhammad is at the highest level in hierarchy of human beings on the Planet earth, because he is Al-Amin (Trustworthy), Sayyid Walads Adam (the Leader of the sons of Adam), Rahmat-al-Aalameen (Mercy for worlds or universe), Khatimun-Nabiyyin (the Seal of the Prophets), Imam-ul-Ambiyyia (the Leader of the Prophets), Sahib Al-Maqam Al-Mahmud (the Owner of the Station of Praise and Glory), As-Siraj al-Munir (the Shining Lamp), Ar-Raheequl-Makhtum (the Sealed Nectar), An-Nadhir Al-Bashir (the Bringer of Warning and Glad Tidings), the greatest military commander, most successful ruler and administrator, the greatest benefactor, most charismatic magnetic personality, transforming teacher and inspiring speaker, the greatest revolutionist, an ideal judge, and the leading legislator, etc. 

The institution of prophethood was completed by Allah on the Prophet Muhammad, therefore after him there will be no Prophet and the Qur’an is the last Revealed Book, therefore at present on the planet earth there are no companions, no tabieen,  and no taba tabieen. However, there are certain titles and terms which are used in the Qur’an and the traditions of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) through which we can get some idea about their level of piety or the status of the heart by analysing the utterances, acts or deeds and overall behaviour or by observing certain symptoms.  But real knowledge about the hearts of people is only with Allah (swt) and it will be manifested on the Day of Judgment. 

We intend to briefly describe certain terms or titles under existing conditions. We have already described the terms Mumineen, Muhsineen. Other terms include,  Siddiq, Muttaqi, Tawwab, Saabir, Mutawwakul, Shaheed, and Salih. The believers who possess any of these titles or qualities may be considered as superior to a common Muslim therefore they be included among the Mumineen or Saliheen. These are the titles of believers which are of great significance, and all these are superior to common Muslims and they are with healthy spiritual hearts. may belong Mumineen or Muhsineen, but it is notIt is therefore imperative to briefly describe some characteristics these titles or terms. 

3.1.  Siddiq

“Siddiq is the person who acquires spiritual perfection, and thus attains the highest rank among the followers of Prophet Muhammad. In common parlance, they are known as the men of Allah, or saints’ (12).

Siddiq is the superlative from ‘Sidq.’  However, one should clearly understand that Sidq is not merely a statement, itself, but its sayer also upholds it as the truth, sincerely. For example, if a person says that Muhammad is Allah’s Messenger, this is by itself precisely according to the truth, for the Holy Prophet is truly Allah’s Messenger; but a person is true in this statement only if he also believes and upholds him as Allah’s Messenger. Therefore, a thing would be Sidq if what was said was in conformity with the truth as well as with the sayer’s own conscience. Sidq in essence implies that one’s deed should fully conform to one’s word. Likewise, Sidq also contains the sense of faithfulness, sincerity, truthfulness, honesty and practical righteousness.  Siddiq is he who does full justice to friendship in the time of need, and who never proves to be faithless to anybody in any way. Siddiq is one who is upright and just; who is always actuated by truth and righteousness; who is fair and equitable in all his dealings; who always sides with truth and justice from the core of his heart; who opposes tooth and nail, all that is unfair, without showing the least weakness; who is so pure and so unselfish that both friends and foes expect nothing but impartiality from him. Siddiq would inevitably imply a righteous person who is free from every impurity, who has never swerved from the truth and piety, who could never be expected to say anything against his conscience, who believed in whatever he believed with full sincerity and remained faithful to it under all circumstances, and who has practically proved that he is a true believer in the full sense of the word (13). 

The Arabic word Siddiq means ‘truthful.’ It is also an honorific title which was given to Abu Bakr, the first Caliph of Islam by the Holy Prophet himself after the miraculous night journey from Makkah to the Mosque of Jerusalem, and the Ascent through the spheres of Heavens.

When the Holy Prophet told polytheists of Makkah about his ‘Night Journey,’ they out rightly rejected it and planned a dirty propaganda against him and his followers. They tried to mislead Muslims on this issue. They asked many questions about the Mosque at Jerusalem, and a caravan. The Holy Prophet replied to all their questions in detail, but despite it they continued their dirty propaganda. They were able to mislead some Muslims in this connection. On hearing this wonderful news Abu Bakr said to people, “If Muhammad has really said so, it must be true. Is it any wonder! Daily I hear that heavenly messages come to him and I testify to it.”

Then Abu Bakr went to Kaaba where people were arguing with the Holy Prophet relating to the Night Journey. Abu Bakr in the presence of a large number of polytheists said, “Yes, I testify to this, O Prophet of Allah.” On account of this testification, the Holy Prophet bestowed him with the title ‘Siddiq.’ So Siddiq is a very honourable and prestigious title.

3.2. Muttaqi

In connection with the heart Taqwa (righteousness) is to protect it from a sin which one did not commit earlier. When a believer takes a firm resolve to refrain from sins and disobedience of Allah and His Prophet one is known as a righteous person and the resolve one takes is called righteousness, which means to be obedient to Allah (swt). Righteousness is an attempt to protect the heart from sins. 

Obedience means to obey Allah as He should be obeyed; He should be so as not to be disobeyed; should be remembered, so as not to be forgotten and should be thanked so as not to be un-thanked (14).

Taqwa includes knowledge, spiritual treasure, brilliant success and reward of Paradise. Allah has combined in it all the advantages and virtues of the world, Din e-Islam, and the Hereafter. Righteousness is the only criterion in the sight of Allah for honour and superiority.  Righteousness is the essence of all divine injunctions, exhortations, and recommendations and objective of all worship, devotion and spiritual strivings and is the guarantee for the acceptance of all deeds and worship. 

Mutaqi remains safe and secure from the evils and mischiefs of Satan and other evil forces, because he has Allah’s help and support. He will be safe from the calamities and the hardships of the Hereafter as he has been promised pure and lawful sustenance in this world and forgiveness of his sins in the hereafter. There are glad tidings in the Qur’an of superiority in the world and salvation in the Hereafter or protection from Hell for the Muttiqi. Surely Allah accepts all his good deeds.  

And obey Allah and the Messenger that you may obtain mercy. Hasten to follow the path that leads to forgiveness from your Lord and to the Garden, which is as vast as the heavens and the earth and has been prepared for those pious people (Muttaqeen) who spend their wealth freely in the way of Allah alike in prosperity and in adversity; who control their rage and forgive other people, – Allah loved such good people (Muhsineen) very much, – who, if ever they commit a base deed or wrong their own soul by the commission of a sin, remember Allah instantly and ask for forgiveness from Him for their shortcomings – for who, but Allah, can forgive sins? – Who does not knowingly persist in the wrongs they did. These will be rewarded with forgiveness from Allah and with Gardens beneath which canals flow and they will reside therein for ever: and how excellent is the reward of those who do good deeds (15).

Allah has mentioned in verse 3:133 about the vastness of Paradise – whose width is that (of the whole of heaven and the earth. It is prepared and decorated for the righteous. 

EN 452 We are told that the width of Paradise is that of the heavens and the earth – all the creatures we can imagine. In other words, our spiritual felicity covers not merely this or that part of our being, but also life and all existence (). (Abdullah Yusuf Ali). 

Allah loves the pious people (Muttaqeen) (16).

Allah loves the righteous people (Muttaqeen) (17).

Qur’an is guidance to God-fearing people (Mutaqeen), who believe in the unseen, establish obligatory prayers, and expend (in Our way) out of what We have bestowed on them; who believe in the Book We have sent down to you and in the Books sent down before you, and firmly believe in the Hereafter (18).

Taqwa, and the verb and noun connected with the root, signify:  the fear of Allah Almighty is the beginning of Wisdom; restraint, or guarding one’s tongue, hand, and heart from evil; hence righteousness is piety, and good conduct. 

All bounties proceed from Allah. They may be physical gifts (food, clothing, houses, gardens, wealth, etc., or tangible gifts (influence, power, birth and the opportunities flowing from it, health, talents, etc., or spiritual gifts (insight into good and evil, understanding of men, the capacity for love, etc. We are to use all in humility and moderation. But we are also to give out of every one of them something that contributes to the well-being of others. We are to be neither ascetics nor luxurious sybarites, neither selfish miser nor thoughtless prodigals. 

Righteousness comes from a secure faith, from sincere devotion to Allah, and from unselfish service to man. 

Prosperity must be taken as referring to all the kinds of bounties. The right use of one kind leads to an increase in that and other kinds, and that is prosperity   (19).

Nay, Allah loves only such pious people who fulfil their Covenant and abstain from evil (Muttaqeen) (20).

And obey Allah and the Messenger that you may obtain mercy. Hasten to follow the path that leads to forgiveness from your Lord and to the Garden, which is as vast as the heavens and the earth and has been prepared for those pious people (Muttaqeen) who spend their wealth freely in the way of Allah alike in prosperity and in adversity; who control their rage and forgive other people, – Allah loved such good people (Muhsineen) very much, – who, if ever they commit a base deed or wrong their own soul by the commission of a sin, remember Allah instantly and ask for forgiveness from Him for their shortcomings – for who, but Allah, can forgive sins? – Who do not knowingly persist in the wrongs they did. These will be rewarded with forgiveness from Allah and with Gardens beneath which canals flow and they will reside therein for ever: and how excellent is the reward of those who do good deeds. (21).

 Allah loves the pious people (Muttaqeen) (22).

 Allah loves the righteous people (Muttaqeen) (23).

 “The Arabic word Muttaqi is derived from ‘Taqwa’ which literally means to fear, to refrain from, and in Islamic terminology it signifies fearing from Allah Almighty and refraining from transgression of His Commandments (24).

Muttaqi is the one who fears Allah the Exalted, discriminates between good and evil, practise virtue, believes in the unseen, establishes prayer, expends in the Way of Allah, believes in the Holy Qur’an and other Divine Books, firmly believes in the Hereafter, fulfils his commitments, abstains from evils, controls his anger and forgives other people. Allah Almighty loves such people.

3.3. Tawwab

If one does a sinful thing or wrongs himself in any way and afterwards implores Allah’s forgiveness, he will find Allah Forgiving and Compassionate. But if one earns some evil (and does not repent), his earning of his will bring due punishment on him, for Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise. But he who commits an error or a sin, and then lays the blame for it on an innocent person, surely burdens himself with the guilt of calumny and a heinous sin (25).

And turn to Allah in repentance, it is expected that you will attain true success (26).

They (Angels) affirm faith in Him, and ask forgiveness for the believers. They say, “Our Lord, You embrace everything in Your mercy and knowledge, so forgive and save from the torment of Hell those who have repented and followed Your Way. Admit them, Our Lord, to the eternal Gardens which You have promised them, and (admit therein also) of their parents and children who are righteous (27). (40:7-8).

O you, who have believed, turn to Allah in sincere repentance. (It may well be that) Allah will remove your evils from you and admit you into Gardens underneath which rivers will be flowing (28). 

Ibn Abi Hatim was related to the authority of Zirr bin Hubaish. He says, “When I asked Ubayy bin Kaab the meaning of taubat un-nasuh, he said that he had asked the Holy Prophet the same question, and he replied: ‘It implies that when you happen to commit an error, you should feel penitent for it, then you should implore Allah for forgiveness remorsefully, and then should refrain from committing the same error again.” This same meaning has been reported from Omar, Adullah bin Mas’ud, and Abdullah bin Abbas.

Omar defined taubat un-nasuh: “After offering repentance one should not even think of committing the sin, not to speak of repeating it” (29).

According to Ali, true repentance should be accompanied by six things: “You should feel penitent for the wrong you have done; you should carry out the duties that you have ignored; restore the rights that you have usurped; ask forgiveness of him whom you have wronged; make a resolve not to repeat the sin again; and consume yourself in obedience to Allah as you have so far been consuming it in wrongdoing, and cause it to taste the bitterness of obedience as you have so far been causing it to enjoy the sweet taste of disobedience and sin” (30).

Jun-Nun said, “There are such servants of Allah who drink water from the cups of purity, and remain patient for long in sorrows and difficulties. Then their minds become eager to sojourn in heavens, their thoughts enter into the mysteries of the spiritual world, they take shelter in the canopy of repentance and read then the records of sins. As a result fear enters their hearts and reaches the utmost limit of renunciation embarking in the steps of Allah’s fear. They regard the bitterness of renunciation of the world as sweet and the roughness of bed as smooth. Even their glands of salvation and the staff of security grow strong and their souls rise upwards and enter the garden of fortune. They make enjoyments in the sea of life and sing in the well of despondency. They cross the bridge of passion and descend into the field of education, drink water in the tanks of wisdom, embark on the boat of peace and sail in the sea of security with the wind of salvation” (31).

3.4. Sabir

O Believers seek help from fortitude (Sabr) and Salah for Allah is with those who show fortitude (patience) (32).

We will surely put you to trial by involving you in fear and hunger and by causing loss of property, life and earnings, and give good tidings to those who remain steadfast in these trials: when a misfortune comes to them, they say, “We are Allah’s and we shall certainly return to Him. Their Lord will bestow great blessings and mercy upon them; such are the people who are rightly guided (33).

Allah likes (love) the people who show fortitude (34).

O Believers seek help from fortitude (Sabr) and Salah for Allah is with those who show fortitude (patience) (35).

We will surely put you to trial by involving you in fear and hunger and by causing loss of property, life and earnings, and give good tidings to those who remain steadfast in these trials: when a misfortune comes to them, they say, “We are Allah’s and we shall certainly return to Him. Their Lord will bestow great blessings and mercy upon them; such are the people who are rightly guided (36).

Allah likes (love) the people who show fortitude (37).

In a hadith Qudsi Allah says, “When I examine a servant with a trial and he keeps patience at that and does not complain of Me to his visitors, I give him better flesh in lieu of his former flesh and better blood in lieu of his former blood. When I cure him, I cure him after forgiving his sins” (38).

Omar wrote to Abu Musa Ashari: “Take patience. Know that patience is of two types. It is good to have patience in times of disaster, but, better than this is to protect oneself from unlawful things. Know that patience is the gist of faith. The reason is that Allah’s fear is the greatest religious act and that is gained by patience.”

Ali said, “Patience to faith is just as head is to body. He who has got no head has got no body. Similarly he who has got no patience has got no faith.”

Abu Darda said, “To remain patient at commands and to remain satisfied with fate is the best rank of faith.”

Imam Gazzali has discussed in detail different aspects of patience in the volume 4 of his book ‘Ihya Ulum-id-Din.’ Some salient points are mentioned here. Allah loves those who adopt patience, and will give reward to those who show patience in distress and calamities. Faith is patience and forbearance. Patience is the jewel among the jewels of the Paradise.

Patience is of different types. The first type is to have patience over physical pains, such as patience in the difficult tasks of divine services and in the sudden accidents and dangers such as severe beating and serious diseases. The second type is to have patience at the inclination of the devil and greed of passion. To have patience at the greed of the belly and sexual passion is self-control. Bravery is patience in battles; forbearance is patience by appeasement of anger; expansion of breast is patience at turns of fortunes; renunciation is patience from happiness and pleasures; and satisfaction is patience at present possessions.

Most conducts of faith lie in patience. To control the evil inclinations of nature requires the constant exercise of patience.There is abundant good in keeping patience in fighting with one’s baser self.

A patient man stands on three stages. In the first stage, he gives up following his baser self. In the second stage, he remains satisfied with his fate and this is the rank of one who renounces the world. In the third stage, he likes what his Master does about him and this is the rank of the truthful and the stage of love. To keep patience from unlawful things is compulsory and to keep patience from the abominable things is optional.

“To keep satisfied with the decree of Allah Almighty is patience” (Saint Fazil)

“To keep patience in pleasures and happiness is more difficult than to keep patience in disasters” (Sahal Tastari).

“Patience to faith is just as head is to body. He who has got no head has got no body. Similarly he who has got no patience has got no faith” (Ali). 

“To remain patient at commands and to remain satisfied with fate is the best rank of faith.” (Abu Darda). 

“To keep satisfied with the decree of Allah Almighty is patience.” (Fazil). 

Patience is of paramount importance in the life of a believer. It is helpful in raising the status of a believer in the sight of Allah Almighty. One who observes patience under all circumstances Allah loves him.

3.5. Muttawakil  

Allah loves those who trust in Him in whatever they do (39).

When the people said to them, “Big armies have gathered against you: so fear them,” became more firm in their Faith, and answered, “Allah is all sufficient for us, for He is the best Protector (Wakeel)” (40).

Allah is witness (Wakeel) to what we have agreed upon (41).

“Allah Almighty is the best Disposer of affairs (3:73). He is Ever All-Sufficient as a Disposer of affairs (4:81). It means He is sufficient as Protector, Supporter and Helper for those who rely on Him and return to Him. Sufficient is Allah as a Wakeel (33:3). It means sufficient is He as a Trustee for the one who puts his trust in Him and turns to Him” (42).  

“The meaning of Tawakkal (reliance) is to entrust an affair to another and to believe in him fully in that respect. He who is entrusted upon is called wakeel (pleader) and he who entrusts it is called Moakkil (client). So, sure faith in wakeel is called reliance. A wakeel should have four qualities in connection with litigation: thorough knowledge, ability, power of speech, and sympathy and kindness for the client.” (43).

 Mutawakkil is one who trusts in and relies on his Lord. Allah loves His servants who turn to Him and rely on Him, provided they do some effort and exhaust the means available to them in this regard. 

Narrated ibn Abbas, “Allah (Alone) is sufficient for us, and He is the Best Disposer of affairs,” was said by Prophet Abraham when he was thrown into the fire; and it was said by Muhammad when they (i.e. the hypocrites) said, Verily, the people (pagans) have gathered against you (a great army) therefore, fear them.” But it (only) increased them in faith and they said, “God (Alone) is Sufficient for us, and He is the Best Disposer of affairs (for us)” (44).

Abu Ali said, “There are three stages of reliance, first stage is reliance on Allah; second stage is self-surrender to Allah; and the third stage is to entrust all affairs on Allah.”

God-reliance does not become perfect till one fully believes in three things: There is no doer except Allah, there is no giver of provisions except Allah and it is better for one what Allah destined for him regarding his property, solvency, birth and death.

Abu Hamzah Khorasani sang a poem after a furious beast helped him to come out from a well:

“I find Thy kindness expressed in all my actions.

Thou hast shown me kindness in matters, open and secret.

Thou gave me news of a secret thing to get Thy love.

Being fearful of Thee and trembling, I took to solitude.

That fear brought me near Thee, endeared me to Thee.

Thou hast kept me alive engrossed in Thy love.”

It is necessary for us always to rely on Allah the Exalted alone, and consider Him the Supremely Sole Wakeel in all matters and under all circumstances. This is only the way to get True Success in this world and in the Hereafter, and to establish peace and love in the world.

3.6. Shaheed

“The literal meaning of shaheed is ‘a witness.’ Shaheed is the one who bears witness to the truth of his Faith by following it in all the aspects of one’s life. A martyr is a Shaheed because he willingly suffers death by fighting in the cause of Allah – thus he bears witness to the truth of Allah with the supreme sacrifice of one’s life. . By sacrificing his life for the cause he believes to be true, he gives a practical demonstration of the sincerity of his Faith. Those righteous people who are so trustworthy that their mere evidence for anything to be true is sufficient proof of their genuineness are also shaheed” (45).

A. K. Brohi, an eminent religious scholar, is of the view that the word ‘martyr’ for shaheed is a crude translation of an untranslatable word we have in our religious vocabulary. The word ‘Shaheed’ literally means one who bears witness and a man who, in the face of all odds, is prepared even to court disaster and to sign away his own death warrant, in order that Law of Allah may prevail, is called a Shasheed, because he bears witness to the existence of  the eternal law, the validity of which he testifies by his supreme act to sacrifice, in that he shows that his earthly life is a matter of no consequence to him when it comes to offering evidence about the perpetual and everlasting existence of Allah’s law which he has been commanded to obey (46). 

Shaheed is a person who sacrifices even one’s life for the sake of his faith or the one who bears witness to the truth; he is the one who observes things critically or bears witness to the truth of his Faith by following it in all the aspects of one’s life. A martyr is a Shaheed because he willingly suffers death by fighting in the cause of Allah. 

Allah loves those who trust in Him in whatever they do (47).

Allah is witness (Wakeel) to what we have agreed upon (48).

When the people said to them, “Big armies have gathered against you: so fear them,” became more firm in their Faith, and answered, “Allah is all sufficient for us, for He is the best Protector (Wakeel)” (49).

“Allah Almighty is the best Disposer of affairs (3:73). He is Ever All-Sufficient as a Disposer of affairs (4:81). It means He is sufficient as Protector, Supporter and Helper for those who rely on Him and return to Him. Sufficient is Allah as a Wakeel (33:3). It means sufficient is He as a Trustee for the one who puts his trust in Him and turns to Him” (50).

And is one who was dead and We gave him life and made for him light by which to walk among the people like one who is in darkness, never to emerge therefrom? Thus it has been made pleasing to the disbelievers that which they were doing. And thus We have placed within every city the greatest of its criminals to conspire therein. But they conspire not except against themselves, and they perceive (it) not (51).

That is, “How can you expect a man, who has got a real understanding of life and recognises clearly, by the light of knowledge, the Straight Way from among the countless crooked ways, would live a life like those who lack understanding and blunder blindly into the darkness of ignorance and folly”? It is the Law of Allah that He makes their deeds seem fair to those who refuse to be guided by the Light which is offered to them and who prefer to tread on the crooked paths even though they are invited to the Right Way. Then they begin to love darkness and like groping their way through it like the blind people and to be knocked about throughout their lives. Accordingly, every vice appears to them worth enjoying and every piece of folly to be a gem of wisdom. After the failure of such an experiment that produces mischief, they get ready for another in the hope that the first failure was due to some accidental mistake that will be avoided in future experiments (52).

According to commentators of the Qur’an, the one who was dead refers to having a dead heart, which Allah revived with the light of guidance that one may walk straight and honourably among human beings Also the Prophet Muhammad said, “The difference between the one who remembers Allah and one who does not is like the difference between the living and dead.” In short, the believer is someone whose heart is alive, while the heart of the disbeliever is spiritually dead. 

Wrongdoing irritates the heart and sins disturb it. Bad deed is itself a punishment, because when a person commits a sin, one does against oneself first – one enters a state of spiritual agitation and often tries to suppress it or cover it so that other people cannot see it. In short, people try to cut themse;ves off from their hearts and natural feelings. With the remembrance of Allah the heart becomes calm (13:28) and it becomes resistant against diseases, and idleness induces susceptibility in heart against diseases. 

One of the major drawbacks of being severed from the heart is that the more one is severed, the sicker the heart becomes. Heart needs nourishment, but heedlessness starves the heart and due to this one enters into a state of unawareness towards the religion of Islam then ultimately death of the spiritual heart occurs. Before  the heart dies, it shows symptoms of affliction. 

It is important to mention here after the prophethood of Muhammad, there will be no other Prophet on the planet earth, and no person will have the opportunity to become Prophet till the end of this world, therefore there will be no chance to become Sahabi, Tabiee, and Tabi al-tabiee, but with efforts and with the mercy of Allah one can become Mumin, Muhsin, Siddique, Shaeed, Salih, Muttaqi, Tawwab, Sabr, and Mutwwakal, etc.

An ordinary Muslim may rise up or go down depending upon one’s faith and deeds. With the strength of faith and good deeds one may rise to the statues of Mumin, and with further increase in faith and increase in the quality and quantity of good deeds one may attain the status of Muhsin, which is the highest status which one can attain in one’s spiritual journey. It is therefore imperative that an ordinary Muslim should try to move forward in one’s spiritual journey, and should avoid going downward to save oneself from becoming Fasiq, Fajir, and Zindiq, etc. Those who move in a positive direction achieve true success and enter Paradise, while those who move on the negative side utterly fail in this world and their final abode will be Hell in the Hereafter. Generally, the word Muslim is used for all the Prophets and their followers, but when this word is used along with Mumin, and Muhsin then it is used for ordinary Muslims only. Before proceeding further it is imperative to briefly describe the afore-mentioned terms:

3.7. Salih

“The Salih (the righteous) is the one who follows the Shariah completely, not only in the matter of obligations, but also with regard to commendable actions. In fact, salih is the pious, or the virtuous or the good person” (53).

The root word of Salih is salaha. He is the one whose heart is sound and healthy. It is the barest requirement of spiritual health that one should relish devotional practices. For such a relish one should first be cleared of all impure elements in one’s spiritual being, such as insincerity, greed, jealousy, show and ostentation, pride and arrogance, etc. One must be, so to speak, a living embodiment of piety and moral caution – the minimum qualification for a godly man (54).

Salih is one who is upright in his beliefs, intentions, words, deeds and actions and adopts the right attitude in every aspect of life; one is a person who is steadfast in the path of goodness and who keeps himself and others away from evil. Allah loves the Saliheen and they love Him. 

3.8. Nominal Marginal Believers

Marginal believers include Faasiq, Faajr and Zindiq. Faasiq means the transgressor, the rebellious, evil-doer and disobedient to the Commandments of Allah Almighty and the teachings of the Prophet Myhammad (pbuh). He is the one who commits fisq (breaking the agreement); possesses corrupt moral character; he is considered impious; he engages in various minor and major sins;  Faasiq is considered unreliable therefore his testimony is not accepted in Islamic courts. 

The root word of faasiq is fasaqa, which means to go outside or to stay beyond a limit. Fisq (disobedience, transgression) signifies going beyond the circle of obedience to Allah Almighty, or transgressing His Commandments. Faasiq is a Muslim who is a habitual sinner or a Muslim who commits a major sin and does not repent. This word stands somewhere between Kaafir and zaalim. 

Faajir (dissolute person) is the one who commits sins publicly and openly, without being ashamed of it; he is considered a wicked evil-doer (sinner by action); he is the one who openly disobeys the Laws of Allah. Both faasiq and faajir unite in a common way of perpetrating major sins. 

Zindiq is an Islamic term used for individuals who are considered to hold views or follow practices that are contrary to central Islamic dogmas. 

Zindiq is the one who goes so far into innovative deviant beliefs and philosophising without sticking to the truth found in the Holy Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet to such an extreme extent that they actually leave Islam altogether; he is the one who conceals one’s deviant beliefs. He may be called as the criminal dissident, apostate, heretical or even infidel. 

Allah does not love such marginal believers. This is evident from the following verses of the Holy Qur’an:

Allah does not like an ungrateful sinful person (55).

And note it well that Allah does not like the transgressors (wrong doers) (56).

Allah does not love the one who is persistently dishonest and sinful (57).

Allah Almighty has mentioned the qualities of human beings whom He loves and the qualities of humans whom He does not love. Those who are committing sins, wasting resources, commiting excesses, and creating chaos in the world, do not gain His love. Allah has warned at different places in the Holy Qur’an to learn lessons from the signs of nations destroyed due to genius crimes and sins. Everyone should avoid the sins and disobedience of Allah and enter into the fold of Islam completely. If this happens, global peace can be established on a sustainable basis.


The heart in Arabic is known as al-Qalb, which is derived from the root word qalaba meaning ‘to turn about,’ ‘turn around,’ ‘to change,’ ‘to alter,’ ‘transform’  or ‘transmute.’ The heart is that organ which changes quickly, therefore the heart takes its name from its continuous changes (taqallub) from one state to another state or states.

Abu Musa Ashari reported that the Holy Prophet said, “The parable of the heart is that of a feather blown about by the wind of the desert” (58).

We will discuss in detail the strategy to protect the heart from the machinations of Iblis and his evil web, management of spiritual diseases through a number of curative and preventive measures in a separate article. Here we intend to throw some light on the role of dress for the positive transformation of the heart. 

On the tafsir of verses

Dress plays an important role in protecting the heart from the machinations of the evil web and from spiritual diseases. The Qur’an mentions the importance of the dress: 

O children of Adam, We have bestowed upon you clothing to conceal your private parts and as adornment. But the clothing of Taqwa (righteousness) – that is best. That is from the signs of Allah that perhaps they will remember. O children of Adam, let not Satan temptas he removed your parents from Paradise, stripping them of their clothing to show them their private parts…Indeed, We have made the devils allies to those who do not believe. And when they commit an immorality, they say, “We found our forefathers doing it, and Allah has ordered us to do it.” Say, “Indeed, Allah does not order immorality” (59).

Maulana Maududi writes in his tafsir: The Qur’an has used the story of Adam and Eve for the eradication of the evil of nakedness. Satan had seduced the Arabs of pre-Islamic period into believing that clothing was meant merely for the purpose of protecting and decorating the body from the hardships of weather. Accordingly, they totally disregarded its real purpose and paid no heed to cover their shameful parts. and did not hesitate to uncover them before others in the open. Above all, they would go round the Ka’abah in perfect nudity during pilgrimage.

The evil of nakedness was not confined to the Arabs alone, but was prevailing in many other cultures and civilizations of the world. At present, in almost all cultures, this evil is found in one form or the other. In certain cases people wear the dress but in spite of that they may be considered as naked: the cloth is too thin and transparent; the fitting is too tight; and some shameful parts remain partially naked, because they become quite visible.

The Lord of the universe created the material in the form of cotton, silk, wool, hides and various other materials from which cloth can be made. Moreover, He ingrained the feelings of modesty and shyness in human nature and endowed them with the ability to manufacture cloths from the available raw material. Therefore, it is the obligation of human beings to manufacture cloth for making physical garments.

It is innate urge in human beings to cover their private parts; protect their bodies from extreme cold or heat; and keep their body defects under cover. People also wear dress to beautify their personalities which differ from culture to culture. It is imperative to wear such a dress which fulfils the basic requirements of which the most important is the covering of shameful or private parts of the body.

Any person with sound or healthy heart is well aware that Allah (swt) has not made his sex organs as merely sex organs but also made them shameful organs, therefore one does not like to expose them before others. In the verse the covering of the shameful parts precedes the protecting and decorating of the body, is a clear proof that more importance has been attached to the moral than the physical function of clothing. Thus it is obvious that the human nature is quite different from the animal nature, therefore Allah Almighty has made provision for the protection and decoration of the body of the animals, but has ingrained no urge in them for the covering of their shameful parts.

The garments should not only be the means of protection and decoration of the body but the dress should, therefore, be such as to conceal those parts of the body that should be hidden from others; it should neither be too expensive nor too poor with regard to the position of the wearers; it should not smack of haughtiness nor arrogance nor hypocrisy. Moreover, the male should not wear the female dress and vice versa, and that the Muslim should not imitate blindly the non-Muslims in dress but get guidance from the Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

Now there is a pertinent question that in spite of innate urge to wear clothing and clear guidance of Allah and His Messengers, why people go towards nakedness or nudity? It evident from the Qur’an and the traditions of the Prophet Muhammad that the attack of evil web is on the hearts of believers, and heart is the king of human personality; heathy heart is immune to the attack of evil web, but sick heart is susceptible to their attacks; people with severely sick hearts are prone to the attack of the Satan and his evil web. Nudity is a strong tool for misleading believers through machinations; and in this endeavour, the role of lower soul in the form of nafs Ammarah is of great significance; it misleads the eyes and certain other senses such as ears and tongue to play their role.

After Faith, the first duty of human beings is to cover their necessary body parts. Without proper dress no one is in a position to perform Salah and various other religious activities. Proper physical dress is necessary  to achieve righteousness. In addition to physical dress, there is an other dress, the dress of righteousness (Taqwa). The Qur’an emphatically declares that the dress of righteousness is superior to physical dress. The dress of righteousness is also known as spiritual dress. It is the which conceals human weaknesses and moral shortcomings. It is both a protection and an adornment; it keeps one away from indecency and evil, and beautifies a person with the Divine Light that shines through it. In fact, it decorates one’s inner self and manifests itself in one’s utterances and pious actions; it encourages to have firm faith in Allah and other articles of Iman and prevents one from committing sins; it is a shield which saves one from evil forces. 

Righteousness covers the errors of its possessor and it lies in the heart of a believer.  It is such a shield which prevents a person from doing immoral acts; a righteous person always realizes that Allah Almighty sees and hears all things, and such awareness keeps one away from sins. The criterion of high ranking in the sight of Allah is righteousness. May Allah (swt) include us among the righteous people. In short, it is necessary to wear both dresses: the physical dress and the dress of righteousness. Both these dresses are required to improve the heath of the heart.

 4.1. Transformation of Physical Heart

Transformation of Physical Heart, From Foetus to Newborn

Transformation of the physical heart mainly occurs at the time of birth of the baby. The baby growing inside of the mother’s womb is called a foetus. The blood circulation in the foetus is considered more complicated than after the birth and in the subsequent developmental stages of a person. 

The foetus is connected by the umbilical cord to the placenta, the organ that develops and implants in the mother’s uterus during pregnancy. One side of the placenta is attached to the uterus, and the other side is attached to a liquid-filled sac that holds the foetus. Umbilical cord links the placenta to the foetus. There is no direct contact between the circulatory system of the mother and foetus. 

The foetus receives all the necessary nutrition, oxygen and life support from the mother through the placenta. Waste products and carbon dioxide from the foetus are sent back through umbilical cord and placenta to the mother’s circulation to be eliminated. The foetal circulatory system uses two right to left shunts, which are small passages that direct blood that needs to be oxygenated. The purpose of these shunts is to bypass the lungs and liver that are not fully developed before birth. 

Oxygen and nutrients from the mother’s blood are transferred across the placenta to the foetus. Waste products from the foetal blood are transferred back across the placenta to the mother’s blood. Inside the foetal heart blood enters the right atrium, the chamber of the upper right side of the heart. When the blood enters the right atrium, most of it flows through the foramen ovale into the left atrium. Blood then passes into the left ventricle (lower chamber of the heart) and then into the aorta (the large artery coming from the heart). From the aorta, blood is sent to the heart itself in addition to the brain. After circulating there, the blood returns to the right atrium of the heart. In the placenta, carbon dioxide and waste products are passed into the mother’s circulatory system, and oxygen and nutrients from the mother’s blood are released into foetus’ blood. 

At birth, major changes take place in the working of the material heart. At this stage the umbilical cord is clamped, and the body, and the baby no longer receives oxygen and nutrients from the mother. With the first breath of life, the lungs start to expand, and the ductus arteriosus and the foramen ovale both close over the first minutes and days of life. The baby’s circulation and blood flow through the heart now function like an adult’s. The closure of the ductus arteriosus and foramen ovale completes the transition of foetal circulation to newborn circulation. Further information  is available in (60). 

4.2. Transformation of the Spiritual Heart

At the time of birth the spiritual heart of every baby is healthy and it possesses nafs Lawwamah. This state of heart may be designated as zero or neutral. It possesses both the tendencies: improvement or degradation of health of the heart. In the onward journey, while passing through different developmental stages, one may move to the negative side and  become sick with a spiritual heart having one disease or multiple diseases simultaneously. Some examples of common spiritual diseases are the love of the world, hypocrisy, backbiting, telling lies, jealousy, anger, miserliness, heedlessness, excessive talk, etc. 

If a person commits a sin a black or rusty spot is formed on the heart. If one repents sincerely the spot is removed and the heart regains the original position, but if one does not repent the spot is retained. If one commits another sin, then the number of spots becomes two and so on. In this manner, the intensity of the sickness of the heart increases successively or step wise from minor to severe and ultimately the heart may become completely dead (black or rusty). If at any step or stage of the disease, one returns to Allah and seeks forgiveness, Allah may accept one’s repentance at any stage, but it should be done before the complete death of the heart.

On the other hand if one remembers Allah and worships Him in the onward journey of life and avoids committing sin, then, one’s lower soil will be transformed from Lawwamah to Mutmiannah and one’s status will be raised from a common Muslim to a true believer or even one may achieve the status of a Muhsin.   

At the initial stage the revival or reversion of the heart is the easiest, but when one’s nafs Lawwamah is transformed into Nafs Ammarah, then revival of the heart becomes comparatively difficult. Before the complete death there is possibility for reversion of the heart and it may become healthy as it was at the time of birth and with further efforts, the heart may be transformed to healthier or polished heart. The transformation of the spiritual heart in the positive side and the negative side is also explained in figures 1 to 3. 

Fortunate are the people who avoid committing sins and those people are also fortunate who after committing sins repent immediately and try to make their hearts from sick to healthy; from healthy to healthier; from transparent to shiny or polished; and from soft to softer, etc.  

Any improvement in the condition of the heart may be considered as positive and any deterioration can be called as negative development. The positive progress will depend upon increase in the level of faith in Allah and other articles of faith; and increase in the quantity or quality of pious deeds. Negative trends will be based on the weakness of faith and decrease in the pious deeds or increase in the bad deeds. The positive progress and negative trends may further be divided into different scales. Through this approach we will be in a position to understand the level of resistance or susceptibility of the heart against the machinations of Iblis and his evil web. This methodology we will use while discussing the management of different spiritual diseases. Information on the productive developmental stages of human beings in which they will be accountable to their sinful utterances and deeds and will be rewarded for their pious deeds is available in (61).

The root cause of deterioration of the spiritual heart is the attack of Iblis and his evil web on it and improvement in its health occurs due to the efforts of an angel which inspires man for having firm faith in Allah,  and remembering and worshipping Him. Other angels are also helpful at some critical moments in the journey of life. It is important to mention here that the heart is the battlefield of two opposing forces: angelic (pious forces) devilish forces (evil web). This battle continues throughout the lives of believers. The position of the heart is not static, but quite dynamic, ever changing and fluctuating and none of the force accepts defeat; anything can happen at any time based on the way of life of every person.  

The evil web consists of satans both from jinn and human beings. When we discuss the evil web some terms are used, such as Satan, Iblis (Eblees), and knanas. It is imperative to throw some light on these terms. Every being that does not believe and obey Allah and mislead others is known as Satan. Iblis is the name of the first Satan who disobeyed Allah’s order to prostrate for Prophet Adam. Its root word ‘balasa’ means to be expelled, be dismissed, or be driven out. The verb ‘aabasa’ means broken in spirit. The word khanas is derived from khunus, which means to hide after appearing and to retreat after coming into view. He is the one who behaves in this manner frequently. The original name of Iblis was Azazil.   

All those persons who deviate from the religion of Islam in any manner and create obstacles in the way of believers directly or indirectly and misuse their powers to achieve their objectives may be considered as the members of the evil web.  These may include oppressors, aggressors, terrorists, extremists, violators of the Islam-based constitution of their countries; those who work against their oaths; and those misuse their powers in one way or the other. It is important to mention here that we use the word Islam in a wider sense. All those persons who were followers of their prophets were Muslims. 

Our article will not complete without mentioning the role of the people who learn and practice occult sciences, especially the role of magicians and divinators. The Qur’an mentions the friendship, companionship and joint venture of jinn satans and human satans in an impressive manner. The activities of jinn satans are not restricted to the planet earth, but they use to fly at greater heights and in certain cases try to go beyond the atmosphere of the earth.  

The Qur’an and the traditions informs us about the activities of those Jinn Satans,  who have got some friends from human beings; they climb up the heavens to get some news from the angels; then they hand over the information to sinful liars, whisper to each other some brilliant statements to deceive people. 

And who is more unjust than one who invents about Allah a lie or denies His verses? Indeed the wrong doers will not succeed (62).  

And thus We have made for every Prophet an enemy – devils from mankind and jinn, inspiring to one another decorative speech in dilution (63).

And we used to sit therein in positions for hearing, but whoever listens now will find a burning flame lying in weight for him (64).

And whoever is blinded from remembrance of the Most Merciful – We appoint for him a devil, and he is to him a companion (65).

Certain angels descend down through the clouds and discuss each other about what happened in the upper heavens, in the meanwhile, some of the jinn satans listen stealthily to such a matter, and they add hundreds of things to these conversations of angels and transfer to their companions in the world (Bukhari). When the angels of the heavens were ordered to execute something, they move their wings to show their devotions; as the fear goes out of their hearts, they ask from other angels  about Allah’s orders, at this time some devils are also in the vicinity to hear and steal up some words of them in order to communicate what they heard to the devils including human satans (Bukhari). 

Human satans acquire blameworthy knowledge and use that knowledge for creating fitna in the world in a number of ways such as causing separation of husband and wife, creating hurdles in the way of those people who are preaching Islam, fighting against injustice and corruption, making efforts for unifying Muslim Community, and fighting against extremism and terrorism. Their mission is to create conflicts among the believers. 

The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) has severely forbade the divination because it is considered as the alternate to the revelation; and whoever gets knowledge from divinators, would be seen as the rejector of the revelation sent to the Prophet Muhammad (Abu Dawud) and his worship would not be acceptable within forty days (Muslim), he would not enter Paradise (Musnad Ahmad). Islam severely rejects the divination and forbade it. 

Magic (Sihr) means to show something different from what it is, to remove something, to distract, to disorder, to deceive, to make someone pay attention, and to make someone feel attracted. 

Magic covers tricks, and deception through dexterity, delusion, and an expression of gilt words (Ragib alIsfahani), it is every kind of practice showing something in a manner of unreality to deceive mankind or as being secret how to be done (66). 

The heart is such a thing or an organ which is affected by a small scratch and with an ordinary dot or spot; Just as a pure white cloth on which a little dirt or spot becomes quite apparent or it is like a transparent mirror on which a small or light spot or dot becomes visible even during ordinary observation. Likewise, a minor incident, little undesirable change, and a minor incentive or threat may affect it substantially (67).

And let not your eyes pass beyond them, desiring adornments of the worldly life, and do not obey one whose heart We have made heedless of Our remembrance and who follows his desires and whose affair is ever (in) neglect (68).

The human heart is the container that receives and is nourished by forces that are external and internal. Some nourish it, some interact with it in a positive way, and some in negative manner, some pollute it, some bring it in the Light of the Divine and some plunge it into the darkness of ignorance.

The heart is clouded with sins, by disobeying its Creator and by committing any sin. In this connection the Holy Prophet Said, “Verily, when the slave (of Allah) commits a sin, a black spot appears on his heart. When he refrains from it, seeks forgiveness and repents, his heart is polished clean. But he returns, it increases until it covers his returns, it increases until it covers his entire heart. And that is the ‘Ran’ which Allah mentioned. ‘Nay, but in their hearts is the Ran which they used to earn ” (69). 

“O Allah, the Turner of the hearts, turn our hearts to Your obedience (70). 

Those who have believed and whose hearts are assured by the remembrance of Allah. Unquestionably, by the remembrance of Allah hearts are assured (71).

So is one whose breast Allah has expanded to (accept) Islam and he is upon (guided by) a light from his Lord (like one whose heart rejects it)? Then woe to those whose hearts are hardened against remembrance of Allah. Those are in manifest error. Allah has sent down the best statement: a consistent Book wherein is reiteration. The skins shiver therefrom of those who fear their Lord; then their skins and their hearts relax at the remembrance (mention) of Allah. That is the guidance of Allah by which He guides whom He wills. And one whom Allah sends astray – for him there is no guide (72).

Has the time not come for those who have believed their hearts should become humbly submissive at the remembrance of Allah and what has come down of the Truth? And let them not be like those who were given the Scripture before, and a long period passed over them, so their hearts hardened; and many of them are defiantly disobedient (73).

No disaster strikes except by permission of Allah. And whoever believes in Allah – He will guide his heart. And Allah is Knowing of all things (74).  

“O Allah, Turner of the hearts, direct our hearts to your obedience” (74).

“O Allah, O Changer of the hearts, keep my heart firm on the religion” (75).

Hudhafah reported that the Messenger of Allah said, “Tribulation will be exposed to the hearts of the people like a reed mat woven, stick by stick. Any heart afflicted by them will have a black mark put into it, but any heart that rejects them will have a white mark put into it. Thus, there will be two kinds of hearts: one is pure like a white gemstone; it will not be harmed by any trial as long as the heavens and earth endure. The other is black and dusty like a worn-out vessel, neither acknowledging good nor rejecting evil, rather absorbed in its desires” (76).

Hadith: O son of Adam, empty your heart for my worship, I will fill your chest with wealth (the treasures and attributes of Allah). And if you do not (struggle/strive to remove all of the negative qualities within), I will fill your hands with worry and will not seal the holes of your poverty (the floods of feeling needy) (77).


The greatest role in the transformation of a believers’ hearts on the positive side at individual level or at community level is that of Allah Almighty. It may be directly or through the angels. Some religious scholars use the term Allah – Angel. 

Unquestionably, Allah (swt) possesses absolute Will and Power and encompasses everything, but people with sick hearts are in doubt about meeting with their Lord (41:54). Believers are required to respond to Allah and to His Messenger. Allah intervenes between  people and their hearts (8:24); He guides those people who say, “Our Lord, let not our hearts deviate after You have guided us,” but Allah dismisses their hearts who do not understand Allah’s Revelation(9:127). Allah has decreed within their hearts faith and supported them with spirit and admitted them to Paradise eternally who believe in Him and the Last Day and hate with people who oppose Allah and His Messenger even if they were their fathers or their sons or their brothers (58:22). 

Those people who in spite of seeing the signs and listening to recitation of Qur’an do not believe, He placed over their hearts coverings, and deafness in their ears (6:25, 17:46); He set a seal upon their hearts and set upon their hearings, and over their vision is a veil (2:7). All of these are manifestations of Allah’s dominance over hearts. Such is the close connection between Allah and the heart. 

The Holy Prophet said, “Satan has some hold over the sun of Adam and the angel has some hold over the son of Adam. As for the hold of Satan, it is reminding him of evil and disbelieving the truth. As for the hold of an angel, it is reminding him of goodness and believing the truth. Whoever finds the latter, let him know that it is from Allah, so let him praise Him, Whoever finds the former, let him seek refuge with Allah from the accrued Satan” (78).

Indeed, those who have said, “Our Lord is Allah” and then remained on the right course  – the angels will descend upon them, (saying), “Do not fear and do not grieve but receive good tidings of Paradise, which you were promised  (79).

Heart is the source of awareness, insights, emotions, motivations, understanding, decision making, reasoning and is responsible for good governance in the human kingdom. At the time of birth the spiritual heart of every baby is healthy, it is therefore necessary to transform it in the positive side and make it healthier and polished in order to achieve true success in this world and in the Hereafter. Sick heart fails to perform its essential duties. The transformation of the heart should be avoided, because it will gradually cause its death due to which one will become the worst of all creatures and his final abode will be Hell. May Allah save us from the death of our spiritual heart  and provide us Qalbun Salim.   

Different States of Heart

Different States of Heart



In the previous article ‘The status of the heart in the human personality,’ we tried to prove in the light of revealed knowledge and the acquired (scientific) knowledge that the heart is the king or ruler, coordinator, administrator and commander  of human personality; while other parts, limbs and senses obey its orders like submissive servants, or like soldiers of their commander. The heart as a king tries its level best for good governance in the human kingdom; and as a commander, devises the strategy to protect itself and other organs from all types of invasions, especially from the attack of the evil web of Iblis. Moreover, as a coordinator the heart synchronizes the activities not only of different pillars of the kingdom but at cellular level as well, with the help of a number of hormones. As an administrator, the heart commands, directs, and guides all the organs and limbs to perform their prescribed functions and duties towards others. 

People have been using different terms or phrases for the heart from ancients to date. These phrases include ‘hard-hearted,’ ‘cold-hearted,’ ‘warm-hearted,’ heart on one’s sleeve,’ and ‘touch my heart.’ Hard-hearted is the one who shows no mercy or kindness to others; the one who is incapable of being moved to pity or tenderness; unfeeling; and not kind or sympathetic toward fellow human beings  or other creatures. Cold-hearted is the one who shows no understanding for or not feeling sorry about another person’s sufferings; and having or showing a lack of care for others. Warm-hearted means sympathetic and kind; showing love and affection; and he is the one who helps a needy person. A warm-hearted person is friendly, kind, generous, forgiving, readily sympathetic and affectionate. Heart on one’s sleeves means the one who does not or cannot conceal one’s emotions from others. The phrase wear your heart on your sleeve is to make your feelings and emotions obvious rather than hiding them. The phrase ‘it touched my heart’ may be used to describe something that has made a strong emotional impression on someone, such as a meaningful book, or a heartfelt speech, and other such wonderful things. When someone’s words or actions penetrate others’ souls and affect them profoundly, they say that this person ‘touched their hearts’ or touched the core of their hearts. The Arabic equivalent for the English word core is known as lubb, which also refers to heart, as well as the intellect and the essence of human personality. 

The objective of the activities of the heart is to get nearness of Allah (swt); achieve piety or righteousness (Taqwa); know and understand metaphysical realities; receive wahi (divine message or revelation) and Light; and ponder over Allah’s signs. Allah Almighty does not like the heart to be possessed by anything other than Him. When the heart becomes inhabited by Allah’s Light all evil forces run away. In short, the heart is the essence of the  human personality.  

Human heart is designed to accommodate diverse faculties of different and opposing natures, as the human species is a mixture of opposites. At the time of birth the heart of every baby is healthy, transparent and soft, but based on one’s interactions with people may create positive or negative effects – it may become healthier, softer, sound and polished or may be affected with a number of spiritual diseases with different intensities and severity . In other words, with the passage of time, while passing through different developmental stages, the condition of the heart may improve or deteriorate depending upon the strength/weakness of the faith and the quality and quantity of good or bad deeds. 

The Din of Islam on the planet Earth was started from Prophet Adam, passed through different evolutionary stages and was completed on the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), therefore it (Islam as a complete code of life) provides guidance for the improvement of the heart in order to achieve true success in this world and in the Hereafter. Throughout human history, on the planet Earth, evil web has been struggling hard to mislead the sons of Adam mainly by attacking on their hearts and affect them adversely, make them sick and in certain cases cause the spiritual death of their hearts.


Some religious scholars are of the view that there are three states of the heart: healthy, dead, and sick. In a tradition of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) four states of the heart are mentioned: three states are mentioned above and fourth is the ‘upside down heart’ or ‘inverted heart.’  In another scheme the heart has been classified into six states: Healthy, deviated, sick, hard, rock and locked heart. Some scholars have discussed seven states of heart: Healthy, broken, fearful, angry, hopeless, hard, and numb (checked out) heart. These states of the heart are briefly described. 

2.1. Three States of Heart

2.1.1. The Healthy Heart   

The healthy heart is also known as ‘soft heart’, ‘transparent heart’, ‘shining heart ‘,  ‘polished heart’ or ‘sound heart.’ The healthy heart is as shining  as a radiant lamp and this word is used for the light of faith. For everything there is a polish and the heart becomes polished with the remembrance and worship of Allah (swt). 

There are many verses of the Qur’an and the traditions of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) which shed some light on the healthy heart. It is not feasible here to mention all of them, therefore we intend to give a few selected verses and hadiths only. 

For the sound heart the Qur’an uses the phrase ‘Qalbun Salim’ or ‘Qalbun Muneeb’. The Arabic word salim is derived from ‘Salaamah’ which means safe and sound. The term Qalbun Salim (sound heart or healthy heart) is that which possesses all innate potential qualities both latent and manifest; and the heart which is in pure form and without any pollution. If it is polluted in any manner and in any form it no longer remains healthy or sound, but becomes sick or diseased; hard not remains soft; it does not remain transparent but becomes opaque, it may have some black spots or rusty spots as well. 

It is generally believed by eminent religious scholars that a sound heart is the one which is free from negative personality traits such as unbelief or disbelief, hypocrisy, pride, jealousy, hatred, and headlessness, etc. It is the heart which has surrendered completely to the Will and Commands of Allah (swt); and its first priority is to get nearness of Allah and make Him happy under all circumstances and always gets ready to sacrifice everything for His sake. The healthy heart promptly acts according to the Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) sincerely without any hesitation even under difficult situations. Moreover, the healthy heart remains busy in acquiring obligatory and other branches of knowledge and believes that all revealed knowledge is from Allah (swt). 

Every work which is done with a soft heart, its good effects are manifested in the whole body, especially through the tongue, because it is the interpreter of the heart. The behaviour of such a person towards others will be soft and moderate without any harshness. Such behaviour can transform enemies into friends; and creates love, unity  and harmony not only in oneself, but in the family, in society and in a nation as well. 

Healthy heart possesses resistance against the machinations of Satan and its evil web; remains happy and satisfied under all situations; and loves and hates for the sake of Allah; always avoids to commit sins, but if some sin is committed intentionally or unintentionally, it immediately repents and seeks forgiveness from Allah (swt) most of the time and makes efforts to achieve true success in this world and in the hereafter. The possessor of a healthy heart fulfils all the obligations towards Allah, fellow human beings and other creatures; helps the poor and needy; remains fearful in connection with returning to the Lord of the universe. In this connection the the Qur’an says: 

And those who give what they give while their hearts are fearful because they will be returning to their Lord (1).

This verse may be elaborated like this: “They serve their Lord and try their best to obey Him and do righteous deeds, but all along they  remain humble in their hearts and are not puffed up with the pride of their piety: nay, in spite of all their good deeds, their hearts are always filled with awe that they shall have to render an account of their Lord, and they are not sure whether they will come out successful in the judgement of their Lord or not.” In this connection Caliph Umar said before his death, “I shall consider it a favour of Allah, if I am neither rewarded nor punished in the Hereafter” (2).

“A believer obeys Allah and is yet fearful of Him, and a hypocrite disobeys Allah and is yet fearless of Him” (3).

And We did not send before you (O Muhammad) any messenger or prophet except that when he spoke (or recited), Satan threw into it (some misunderstanding). But Allah abolishes that which Satan throws in: then Allah makes precise His verses.……so He makes what Satan throws in (asserts) a trial for those within whose heart is disease and those hard of heart. And indeed, the wrongdoers are in extreme dissension. And so those who were given knowledge may know that it is the truth from your Lord and (therefore) believe in it, and their hearts humbly submit to it (4).

The Arabic word tamanna has two meanings: ‘desire’ and ‘to recite’ something. If the first meaning is taken, it will imply: “Satan tried to prevent the fulfilment of his desire.” If the second meaning is taken, it will imply: “When the Prophet recited the Revelation, Satan created different sorts of doubts about its truth and meanings in the minds of the people.” If the first meaning is adopted, it will imply: “Allah fulfils the Prophet’s desire and makes his Mission successful in spite of the obstacles of Satan and confirms the truth of His Revelation by fulfilling His promises to the Prophet.” In case of the second meaning, it will imply: “Allah eradicates all the doubts and objections inspired by Satan in the hearts of the people and clarifies the confusion created about any verse of the Qur’an in subsequent Revelations. Allah is All-Knowing and has full knowledge of the mischief worked by Satan and of its effects, and being All-Wise, He counteracts every mischief of Satan. That is, “Allah lets Satan work such mischiefs to put to the test both the righteous and the wicked people.” The people with a perverted mentality deduce wrong conclusions from these and deviate from the Right Way, while those, who think on the right lines, realise that all these things are the mischiefs of Satan and that the Message of the Prophet is based on the Truth. They conclude that the very fact that Satan has been so much agitated and become active against it is a clear proof of its being the Truth. It is very important to understand the real significance of this passage (verses 22:52-54) for this has given rise to a grave misunderstanding. Further information is available in reference (5).

The healthy heart is filled with the knowledge that Allah sent, and such knowledge cleansed it, polished it, so it would shine filling the whole body with the desire to please Allah and fearful of displeasing Him. The person with a sound heart prays to Allah to keep his heart healthy and shining all the times, and expand his breast to contain Islam.  

It is He who has sent down to you (O Muhammad), the Book; in it are verses (that are) precise (muhkamat) – they are the foundation of the Book…………But those firm in knowledge say, “We believe in it. All (of it) is from our Lord.” And no one will be reminded except of those of understanding. (Who say), “Our Lord, let not our hearts deviate after You have guided us and grant us from Yourself mercy. You are the Bestower  (6).

So whoever Allah wants to guide – He expands his breast to (contain) Islam (7).

“He makes his breast wide one to Islam” means, “Allah makes him fully convinced of the truth of the Islam by removing from his mind and heart every kind of doubt, suspicion, hesitation and indecision about Islam” (8).

The believers are only those who, when Allah is mentioned. Their hearts become fearful, and when His verses are recited to them, it increases them in faith; and upon their Lord they rely. The one who establishes prayer, and from what We have provided them, they spend. Those are the believers, truly. For them are degrees (of high) position) with their Lord and forgiveness and notable provision (9).

This implies that a man’s Faith increases on every occasion he acknowledges the Revelation of Allah to be true, and submits to them. Most surely his Faith increases and grows, whenever he surrenders himself to the Book of Allah and to the teachings of the Holy Prophet though they are against his own desires, his opinions, his conceptions, his theories, his habits, his lusts, his comforts, his affections and his friendship. For instead of changing the teachings, he changes himself in accordance with the Commands of Allah Almighty and the instructions of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), and accepts them for his guidance. In contrast to this, if a believer hesitates to accept these, his Faith begins to decrease and fade away. This also shows that Faith is not something that is incapable of growth and decrease and which always remains in one and the same state but it is capable of both improvement and decay. Every denial of the Truth corrupts its quality, and likewise every acknowledgment and acceptance improves it  (10).

The Day when there will not benefit (anyone) wealth or children. But only one who comes to Allah with a sound heart (11).

On the Day of Judgment, only a sound heart, sound in faith, and free from disobedience and sin, will be of any avail to man and not wealth and children, for wealth and children can be useful only if one possesses a sound heart. Wealth will be useful if one would have spent it sincerely and faithfully for the sake of Allah, otherwise even a millionaire will be a poor man. Children also will be of help only to the extent a person might have educated them in Faith and good conduct to the best of his ability; otherwise even if one’s son is a Prophet, the father will not escape punishment, if he died in the state of disbelief, because such a father will have no share there in the goodness of his children (12).

Anis bin Maalik used to say: Most of the dwellers of Paradise are those who have sound hearts and who always entertain good thoughts regarding others (13).

Entrance into Paradise is dependent on the condition of the heart. It means only those persons will enter Paradise who are with a healthy heart. 

The Messenger of Allah said, “For everything there is a polish, and the polish for the hearts is the dhikr of Allah. There is nothing more potent in saving a person from the punishment of Allah than His dhikr” (14).

Shaddad ibn Aws reported that the Messenger of Allah used to say, “O Allah I ask you Qalb-e-Salim (sound heart)” (15).

The Holy Prophet said, “Who is deprived of softness of the heart has been deprived of everything” (Muslim, 6598). He further said, “Indeed softness in any thing makes it beautiful, while hardness makes things extremely unpleasant or repulsive” (Muslim 6602). 

The healthy heart is that state of the heart which is free from every disease, defect, rust, or deformation; it is transparent and shining like a mirror. It is also free of character defects and spiritual blemishes; and pure and sincere. From it stems good thoughts, pleasant words, and a smile on the face, etc. The healthy heart is free from any desires that oppose the commands of Allah and from any doubt that contradicts what He reveals; it submits completely to Allah and relies on Him alone; and is humble, soft, and gentle; it is cleansed from any passion; and  possesses almost all positive personality traits. 

In every stroke the healthy heart remembers Allah (swt) and it’s no stroke is without Allah’s remembrance and obedience. The one with a healthy heart feels great pleasure in His worship and in doing righteous deeds. Here we use the word worship in its broader sense – every utterance and every action or deed which is done according to the commandments of Allah and teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).  

 Allah Almighty increases the potential of a person with a healthy heart to remain patient against hardships and ordeals in this world. because such a person feels pleasure in doing righteous deeds, and severely hates sins in any form and in any intensity; performs every pious deed and duties towards others in the best possible way with full attention, at optimum time without any delay and deviation. He maintains balance and remains within limits in all utterances and actions; he prioritises one’s activities according to their importance – the most important actions and activities are farz-e-ain or obligatory duties towards Allah (five prayers daily, keeping fast for the month of Ramadan, pay zakat, and performing pilgrimage at least once in life in a prescribed way), followed by farze-kafiah, which is the duty of the community; commendable utterances and action; and avoid from prohibited works and actions. 

A healthy heart is full of belief and guided by its light. It gets the veil of sensual pleasures cleared away; the light of belief is luminous in it. Its luminosity glows that may burn the satan  when he approaches it. Such a person looks like a sky that is guarded by stars which cause satans to burn if they exceed them (16).  

2.1.2. The Dead Heart

The dead heart may be called a sealed, black, rusted or extremely hard heart; and the heart  with a knot tied around it. The possessors of dead hearts are  unbelievers or disbelievers who are members of the evil web; and those disbelievers who reject the signs of Allah (swt); create hurdles against those who are engaged in preaching Islam to other people.  

Dead heart is also known as frozen or rock hard heart. Allah refers to this heart as being closed – the condition when something becomes frozen and does not perform its function. Allah has placed the capacity of transformation in human hearts, with information which comes through senses and intellect. When the data from the senses or other organs reaches the heart it influences the heart, it being the centre of human personality, transforming it. As a result the heart develops and evolves and there is progress through this process. But the spiritual diseases freeze the heart and the information which is supposed to play the role of development and transformation does not have any impact. This is what is meant by the Qur’an that such people’s hearts freeze (stationary, not dynamic).

Dead heart is also known as wrapped heart (Qalb-e-Aghlaf). It is the heart  which does not allow anything to enter it other than what is inside it already. 

And they said, “Our hearts are wrapped, But (in fact), Allah has cursed them for their disbelief, so little it is that they believe (17).

By this (our hearts are quite secure, or our hearts are wrapped) they meant to say, “We are so staunch in our Faith that we are not going to be influenced by anything that might be said to the contrary.” All such people, as are slaves of irrational prejudices, delude themselves like this. They believe such an obstinate attitude to be a sign of their firm Faithand, therefore, a virtue. In fact, there can be no greater vice than to stick to one’s own traditional creeds and beliefs even though there are strong arguments against them (18).

Indeed those who disbelieve – it is all the same for them whether you warn them or do not warn them – they will not believe. Allah has set a seal upon their hearts and upon their hearing, and over their vision is a veil12. And for them is a great punishment (19).

A covering preventing them from discerning guidance. This condition is a direct result of their arrogance and persistence in sin (20).

It does not mean that their rejection of the Truth was due to some arbitrary decree of Allah and not because of their own fault; they refused to accept the Truth because Allah had sealed their hearts or they did not listen to it because Allah had sealed up their ears or they did not see the Truth because Allah had put a cover over their eyes. As a matter of fact, the sealing up of their hearts and ears was the result of their own persistent rejection of the Truth and not the cause of it. The Qur’an simply states a Law of Nature: if one takes a biassed view of something and deliberately nourishes prejudices against one’s mind one can neither see any virtue in it nor hear anything in its favour nor open one’s heart to consider it dispassionately. This is the Law of Nature and, as it is Allah’s Law, the act of sealing up of the hearts and the ears and the covering of the eyes has been attributed to Him (21).

Allah informs the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) that those people who do not fulfil six requirements which are mentioned in verses 2:3-4 or reject all or any one of them will not believe because Allah has sealed their hearts, vision and hearing as a punishment for them due to their refusal of Allah’s guidance. Allah has set a seal on their hearts means that He closed their hearts so tightly that the faith which was therein and went out when they disbelieved cannot enter their hearts. The sealing of the heart is like sealing an air container, once one fills it with something and seals it completely, then nothing will come out and nothing will go in. 

The seal on hearing means that they were unable to hear the truth and make use of it. They can hear but they do not want to listen, it is of no interest to them, they do not want to know what is being said, they might hear it but they do not take it in. In other words they do not pay any attention to those people who continue conveying the message of Islam. Allah has also placed a covering on their eyes meaning that they were unable to see the truth. 

Those who accept the message shall gain the great reward and those who turn away We shall turn their hearts away, as they refused to believe therein for the first time and We shall leave them in their trespass to wander blindly (6:110). So, do not you ever think that Allah has forced them to be disbelievers and at the same time applies a great torment upon them. All these are torments due to their disbelief, yet there will be a greater torment waiting for them in the Hereafter in the form of sending them in Hell eternally.  

Then your hearts become hardened after that, being like stones or even harder. For indeed, there are stones from which rivers burst forth, and there are some of them that split open and water comes out, and  there are some of them that fall down in fear of Allah. And Allah is not unaware of what you do (22).

Indeed, those who disbelieve and die while they are disbelievers – upon them will be the curse of Allah and of the angels and the people, altogether, abiding eternally therein (under the curse in Hell) their punishment will not be lightened, nor will they be reprieved (23).

The literal meaning of the Arabic word kufr is ‘to conceal.’ By and by it came to be used for the concealment of the Truth and then for its rejection, as the antonym of Iman. Iman means to believe, to accept and to submit, and kufr means to disbelieve, to reject and to oppose. According to the Qur’an, one shall be guilty of kufr: If one does not believe at all in Allah or refuses to accept Him as the Supreme authority or as one’s Master and Master of the Universe. Or as the only God of worship, or if one professes to acknowledge Allah but refuses to accept His Commandments and Guidance as the sole source of the knowledge of Truth and of Law, or even if one accepts on principle the Guidance of Allah, but refuses to accept the authority of the Messengers whom Allah has sent with His Commandments and Guidance, or if one accepts a particular Messenger or some Messengers and rejects the others according to one’s whim or prejudice, or if one discards the whole or any part of the Islamic creed, or its code of life or the teachings of the Messenger, or if one accepts all these things in theory but disregards the Commandments of Allah deliberately in practice and persists in this conduct and leads a life of rebellion instead of submission –  all these modes of thought and action are rebellious against Allah and are kufr according the the Qur’an . Besides the above usages, the Qur’an sometimes uses kufr as a substitute for ingratitude, for it is nothing but ingratitude to use the things and facilities given by Allah against His Will and to adopt the attitude of rebellion against one’s benefactor (24).

The example of those who disbelieve is like that of one who shouts at what hears nothing but calls and cries (cattle or sheep) – deaf, dumb, and blind, so they do not understand (25). 

The parable has two aspects: these people are like those herds of cattle which merely bear the call and cry of the drovers and move about at the sound of their call without understanding the meaning of their words. Preaching before them is like preaching to the cattle which only hear the sounds but do not comprehend the meaning and the implication of the words that are spoken to them (26).

O Messenger, let them not grieve you who hasten into disbelief ……They distart words beyond their (proper) places (usages), saying, “If you are given this, take it; but if you are not given it, then beware.” But he for whom Allah intends fitnah – never will you possess (power to do)  for him a thing against Allah. Those are the ones for whom Allah does not intend to purify their hearts (27).

This refers to the people who were using all their intellectual powers and energies to preserve the previous state of ignorance against the reformation efforts of Islam. They were distorting the Truth knowingly and doing their worst to defeat his holy mission by lies, deceit, cunning tactics. In reality these people are the slaves of their lusts and are not interested at all in the Truth but in falsehood only. They eagerly listen to lies because that alone can gratify their lust for falsehood. They used to attend the meetings of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) and his followers so that they might spread false reports about them in order to malign them. They used to come as spies to obtain some secret information for the benefits of the enemies of Islam; they come with hostile intent to obtain material for bringing false accusations and slander against the Holy Prophet and his followers in order to cause misunderstandings among the people. The Jewish scholars used to tell their illiterate people to accept any teaching of the Messenger of Allah only if it agrees with theirs, if not they should reject it. In this regard it is evident that a person was put to trial by Allah Almighty, and He did not purify such a person because one did not wish to purify oneself. It is not the way of Allah to deprive a person of purification, if one desires it and tries for it. He does not want to purify that person only who does not intend to purify himself (28).

And, O Muhammad, relate to them the news of him to whom We gave (knowledge of) Our signs, but he detached himself from them: so Satan pursued him, and he became of the deviants…….he adhered to the earth and followed his own desires……..How evil an example (is that of) the people who denied Our signs and used to wrong themselves….And We have certainly created for Hell many of the jinn and mankind. They have hearts with which they do not understand, they have eyes with which they do not see, and they have ears with which they do not hear. Those are like livestock; rather, they are more astray. It is they who are the heedless (29).  

The person (probably Balaam, the son of Ba’ura or Umayya bin Abi Assault or Saifi ibn Ar-Rahib), who has been held out as a bad type, possessed the knowledge of the Revelation of Allah (swt) and was acquainted with the Reality……..but he became inclined towards the benefits, lusts and comforts of the world and succumbed to temptations. He was so overpowered by avarice of these lower desires that he discarded all the higher things and let go of all the rational and moral potentialities of progress. Thus he transgressed all the limits that he ought to have observed in accordance with the demand of his knowledge. When Satan, who was lying in ambush nearby, saw him turning away deliberately and wilfully from the Truth because of his moral weakness, he chased him down and down from one abyss to the other, till he fell into the company of those who had utterly lost their reason under his misguidance. Allah has likened such a person to a dog because of his similarity to it in avarice and lust. The dog is proverbial for various undesirable characteristics: its ever hanging tongue and watering mouth points to its insatiable greed: it goes on smelling the earth even when it is hit with a piece of stone; it picks it up in its teeth, hoping that it might be a piece of bone. Its intense greed for exclusive ownership becomes manifest when it comes across a big carcass, sufficient to feed a number of dogs; but it does not let any other dog share it. The other characteristic of the dog is its being very sexy. It is because of these things the worldly man, who transgresses all bounds imposed by Faith and knowledge, has been likened to a dog. The one becomes like a dog, looking for nothing but the means of filling up one’s belly and gratifying one’s lust. What is the meaning of the statement “there are many jinns and humans whom We have created for the sole purpose of sending them to Hell and with the intention of making them fuel for it?” Its meaning is this: “We created them and gave them hearts but these wicked people did not make use of it to discern the Truth from falsehood and made themselves fuel for Hell by their evil deeds” (30).

So have they not travelled through the earth and have hearts by which to reason and ears by which to hear? For indeed, it is not eyes that are blinded, but blinded are the hearts which are within the breasts (31).

The words ….the hearts….blind have been used in the metaphorical and not in the literal sense. Since the heart is regarded as the centre of emotions, feelings and of mental and moral qualities, these words have been used to imply that their obduracy has imbibed them from feeling and acting rationally (32).

But those who disbelieved – their deeds are like a mirage in a low land which a thirsty one thinks is water until, when he comes to it, he finds it is nothing but finds Allah before him, and He will pay him in full his due, and Allah is swift in account. Or (they are) like darkness within an unfathomable sea which is covered by waves, upon which are waves, over which are clouds – darkness, some of upon others. When one puts out his head (therein), he can hardly see it. And he to whom Allah has not granted light – for him there is no light  (33).  

That is, they refuse to accept sincerely the Divine Message which was brought by the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). These verses clearly show that only the truthful and righteous believers can benefit from Allah’s Light. In contrast to them, the state of those people is being described here, who refused to believe and obey the Holy Prophet, who was the real and sole means of attaining the Light of Allah (swt). 

This parable describes the condition of those people who, in spite of disbelief and hypocrisy, practise some good deeds and also believe, among other things, in the life after death, in the hope that their good deeds will be of some help to them in the Hereafter even if they did not believe and follow the Prophet and lacked the qualities of true believers. In this parable they are being told that their expectations of reaping benefits of their ostentatious deeds of virtue in the Hereafter are no more than a mirage. Just as a traveller in the desert takes the glittering sands for a surging pool of water and runs towards it for quenching one’s thirst, so are these people travelling on the road to death cherishing false hopes on account of their good deeds. But just as the one running towards a mirage does not find anything there to quench one’s thirst, so will these people find nothing to avail them when they enter the state of death. On the contrary, they will find Allah there, Who will require them to account for their disbelief, hypocrisy and misdeeds, which they committed along with their ostentatious deeds of virtue, and will deal with them in full justice. This parable describes the condition of all the disbelievers and the hypocrites including those who perform good deeds for ostentation. It is being stated that such people are passing their life in a state of absolute and complete ignorance, whether otherwise they are the most learned people in the world and leaders in their respective fields of learning. They are like the men who are lost in complete darkness where no ray of light can reach them. They think that knowledge merely consists in producing atom bombs, hydrogen bombs, supersonic planes and moon rockets, or in attaining excellence in economics and law and philosophy. But they little understand that real knowledge is something entirely different and they have no idea of it. Thus considered they are just ignorant, and are like illiterate peasants who have gained some acquaintance with the Divine Truth. Here is stated the real objective of the discourse which began with: Allah is the Light of the heavens of the earth.” When in fact there is no light in the universe except the light of Allah and all manifestation of reality is due to that Light, whereas can the one whom Allah does not give light have light? There exists no other source of light from which one can receive a ray. (34).

Indeed, you will not make the dead hear, nor will you make the deaf hear the call when they have turned their backs retreating (35).

To warn whoever is alive and justify the word (decree) against the disbelievers (36). 

Only those people who receive admonition from the Qur’an and act according to it are alive in the sight of Allah Almighty and others are considered as dead or with a dead heart.  

Death of the spiritual heart refers to its spiritual corruption. It can occur in different ways and manners. For example, excessive laughter leads to hardening of the heart, which in turn leads to heedlessness which may lead to death. The root of excessive laughter is love of this world, which is the cause of every sin. The death of the heart also occurs by responding to the call of someone other than Allah.  

And they rejoice in the worldly life, while the worldly life is not, compared to the hereafter, except (brief) enjoyment(37).

This verse refutes the wrong criterion by which disbelievers of Makkah and all other disobedient people of the world judged whether one was or was not a favourite of Allah. They judged a man’s worth by his wealth and worldly prosperity and not by his faith and righteous conduct. They thought that the one who was enjoying all the good things  of life was a favourite of Allah, even if he had erroneous beliefs and did wicked deeds. On the other hand, they considered the one who was poor and indigent to be under the wrath of Allah, even though he was righteous. That is why in their judgement the chiefs of the Qureshs were far superior to the followers of the Prophet. They would say, “you can see for yourselves that Allah is with the chiefs of the Quraish. In this verse, Allah warned them that they are absolutely wrong in drawing such a conclusion from the worldly conditions of the people. Allah gives His provisions to the people abundantly or sparingly for reasons different from those which they presumed and riches or poverty is no criterion by which to judge the worth of people. The real criterion by which to judge the worth of people is their beliefs and deeds. The one, who has righteous beliefs and does good deeds, shall be higher in rank than the one who has wrong beliefs and does evil deeds. Thus the real criteria is the quality of his deeds and not the possession or the lack of wealth   (38).

From our discussion it becomes clear that the hearts of non-believers and disbelievers are dead and until and unless they have faith in Allah and other articles of Islam and do righteous deeds their hearts remain dead, and if they do some deeds which are beneficial for the fellow human beings and other creatures they will get reward in this world in the form of wealth, status, name and fame, but there will be no reward of such good deeds in the Hereafter and their final abode will be the Hell eternally. 

2.1.3. The Sick Heart

The Arabic word ‘maradh’ means sickness or disease. In connection with the heart, the Qur’an uses this world twelve times. In addition to maradh the Qur’an uses other words such as ‘zagh,’ (disease), ‘akin’ (veil), ‘rana’ (rust) for the spiritual disease. 

The sick heart is also known as diseased heart. It is that heart which is fed by two sources: an angel which leads towards truth, and from evil web or other isms which lead away from the revealed knowledge. On the one hand the action of a true believer feeds the heart which positively affects the internal reality. Another source feeding the heart is Iblis and his evil web which feeds the heart against the religion of Islam – lying, being rude and transgressive in disagreements; breaking promises; doing oppression and agression; not believing in Allah and other articles of Islam. The nature of this heart becomes predominant according to the influence it has. This heart is always at a cusp and vacillates between the heart of a true believer or a disbeliever. 

The sick hearts are terrible ruins because the darkness of such hearts cannot be dispelled by its sensual desires. The desires are the veils of the heart and interior of the heart remains restless, uncomfortable and sorrowful, The possessor of the sick heart tries to remain busy in materialistic activities in order to get pleasure or peace of mind but he utterly fails in one’s endeavours in this world, and in the hereafter they will suffer severe hardships in their onward journey from death to worst final abode (Hell). 

The sick heart is between the dead heart and healthy heart. In the case of a sick heart there is a chance for it to get better or become worse depending upon one’s lifestyle. It has faith in Allah, sincerity towards Him and reliance on Him, which give it life, but it is also susceptible to the machinations of satans, and has a number of  diseases. 

The verses 2:8-16 of the Qur’an mentions about the spiritual diseases of the heart of hypocrites. They habitually tell a lie their hearts are sick, and due to continuously telling lies Allah increases the number and intensity of diseases and ultimately their spiritual hearts may become dead. 

The hypocrites delude themselves by imagining that their duplicity will safeguard their interests but obviously their policy proves harmful in this world and most surely shall be so in the next world. A hypocrite may succeed in deceiving some people for some time but one cannot deceive all people for all times. 

Allah increases the disease of their duplicity with the passage of time. They do not accept Islam truly and sincerely like the true believers. They considered as fool the people who had accepted Islam sincerely and exposed themselves to troubles, hardships and dangers. According to their appraisal, it was nothing but folly to make the whole country their enemy merely for the sake of truth and righteousness. They considered it wise not to bother about the right and the wrong of a thing but only to look after their self-interest It is evident from the Qur’an that the Prophet Muhammad spread the light of Truth that discriminated right from wrong and virtue from vice, who used their faculties properly to distinguish between these things. But the hypocrites, who were blinded by self-interest, could not see the right path even with the help of this light. They are deaf to hear the Truth, dump, to speak the Truth and blind to see the Truth. By pressing their fingers in their ears, they delude themselves for a while that they have escaped destruction. But, in fact, they cannot save themselves from the wrath of Allah (39).

And We have already sent (messengers) to nations before you (O Muhammad); then We seized them with poverty and hardship that perhaps they might humble themselves (to Us). Then why, when Our punishment came to them, did they not humble themselves? But their hearts have become hardened, and Satan made attractive to them that which they were doing (40).

The sickness of the heart that Nursi sees as affecting modern men and women is one caused by a lack of faith. It is the sense of ennui, a feeling of being without direction or hope, the capacity to love and a conviction of the absurdity of life that afflicts those whose life is not informed by faith. Positivist materialism, belief in nothing beyond what one can see and touch, is thus a common spiritual sickness of our time. This basic disorder arising from the lack of faith in Allah and a transcendent system of values precipitates multiple social ills: Istanbul politics is a type of spiritual illness ‘like the Spanish flu; racism is a disease; frigidity in marriage can be said to be a type of spiritual sickness. It is not only unbelievers who suffer from spiritual sickness; there are other illnesses of the Soul, such as innovation, scruples, exclusivism and partisanship. Mentalities, or desire for acclaim, which can afflict believers. Even saints and conscientious worshippers have lamented over the sickness of heart experienced in moments of tranquility (41)

The Qur’an says about the sins of the heart: 

And do not conceal testimony, for whoever conceals it – his heart is indeed sinful, and Allah is knowing of what you do (42).

‘Concealment of evidence’ applies equally to the evasion of evidence and also to the concealment of the true facts while giving evidence (43).

Whether you show what is within yourselves or conceal it, Allah will bring you to account for it (44).

Indeed, the hearing, the sight and the heart – about all those will be questioned (45).

The meaning of ‘Do not follow that of which you have no knowledge’ is very comprehensive. It demands that both in individual and collective life, one should not follow mere guess work and presumption instead of ‘knowledge.’ This instruction covers all aspects of Islamic life, moral, legal, political, administrative and applies to science, arts and education. It has thus saved society from numerous evils which are produced in human life by following guess work instead of knowledge. The Islamic moral code demands: Guard against suspicion and do not accuse any individual or group without proper investigation. In law, it has been made a permanent principle that no action should be taken against anyone without proper investigation. It has been made unlawful to arrest, beat or imprison anyone on mere suspicion during investigation. The believers should accept only that which is based on the knowledge imparted by Allah and his Messenger (46).

Nursi has discussed in detail  the significance of illness in human beings. We here will give some salient points only. According to him life passed without diseases and other trials or ordeals is fleeting and insubstantial. The sick person should realise that Allah has given this opportunity to come to a deeper and richer appreciation of life. 

The sick person who does not complain, but accepts illness patiently and takes refuge in Allah – that person is actually worshipping Him. For worship is of two kinds: active worship (prayer, fasting, etc.) and passive worship, which consists of those periods of illness where the believer is simply aware of one’s own weaknesses and powerlessness and Allah’s power and compassion. By submitting to Allah’s will and trusting in Allah’s power to heal, in this case one is performing a very pleasing form of worship to Allah. Illness is an occasion for the believer to give witness that this world is not to enjoy. Humans are here to work hard and make preparation for everlasting life in the hereafter. 

Sickness is a reminder of death and forces one to reflect on more serious questions of what life is all about; and it provides an opportunity to seriously think that one’s body is not a private possession to be disposed of according to one’s whims, but is subjected to the decrees of its Creator, Lord and Provider. 

Sickness can make people more mindful of their weaknesses and duties towards Allah; it is a time for waking up and is a privileged occasion of Allah’s grace leading to conversation for them, ‘illness is good health.’ 

The sick person should reflect on the transient nature of their illness and place their hopes in Allah who will eventually restore the person to good health and enjoyment. 

Illness is an antidote to natural human pride and an invitation to become humble before Allah. Illness makes a person appreciate the great blessing involved in good health, therefore Allah afflicts people with illness from time to time. This is about physical diseases, but the serious diseases are those of the spiritual heart, which arise from unbelief or disbelief and disobedience. By patiently accepting one’s physical illness and placing one’s trust in Allah, the sick is actually distancing himself from these greater and more eternally threatening diseases. 

Much of the anxiety felt by the sick person is based on fear of death. The believer can overcome this fear by reflecting on good things that await a person at death and in the subsequent events: rejoining near and dear including relatives and friends, returning to one’s true homeland, accepting the invitation to the gardens of Paradise. 

When a sick person thinks of the past, he should be grateful to Allah because he has been able to endure the illness up to this time. Sickness brings the benefit of knowing how much one is in need of Allah and how little one can count of one’s own strength. Sickness increases the fear of Allah and leads them to be faithful and obedient. 

The loss of physical sight enables one to see spiritual realities more clearly. Physical sight can act as a veil which blinds one from a contemplation of Paradise. Whatever one lacks in the physical world can be used by Allah to teach and enlighten the sick person about deeper spiritual truths. By lessening one’s attachment to the world, sickness eases the pain of one’s departure from the world (47).

The sick heart is a battlefield of angels and devils. Good thoughts are from angels which are known as ilham (inspiration) and bad thoughts are known as Waswasa (whispering of devils). The cause or urge which calls towards good is called angel and the cause towards bad is called devil. The action of an angel is to give impetus to good actions, to disclose truth and to order to do good. Devil is its opposite. His action is to order for evils and indecencies. Thus Allah created two opposite forces. Except Allah all things are opposed to one another. Allah is One and Unique who created everything. In other words there are two impulses in the heart, one impulse of an angel which calls towards good and confirms truth. He who feels this impulse should know that it is from Allah. Another impulse comes from the enemy which leads to doubt and holds out the truth as falsehood and prohibits good works. He who feels this should seek refuge to Allah from the accursed devil (48).  

Satan threatens you with poverty and orders you to immorality, while Allah promises you forgiveness from Him and bounty. And Allah is all-Encompassing and Knowing (49).

The diseases of the heart are more dangerous  than the diseases of the body, because the diseases of body at the most can cause the death of the body after which one moves from transitory and temporary place to one’s onward journey and after passing through different stages will reach one’s permanent abode depending on one’s faith deeds. If one dies for the sake of Allah one’s final abode will be high status in the Paradise. In reality, everyone will die without any exception. If one does care one’s spiritual diseases and one’s heart dies and remains dead till one’s physical death, then one will be thrown into Hell forever without any relief. Further details of different stages from physical death to final abode have been discussed in (50).  

2.2. Four States of Heart

In a tradition of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) the heart has been divided into four states: polished heart (Qulb un ajrad); sealed heart, upside down heart; and the wrapped heart. Some of the religious scholars follow this tradition while discussing different states of the heart. We prefer to follow the second view point.  

Abu Sa’id Khudri reported that the Messenger of Allah said, “There are four kinds of hearts: A polished heart is shiny as a radiant lamp; a sealed heart with a knot tied around it; a heart that is turned upside down; and a heart that is wrapped. As for the polished heart, it is the heart of the believer and its lamp is the light of faith. The sealed heart is the heart of the unbeliever. The heart that is turned upside down is the heart of a pure hypocrite, for he had knowledge but he denied it. As for the heart that is wrapped, it is the heart that contains both faith and hypocrisy. The parable of faith in this heart is the parable of the herb that is sustained by pure water, and the parable of the hypocrisy in it is the parable of an ulcer that thrives upon puss and blood; whichever of the two is greater will dominate” (51).

The heart that is upside down is the heart of a hypocrite, who contains both faith and hypocrisy. It is also known as the heart of the hypocrite. It is worse than the heart of the polytheist or that of a disbeliever. The hypocrite has knowledge about religion, yet he denies and rejects it. The non-believer or disbeliever does not have the revealed knowledge. His heart witnesses the truth and even then he prefers to lead life against the commandments of Allah and the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad. 

Indeed the hypocrites (think to) deceive Allah, but He is deceiving them. And when they stand for prayer, they stand lazily, showing (themselves to) the people and not remembering Allah except a little, wavering between them (belonging) neither to these (the believers) nor to those (the disbelievers) (52).

Indeed the hypocrites will be in the lower depths of the Fire – and never will you find for them a helper – except for those who repent, correct themselves, hold fast to Allah, and are sincere in their religion for Allah, for those will be with the believers. And Allah is going to give the believers a great reward (53).

You see that those, who have the disease of hypocrisy in their hearts, are always moving among them. They say, “We fear lest we get involved in some disaster. But  it may be that these people will feel ashamed of the hypocrisy they are hiding in their hearts, when Allah will give you a decisive victory or show something else from Himself. At that time the Believers will say, “Are these the same people who stated to us upon solemn oaths by Allah that they were with you?”  All their deeds became vain and they ended in utter failure  (54).

This refers to the condition of the hypocrites during the period when the conflict between Islam and kufr had not come to any decisive conclusion. Although Islam had become a power by dint of the sacrifices of its followers, the opposing forces were also very powerful and there were equal chances of the victory of either side. The hypocrites, while living among the Muslims, wanted to keep good relations with the Jews and the Christians so that if the conflict ended in the defeat of the Muslims, they might safely take refuge with their enemies. Then there was also the economic factor; at that time the Jews and the Christians were economically the most powerful people in Arabia, and they had a strong economic hold upon the people. Moreover, the most fertile soils of Arabia were in their possession. Under such a situation, they considered it very dangerous to break relations with Jews and Christians because of the conflict between Islam and kufr, for they feared  it might ruin them both economically and politically. Due to their bad intention all the good acts they did were lost because they lacked sincerity. They did not dedicate themselves wholly to Allah but had divided their loyalties equally between Allah and His rebels for the sake of their worldly interests (55).

And they swear by Allah their strongest oaths that if a sign came to them, they would surely believe in it. Say, “The signs are only with (from) Allah.”And what will make you perceive that even if it (a sign) came, they would not believe. And We will turn away their hearts and their eyes just as they refused to believe in it (the revelation) the first time. And We will leave them in their transgression, wandering blindly (56).

Here ‘sign’ stands for such a tangible miracle seeing that they should have no alternative left but to acknowledge that Muhammad (pbuh)  was a true Prophet appointed by Allah Almighty. In connection with showing such signs the Holy Prophet (pbuh) declared that this is entirely in the power of Allah and He may or may not  show them.  No change in their mentality since the first time they heard and rejected the Message of the Prophet Muhammad. They will accept the message only if Allah should force it upon them like animals and other creatures by depriving them of the freedom of thought and action. But this is against the wisdom of the objective for which human beings have been created. There is no possibility that Allah would make them believers by His supernatural intervention (57).

The hypocrites men and women (have an understanding) with one another. They enjoin what is wrong and forbid what is right and close their hands. They have forgotten Allah so He has forgotten them (accordingly). Indeed, the hypocrites – it is they who are defiantly disobedient. Allah has promised the hypocrite men and hypocrite women and the disbelievers the fire of Hell, wherein they will abide eternally. It is sufficient for them. And Allah has cursed them, and for them is an enduring punishment (58).

These are the common characteristics of all hypocrites. All of them are interested in evil and inimical to good. If someone undertakes to do an evil, they would dedicate all their sympathies, counsels, encouragements, contributions, good wishes, praises, and their approval to such a one. They would join hands to accomplish that evil thing and persuade others to take part in it. And encourage the doer in every way.. Moreover, they would show in every way their heartily pleasure if they perceived that that evil thing was progressions satisfactorily. On the other hand, if someone undertakes to do a good thing, they are shocked to hear the very news of it for it pains their hearts; nay, they do not even like that such a thing should be undertaken at all. Then if they see someone coming forward to help it, they feel very uncomfortable and try their worst to hinder them from it and if he does not give it up, they would wish that he should fail in it. Then all of them have this common characteristic that they do not spend anything at all for good ends irrespective of the fact whether they are otherwise parsimonious or generous. At any rate, their wealth is neither for hoarding or for evil deeds. As a matter of fact, they would spend large sums on evil works generously but would not be willing to spend a farthing for good things (59).

And (remember) when the hypocrites and those in whose hearts is disease said, “Allah and His Messenger did not promise us except delusion (60).

Indeed, those fear Allah – when an impulse touches them from Satan, they remember (Him) and at once they have insight. But their (Satan’s) brothers – they (devil) increase them in error, they do not stop short (61).

The believers who fear Allah should keep in mind tactics and machinations of Satan and his evil web. The members of the evil web may be from human beings as well as from Jinns. Whenever they feel the provocations of mischievous people they become alert and realise that it is from the evil web, therefore they seek refuge in Allah, and invoke His help for protection; they try to remain cool-hearted. Under such a situation Satan incites the active members of the evil web to attack the believer and then incites him to make counter-attacks on them. As Satan has a long experience of misleading people he uses diverse ways for this purpose: sometimes he comes in the shape of a shaikh, philosopher, as an intellectual, uses alluring and pious words, makes promises for help, incides one to attack on his own disciples, and create waswasa in such a way that it becomes very difficult to understand it except the help and protection of Allah. The brothers of Satan become self seeker, under their influence, and cannot withstand their temptations. So they follow the members of the evil web who tempt them to retaliate, and resort to every kind of abuse. Further information on this aspect is available in (62).

And inspired it (soul or heart) (with discernment of) its wickedness and its righteousness, he has succeeded who purifies it, he has failed who instils it (with corruption) (63).

The word ilham is derived from lahm which means to swallow. According to this very basic meaning, the word ilham is used terminologically for Allah’s inspiring a man with a concept or idea unconciously. Inspiring the human self with its wickedness and its piety and virtue has two meanings. First the Creator has placed in it tendencies to both good and evil, and this is the thing that every person feels in himself. The second is that Allah has endowed every man’s unconscious mind with the concept that there is a moral good and there is a moral evil, that good morals and acts and evil morals and acts are not equal and alike: fujur (immorality) is an evil thing taqwa (abstention from evils) a good thing. Allah has endowed man with the ability to distinguish between good and evil naturally. Man has been granted inspirational knowledge and guidance continuously since the time of his creation, by virtue of which he has been discovering things and making inventions to develop his civilization. Moreover, as a moral being Allah has blessed man by inspiration with discrimination between good and evil and of realisation of the good to be good and of the evil to be evil. This sense of discrimination and realisation is a universal truth. On account of which no human society in the world has ever been without the concept of good and evil; there has never been in history, nor is there now, a society which may not be having some kind of a system of rewarding the good and punishing the evil. This fact being prevalent in every age, at every place, and at every stage of every civilization is a clear proof of its being natural, inherent and innate. Further-more, this is also proof that a Wise Creator possessed of knowledge has endued man’s nature with it, for in the elements of which man is made up and the laws which govern the material system of the world, no human origin of morals can be traced out. 

This is for which an oath has been sworn by the things mentioned in verses 91:1-7 (by the sun and its brightness; and by the moon when it follows it; and by the day when it displays it; and by the night when it covers or conceals it; and by the sky and He who constructed it; and by the earth and He who spread it; and by the soul and He who proportioned it). Let us now consider how those things bear upon it. The rule that Allah has followed in the Qur’an is that to bear testimony to the truths that He wants to impress on the human mind, He cites some of the most conspicuous, common-place things which every man sees in his surroundings, or in his own self. Accordingly here, pairs of contradictory things have been cited, each unlike the other in its effects and results, rather opposite and reverse. The first pair is that of the sun and the moon. The light of the sun is intensely bright and also hot. As against it, the moon has no light of its own. Even if it is there in the sky when the sun shines, it is without light. It shines when the sun hides, and even then its light is neither so bright that it may change the night into day nor is there any heat in it that it may have the same effect as the sun’s light. Nevertheless, it has its own effects which are quite different from the effects of the sun. Likewise, there is the pair of the day and the night. Each is the reverse of the other. The effects and results of each are so different from the other that no one says they are alike; so much so that even a most foolish person cannot possibly say that the day’s being the day or the night’s being the night does not make any difference and similar is the case with other pairs. After citing these universal evidences, man’s own self has been considered, and it has been said that after balancing it with suitable combinations of the limbs, senses and mental powers and faculties the Creator has placed in it tendencies, inclinations and motives to both good and evil, which are contradictory to each other, and made him understand by inspiration the distinction between the two: that one is fujur, which is evil, and the other is taqwa, which is good. They are opposite and reverse of each other. Taqwa is appreciable and worthy of praise, reward and recompense. On the contrary, fujur is worthy of condemnation and punishment. But the real judgement does not lie with man; it lies with the Creator, who has inspired man with his fujur  and taqwa. The one who purifies himself of fujur and develops it to the level of taqwa and cultivates in it the good, will attain eternal success. As against this, the word dassaha has been used infinitive of which is tadsiyah, which means to suppress, conceal, seduce and lead astray. The one who suppresses the tendency in his self towards good instead of developing and cultivating it, who seduces it into doing evil, and makes fujur dominate over taqwa so as to cover it up completely like the dead body which is buried and covered with earth, will be a failure. Adoption of purity has been regarded the act of man, because Allah does not suppress a self forcibly, but when a man is resolved on iniquity, Allah deprives him of the grace of taqwa and tazkiyah, and leaves him alone to suppress and bury himself under any heap filth he likes. Further information on this aspect is available in (64).

It means the one who purifies one’s heart will get salvation. The objective of purity of heart is to gain light of faith therein or to enkindle the light of divine knowledge. It means Allah expands the breast of one for Islam whom He wishes to guide.  In this connection the Qur’an says: 

So in one whose breast Allah has expanded to (accept) Islam he is upon (guided by) a light from his Lord (like onewhose heart rejects it)? The woe to those whose hearts are hardened against the remembrance of Allah. Those are in manifest error (65).  

The brightness of the heart is gained by remembrance and worship of Allah. The polish of the heart is obedience to Allah. Sins are impurities on the heart. The one who proceeds towards sins makes one’s heart dark. Whoever lifts up the screens of sins from one’s heart, the pictures of unseen things are disclosed in one’s heart. The light of faith in the heart has got three stages. In the first stage, the light is that of the faith of an ordinary person. It is the light of blind faith. The second stage is the light of faith of followers of jurisprudence. It is mixed with some sort of proof. The third stage is the light of faith of the friends of Allah. It is the dazzling ray of strong faith. This is the real knowledge or faith gained by direct sight (66).

2.3. Six States of the Heart 

The six states include: healthy heart, deviated heart, sick heart, hard heart, rock heart, and locked heart. The healthy heart is already described. The second state is when the heart starts getting rusty due to bad deeds. 

No! Rather, the stain has covered their hearts of that which they were earning (their bad deeds) (67).

At the third state the heart is inclined toward deviation and wrongdoing. At this stage, the person does not go directly towards wrongdoing, but rather, tries to justify the wrong.  

The people with rusty hearts follow the Holy Qur’an, but they try to spread the interpretation of its verses in a manner which benefits their agenda. At the third stage the heart becomes sick, rendering it not able to distinguish between right and wrong; it loses its power of comprehension (7:179). In the fourth stage the heart starts losing its natural condition and becomes hard due to disease (6:43). In the fifth stage the heart is transformed into a piece of rock (7:100). It means that the heart reaches a point which cannot be called a heart because it cannot hear, see or listen. In the sixth stage locks are placed on the heart and nothing can go inside it (2:88). It is known as the complete death of the spiritual heart (2:7, 6:46). The possessor of such hearts remain alive physically, but, spiritually they are dead and are considered the worst creature in the world. 

2.4. Seven States of Heart

The seven states of the spiritual heart include: healthy, broken, fearful, angry, hopeless, hard, and numb or checked out heart. Salient points of each state are briefly described. Healthy heart is already described. 

2.4.1. The Healthy Heart

It is already described under the heading of three states of the heart 

2.4.2. The Broken Heart

 Any mishap such as death of a dear and near one; bad treatment by family members, relatives or friends; unexpected bad happenings, etc. may break the heart and as result one may feel rejected, dejected, failed, damaged, and may become with a heavy heart. It can destroy one internally but a positive approach during such crisis periods may awaken one’s Soul. Due to such stress the body may produce stress hormones and as a consequence one’s muscles may become tense, stiff neck, headache, chest tightness, and dizziness, and may cause a number of negative health consequences for body and Soul, such as loss in appetite, inflammation of skin, and insomnia, etc. One may feel restless, depressed, anxious, and fearful.  

2.4.3. The fearful heart 

Fear comes in multiple shapes and sizes. Fear and anxiety are considered as the major contributors for many emotional, physical, and spiritual diseases. Fear is powerful and infectious. Fear may hold people on their journey, especially those whose hearts have been broken due to one reason or the other. 

Hope is the antidote to fear. There is hope for those who struggle with a fearful heart, and there is no fear in love, and perfect love drives out fear. Love and fear displace each other and broken hearts invite hate. Fear drives out the ability of sense, experiences and the power of love. Fearful hearts become hypersensitive and constantly live to avoid their hearts being hurt or exposed. As fears remain intact, the stress and insecurity adds on another layer on top of fear; anger. Anger stems from unresolved brokenness. 

2.4.4. The angry heart

The birthplace of anger is the heart; its food is revenge and greed. The result of anger is hatred on account of which a person is ruined, therefore one should not get angry and try to oneself excessive anger. Anger destroys faith as condiment destroys honey. If one gets angry, he roams near Hell. Anger is the key to every evil. Anger is the root of foolishness and its guide. Wisdom does not remain safe at the time of anger. Anger is the enemy of intellect. Anger is one of the four elements of infidelity. Whenever anything stands against one’s wishes, anger is enhanced in such a way that the blood of the heart spreads through all of one’s veins and as a result one’s eyes become red and face reddish. Human beings are divided into three types according to the degree of anger: no anger, moderate anger, and extreme anger.  The people without anger are known as impotent and with very short intellect. The moderate anger is better in every respect. Excessive anger is harmful; due to excessive anger one may go out of intellect, religion and divine service; one loses one’s sense of right and wrong, and power of good thinking; one becomes blind, and deaf to advices and councils; uses abusive language; and one may attack any person which come in front of him. Out of wrath, one cuts one’s clothes, slaps one’s own face, beats the ground with hands and feet and breaks things which one finds in one’s vicinity (68).

An angry heart will eventually carry hate, mainly self-hate along with it. The anger may remain hidden or may lash out on others in diverse ways. 

2.4.5. The hopeless heart

The hopeless heart in which energy becomes low and irritability high. At this point, one’s faith becomes weary, and hope becomes weak. This is where one develops a ‘hope deferred’ condition, which makes the heart sick spiritually and in certain cases physically sick as well. At this stage one may lose hope and may adopt negativity and cynicism. 

2.4.6. The hard heart

At the stage of a hard heart, it loses its ability to believe. A callousness forms around the heart, the eyes are veiled and hearing is dulled. Hard heart does not hear encouragement or hope anymore. Whenever there is a hardened callous in one’s heart, one becomes more resistant to the transformative work of God; becomes more stubborn in ways that need change. Pride pushes one back from seeing one’s vulnerabilities; his heart becomes an idol. 

2.4.7. The numb heart

The last stage is numb or checked out heart. Getting to this stage is deadly, and it is nearly impossible to revert to a healthy heart. People’s bodies are breaking down because they feel separated from loving relationships with God, themselves and others. They live in an emotional prison, but have no ability to recognise that inwardly they are dying. Further information on this subject is available in (69).


We conclude our article with a few selected couplets from the poem which Shaykh Muhammad Malud (an eminent scholar of Islamic sciences including the inward sciences of the heart) wrote in his Matharat al-Qulub:  

Realise your abject and impoverishment, 

and you will gain dignity and wealth from the All-Powerful.

There is no salvation like the heart’s salvation, 

Given that all the limbs respond to its desires.  

After firmly grasping this foundation,

then mastering the heart’s infirmities is the second stage. 

Knowledge of the heart’s ailments, what causes each of 

them and, what removes them, is an obligation on everyone.  

But know that obliteration of these diseases until no trace 

remains beyond the capacity of human beings. 

Your paragraph text

The Status of heart in Human Personality



In the previous article entitled ‘The Evil Web’ we have described its concept, components, and its founder and lifetime leader (Iblis). Moreover, we indicated that the main target of the evil web is the hearts of the human beings. In this connection the Qur’an says: 

And whoever is blinded from remembrance of the Most Merciful – We appoint for him a devil, and he is to him a companion. And indeed, they (the devils) avert them from the way (of guidance) while they think that they are (rightly) guided (1). (43:36-37).

The verse 43:36 of the Qur’an means that whoever knowingly turns a blind eye towards the Qur’an and wahy (revelation), Allah assigns to him a devil (satan) who accompanies him all the times in this world to prevent him from virtuous deeds, and to divert him towards evil. When such a man will be resurrected in the Hereafter, his devil will also be with him, till they both will be pushed into Hell. Such a person commits vices but thinks that he is doing very well (2). 

This devil who is assigned to such a person is in addition to the satan who is attached to every believer and disbeliever, because that satan does leave the man alone at certain specific times, whereas this devil accompanies him all the time (3).

The one who does not remember Allah and attributes of His glory and does not reflect on Quranic verses will be occupied with falsehood and entertains satanic thought in his heart. Such thought hinders the path of truth and the passage of angels to his heart; as a consequence of which his heart turns into the camp of devils and they take control of him surrounding his heart. Under such a situation he will falsely claim that he was on the right path while he was in error (4). 

The Holy Prophet said, “I too have a devil, but Allah helped me to overcome him and he has submitted to me, so he does not order anything except good (5). 

Keeping in view the importance of the heart in the functioning of the human personality and the heart as a battlefield for the angelic and satanic forces round the clock and throughout one’s productive life, it is therefore imperative to discuss in detail the concept, significance and its status in the kingdom of human personality. 

According to Imam Gazzali the heart is like a pitched pavilion around which are doors through which external and internal states and circumstances pour into it, a target at which arrows from all directions are shot, a mirror reflecting assorted forms and images and a pool into which water from different channels flows. Just as things that are good and beneficial can enter it, those that are harmful, repugnant and evil can also find room therein. The ways in which these things enter the heart, both positive and negative, come forth either through the five senses or through intangible means (anger, lust, and imagination, etc). The positive thoughts or suggestions entering the heart are referred to as ilham (inspiration), while the negative suggestions are called waswasa (whispering). The inspiration is from angel (mulhim), and waswasa from Satan (devil) (6)

The heart is equally open to angelic inspiration and satanic whispering. Subjected to attack from two fronts, the heart is forced to choose one of these influences. The heart that remembers Allah and is occupied with invoking Him, the opportunity for Satan to intervene decreases or even totally vanishes. In such a situation, Satan’s position is replaced by an angel who, in opposition to Satan’s whispering, provides inspiration. Purging the heart of Satan’s promptings can only be possible through placing in the heart something other than that which is the source of these promptings. The only thing that protects the heart from Satan’s urgings is remembrance of Allah. A thing is only treated with its opposite. The opposite of all the evil promptings of Satan is the remembrance of Allah by taking refuge in Him and disclaiming one’s own strength and power. The heart is shaped in accordance with the attributes that are dominant therein. When Satanic attributes prevail, the heart becomes estranged from Allah and reaches the point of being a helper to Satan and other enemies of Allah. When angelic attributes become dominant, it does not pay heed to the enticements and deceptions of Satan and, despite its ceaseless persistence endeavours, the heart inclines towards worship and devotion to Allah (7).  

Benefitting from the remembrance of Allah is directly related to the condition of the heart. Healthy heart shows inclination towards Allah and resists the attack of Satan and other members of the evil web. It is imperative to seek refuge with Allah from Satan, the Accursed for preventing his whisperings. When a person is at the threshold of getting out of control, he should turn to Allah and seek refuge with Him against evil forces including one’s lower soul. 

And If an evil suggestion comes to you from Satan, then seek refuge in Allah. Indeed, He is Hearing and Knowing. Indeed, those who fear Allah – when an impulse touches them from Satan, they remember (Him) and at once they have insight. But their brothers – they (the devils) increase them in error; then they stop short (8). 

Those who follow their lower souls instead of Allah’s commandments their hearts are sealed and they become blind. In this connection the Qur’an says: 

Have you seen he who has taken as his god his (own) desire, and Allah has sent him astray due to knowledge and has set a seal upon his hearing and his heart and put over his vision a veil? (9). 

The word knowledge in the above verse can refer to Allah’s knowledge of that person and of his reference for his own inclinations or to that person’s knowledge of the truth while he refuses it (10).

In this article we intend to discuss the concept, and a number of wonderful aspects of the heart, such as the relationship between material heart and spiritual heart; heart as a king of human personality; an endocrine gland; an electromagnetic generator; as a seat of intelligence and reason; communication of heart with senses and other organs; interaction of the heart with brain; an organ of coordination; a centre of love and hate; a centre of belief and guidance; a centre of feeling and emotions; heart and intuition; miscellaneous aspects of the heart; and different dimensions of the heart. 


We will discuss the concept of the human heart in the light of both revealed knowledge and acquired knowledge. In this connection, we intend to give statements of a number of eminent religious scholars, theologians, philosophers, mystics, commentators of the Qur’an, and intellectuals, such as Jalal al-Din Muhammad Rumi a 13th century eminent Islamic scholar, theologian and Sufi Mystic; Sir Muhammad Iqbal, a philosopher, poet and scholar; Muhy al-Din Ibn Arabi, a Muslim scholar, mystic, poet, and philosopher; Fakhruddin Razi, an eminent theologian, polymath, scientist; Imam Abu Hamid Muhammad al-Ghazzali, the greatest theologian of Islam, religious scholar, philosopher and the proof of Islam; Bediuzzaman (wonder of the age) Said Nursi, an eminent religious scholar; Sultan Bahu a 17th century Sufi mystic, poet, scholar and historian; Sheikh Ahmad Sirhindi (Mujaddid Alf Thani, a religious scholar, philosopher, and mystic. In addition we will give statements of eminent writers on the subject, such as Minoo Asadzandi, Mehmet Yavuz Seker, and Salem, M.O.  

In the world there were two major viewpoints in connection with the control of human personality: the cardiocentric and cephalo-centric. The cardiocentric hypothesis was the historical belief that the heart controls sensation, thought, and body movement. They believed that the heart was the seat of the soul and the origin of the channels to all other parts of the body, including arteries, veins, and tendons. The heart was also depicted as determining the fate of ancient Egyptians after they died. Therefore, the heart was kept in the mummy while other organs were generally removed. This idea was later accepted by some eminent Greek philosophers such as Aristotle, Diocles of Carystus, and Praxagoras of Cos. Aristotle promoted the cardiocentric hypothesis based on his studies on the dissection of animals. From his investigations, Aristotle concluded that the heart was the centre of the psycho-physiological system. He was also of the view that the existence of pneuma (it is an ancient Greek word for breath; and in a religious context for soul). Its existence in the heart was to function as a messenger, travelling through blood vessels to produce sensation. Movement of body parts was thought to be controlled by the heart as well. He asserted that the heart was composed of sinews which allowed the body to move. Diocles reasserted that the heart was the physiological centre of sensation and thought. He believed that the heart was dominant over the brain for listening and understanding. Avicena (Abu Sina) stated that activation for voluntary movement began in the heart and was then transported to the brain. Albertus Magnus suggested that nerves branched off from the brain but that the origin was the heart. He concluded that philosophically, all matters originated from the heart, and in the corporeal explanation, all nerves started from the brain. William Harvey was of the view that the heart was the centre of the body and the source of life in his treatise (11).  

The heart as the commander of the body is responsible for decision making, it commands and forbids the members, and through that one contemplates and understands. Different heart conditions in the Qur’an include: the Sound heart of the people with spiritual well being, the heart of repentance, and the sick heart of the wrong doers. The owners of Sound heart reach spiritual health by gaining wisdom, chastity, courage, justice, friendship, and intercession. They can bear their suffering. Spiritual health is essential, for health personnel, patients, families, and clients, etc. (12).

In Islamic understanding, alongwith the outward facet of religion, the inward element, or the realm of the heart, is also of utmost importance. In Islamic tradition in general, and in Sufism in particular the heart assumes a central position. The heart’s being understood implies understanding the spirit of Islam. The heart is the name of the organ which enables the circulation of blood throughout the body of human beings. In the religious and Sufi context, it is the vehicle of knowledge and cognition; it has the capacity to understand, perceive, think, and penetrate the realities of the creation; can differentiate the fundamental qualities distinguishing human beings from other creatures; and it is the seat of beliefs and site of piety, therefore, it is responsible and accountable for the beliefs, utterances and actions of human personality in front of Allah. The Qur’an and Prophetic traditions emphasise not the nature, but, functions and characteristics of the heart  (13).

In many cultures throughout history, the heart has been considered the source of emotions, passion, and wisdom. Also people used to feel that they experienced the feeling or sensation of love and other emotional states in the heart. In this connection recent studies have explored physiological mechanisms by which the heart communicates with the brain, thereby influencing information processing, perceptions, emotions and health. These studies provided the scientific basis to explain how and why the heart affects mental clarity, creativity, and emotional balance (14). 

The heart gives a higher type of knowledge and  it is the stage of Divine Realities and a gate of love: 

 When love for Allah has been doubled in your heart,

There is no doubt that Allah has love for you.

Some of the quotes about heart are as Follows:
Sorrow shakes the yellow leaves from the bough of your heart, so that fresh green leaves can grow in their place. 
Whatever sorrow shakes from your heart, far better things will take their place. 
I looked at the temples, churches and mosques, but I found the Divine within my heart. 
As you live Deeper in the heart, the Mirror gets clearer and cleaner. 
Your heart is the size of an ocean. Go, find yourself in its hidden depths. 
Find the sweetness in your own heart, then, you may find the sweetness in every heart. 
There is a window from one heart to another heart. 
When someone criticises or disagrees with you, a small ant of hatred and antagonism is born in your heart. If you do not squash that ant at once, it might grow into a snake, or even a dragon. 
The light which shines in the eye is really the light of the heart…The light which fills the heart is the Light of Allah, which is pure and separate from the light of intellect and sense. 
Our greatest strength lies in the greatness and tenderness of our heart. 
Your heart knows the way. Run in that direction (Sources: 15). 

 An illumined heart is, supernal,

Like Omar’s or Ali’s heart;

An illumined heart is the alchemy,

burnish the human soul.

Create an illumined heart,

For when the heart is dormant,

Neither my words nor thine,

Can permeate my soul

Comparison of the heart and Intellect: 

All this is true, but look at me as well, what I am

You understand the secrets of life, but seeing them with my own eyes I am

Concerned with the manifest order your, and acquainted with the inward I am

Learning is from you, but Divine Knowledge from me

You only seek Divinity, but showing Dignity I am

Restlessness is the end of Knowledge, but the remedy for that malady I am

You are the candle of the assembly of Truth

The lamp of the Divine Beauty’s assemblage I am

You are related to time and space, the bird recognizing the Sidrah I am

Look at the grandeur of my station, the throne of Allah of Majesty I am (Source: !6). 

The heart does not merely consist of the brain (mind), but contains much greater depth than the brain alone. Human beings receive counsel by means of their hearts. They evaluate and comprehend the realities they hear according to the level at which they experience the life of the heart. Therefore, Truth and Reality are perceived and understood at different degrees and depths in each person. The sound mind is a heart purified from false beliefs and remaining in the state in which it was first created (17)

Changes in emotions are accompanied by predictable changes in the heart rate, blood pressure, respiration and digestion. So, when people are aroused, the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system energises them for fight or flight, and in more quiet times, the parasympathetic component cools them down. It can be assumed that the autonomic nervous system and the physiological responses moved in concert with the brain’s response to a given stimulus (18)

As the body becomes ill and requires care, our hearts also need spiritual care, both in health and disease. Occasionally, healthy persons suffer from spiritual illness because of neglect of Allah’s remembrance and spiritual vacuum. Sometimes people with physical illness suffer from a spiritual crisis because of fear and anxiety about the future or sadness about losing their health. Sound Heart owners do not suffer from the sadness about the past events, anxiety, and fear of the future. They are happy with the past and hopeful and optimistic about the future. This feature is considered by the World Health Organization and positive psychology as a feature of people with mental health (healthy heart). Spiritual vacuum creates destructive excitement, unhealthy lifestyle, and high-risk behaviour. Life-threatening illness, in certain cases, is a Divine tradition in order to reward them for their patience in such difficult situations and for thanksgiving due to their sound heart (19). Heart is the centre of knowledge, perception, cognition, and belief (20). 

Heart is a divine subtle faculty (Latifa al-Rabbaniyya) not the piece of flesh shaped like a pinecone – the emotions of which are manifested in the conscience and the thoughts of which are reflected in the mind (brain) (21).  

In the Qur’an and the traditions of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) various terms are used for the English word Heart: Qalb, Sadr, Fuad and Lubb. Qalb is the general term which is mainly used for material heart, but it can be used for the spiritual heart as well. Some religious scholars, especially Sufis differentiate these terms based on certain characteristics. It is believed that the qalb is in the middle of the sadr.

And We will turn away their hearts and their eyes just as they refused to believe in it (the revelation) the first time. And We will leave them in their transgression, wandering blindly (22).  

But if Allah willed, He could seal over your hearts. And Allah eliminates falsehood and establishes the truth by His words. Indeed, He is Knowing of that within the breasts (23).    

There are a large number of definitions of spiritual heart by different scholars, but none of them encompasses all its facets. Spiritual heart is an entity that is the centre of human consciousness, conscience, feeling, perception, mind and will.

Imam Gazzali has discussed different aspects of the human heart. We intend to mention here some salient points from his books. He discussed the character, essence, and functions of the heart from which it becomes evident that it is very intricate, convoluted, and enigmatic. The pure heart is the site of knowing  and getting close to Allah; but the diseased heart may disobey and rebel against Him; it is responsible for all goodness but may be a source of wickedness as well. The heart which strives and endeavours for Allah and makes efforts to meet with Him, all the body organs including senses attain salvation. The piousness or wickedness in man is mainly related to the condition of the heart. The Soul, lower soul and intellect (aql) are associated with the heart and can be considered within the broader meaning of the word qalb. Human beings cannot know Allah with any organ other than the heart and can draw near to Him only by means of heart, therefore, the heart simultaneously assumes the position of discoverer of the divine mysteries. Moreover, the heart is the addressee of Allah, therefore it is held accountable in all utterances and doings of a person. The hearts play a key role in the relationship between Allah and human beings (24).

The heart is of two types: material heart and spiritual heart (Divine subtle faculty). The material heart is a piece of flesh shaped like a pine-cone. The spiritual heart is the divine subtle faculty, the emotions of which are manifested in the conscience and the thoughts of which are reflected in the mind. Despite the heart being intrinsic to the human being, it is more a part belonging to Allah. As a mechanism, the heart is given to human beings in trust. In this section we will use the word ‘heart’ for ‘Divine subtle faculty’ proposed by Nursi. Due to heart, human beings are in a position of using it to actualise their purpose of creation, know their Lord and believe in Him. The heart has two very important dimensions: wijdan (conscience) and dimagh (mind). Of these, conscience is the heart’s wellspring of emotion, while mind or intellect or consciousness (shu’ur) constitutes the place where thoughts and imaginations pertaining to the heart are reflected. So, the heart is an umbrella and presents the conscience and intellect as its two complementary elements. The heart arises from conscience, which is the source of spiritual perception, discernment and emotion, and mind, projects ideas, thought and knowledge. In other words, the heart’s representative with respect to perception and feeling is the conscience, and its representative in terms of knowledge and thought is the mind. These are not completely disconnected and separate entities, but are the elements that make up the heart (25). 

The heart is a roof with four elements constituting its foundations: will, mind, emotion, and the subtle inner faculties, which constitute four elements of the conscience and four faculties of the heart, each have an ultimate aim. The ultimate aim of the will is worship of Allah; that of the mind is knowledge of Allah; that of the emotions is love of Allah; and that of the inner faculties is the vision of Allah (26). 

The inner dimension of creation is called the malakut and the outer dimension is called the mulk. In this respect, a person and the heart are both the envelope and the contents of one another in both ways (27).  

In order to grasp the idea of Sultan Bahu about the spiritual heart we have gone through his book and selected a few couplets relating to  heart, which are given below: 

Heart is deeper than rivers and oceans who can fathom Heart – Hoo,

Seamen, boats and oars all are inside ocean of Heart – Hoo,

All the fourteen Realms (Spheres) are open in Heart like a tent – Hoo, 

Those who fathom Heart Bahoo, are the one who recognize Lord – Hoo. 

Heart is deeper than oceans, dive in it like a diver  to seek pearls – Hoo, 

One who did not drink deep, would remain thirsty – Hoo, 

Heart is like tidal waves of Khawaja, with many whirlpools in it – Hoo, 

Thoughts and concerns swirl in it, countless – Hoo, 

The heart within heart you are saying is beyond your perceptions – Hoo, 

Broaden remits of your heart from finite to infinite – Hoo,

Qalb is excellent of beautiful beings and abode of Majestic Lord – Hoo, 

The Qalb is illuminated Bahoo, with Allah’s presence in it – Hoo. 

Blackened face is better than a darkened heart, if anyone understands it – Hoo. 

Pure heart, despite dark face, will recognize Friend – Hoo,

The heart should always follow the Friend as He may take notice of it – Hoo,

Hundreds of scholars relegated external preferences Bahoo, when they attained reality of heart – Hoo. 

Heart is the centre of Oneness, always study it – Hoo,

The whole life was spent in studying books, and still you remained ignorant – Hoo, 

Read only the Name of Allah, that is the only lesson to be learnt – Hoo, 

Both worlds bow before those hearts Bahoo, that become the abode of Lord – Hoo.

Breast is the city, heart is bazaar therein and mouth is the gate – Hoo, 

Soul is merchant and lower soul is a bandit who robs  the way to Truth – Hoo,

Until you suppress the lower soul, you will be wasting time – Hoo, 

All your efforts are useless Bahoo, and you lose life (in this ignorance) – Hoo. 

Everybody recite Kalima verbally, but nobody recites it from heart – Hoo, 

When heart recites Kalima, verbal utterance has no value – Hoo, 

Lovers who recite Kalima with their hearts, how can tongues-twisters understand it, 

Murshid taught me this Kalimah (of heart) Bahoo, and I became blessed forever.  

Whose dwelling is in the heart, Murshid taught it to me – Hoo, 

It is the breath that counts, nothing else is of consequence – Hoo. 

They love Allah and sacrifice their lower soul with the knife of love as He wills, 

Fourteen Realms are within heart Bahoo, if you just peep into it – Hoo. 

People travel to Makkah and Medina, while I have found Essence within my heart, 

The Faqeer of Meeran tells you Bahoo, that all the treasures are in the heart. 

Love pitches its tents in the heart and lives in seclusion – Hoo, 

Rich and poor all accept love Bahoo, what do ignorant people know – Hoo. 

A Murshid met me, who inspired my heart – Hoo,

I sacrifice for such Murshid Bahoo, who revealed secrets of Allah to me – Hoo. 

I barged into my heart and did unusual thing – Hoo, 

Whenever I glanced inside I always found only Beloved there -Hoo.

Heart is purified Bahoo, only when Kalimah runs through every cell – Hoo. 

Nothing is achieved by travelling far, within the house (self) the objective is gained, 

Purify the heart like a mirror Bahoo, all veils will be removed – Hoo. 

No remedy is enough for heart, Kalimah is cure of hearts – Hoo,

Kalima cleans rust and it takes away defiles – Hoo (28). 

Sultan Bahu asserts that the path of gnosis (marifat) is based on three modes of certainty of belief. The first mode is ilm-ul-yaqeen in which the seeker adheres to shari’a (the outward law); in the second (ain-ul-yaqeen), the seeker, due to the heat of remembrance (zikr) and not having the strength and capacity to withstand the witnessing of the Tajalli manifestation of the light of Allah on the mirror of his heart; experiences various spiritual ailments such as qabz (contraction), bast (expansion), sukr (intoxication), sahwa (oversight), etc. Due to these ailments the seeker becomes perplexed in an ocean of wonderment and remains in a state of confusion. The third mode – certainty – haq-ul-yaqeen is loftier of the two. Here the seeker, through the use of the personal Name of Allah and meditation and contemplation  inculcates in himself the capacity and vessel ship to withstand the Divine Light – thus with courage and determination, he succeeds in his endeavour to attain Marifat (Gnosis-knowledge of Allah). Such a person’s heart, through the blessings of the personal Name of Allah becomes healthy and soft. People think him to be gregarious with the people, but in reality he is constantly in communion with Allah – his sustenance is to strive and struggle in the ‘path,’ his vision – a witness to Reality; his speech characterises his state; and his state – annihilation in the Truth. For a dervish, each morsel of food taken with a presence of mind is a seed planted on the land of the heart. A seed, though earned lawfully, but planted in a state of unawareness, robs the seeker of the tranquility of the mind. He further says: all limbs, organs and faculties (material and spiritual) are not given for this world, but in order to earn eternal happiness. In this connection the heart has the capacity to allow human beings to attain eternal bliss in the Hereafter, therefore, the heart becomes a Divine gift and bestowal, due to which a person achieves eternity, satisfies the need and achieves ultimate objective. 

The human heart is a jawahar (jewel) and substance, which expresses the ‘alam-i amr (world of command), and the encompassing reality of the human being. The world of command is the otherworldly, invisible realm which is not contingent upon space and time. Human body belongs to the world of witnessing. Moreover, the heart constitutes the most important facet of the human being because of its bringing together many of the qualities that make a person human. The human being is a miniaturised summary of this realm or the miniuniverse. In this regard, an example of everything in this world is present in the human being. For instance, the counterpart in the human being of the Supreme Throne is the heart. Just as there is an intermediate realm between this world and the world of command, the heart in the same way is an intermediate realm between this world and the world of command (29).


Ancient Egyptians believed that the heart was an organ responsible for feelings and emotions because it was the one organ that pumps blood throughout the body and that also displayed detectable alterations in its beating when one altered one’s feelings or emotions. They assumed that their anatomical hearts (physical hearts or material hearts) and their emotional hearts (spiritual hearts) were the same. In other words the material heart and spiritual heart is one organ in the body and performs both the functions.

The physical heart is a piece of flesh located within the centre of the breast (chest) of human beings. It circulates blood throughout the body supplying oxygen to each cell. Then cells use nutrients and oxygen from the blood to create ATP (the energy source) that fuels cells’ functionallity. 

Imam Gallali was of the view that Qalb (heart) is of two types: material and spiritual. Material heart is a piece of flesh in the left breast, which is hollow in the interior, and is merely a blood pumping machine. Its detailed description is to be found in anatomy. Spiritual heart is an immaterial thing or formless Latifa or basic suitable element which has got connection with the material heart. It is just like unseen electricity. It is the principal thing in a man. It catches knowledge of Allah and the spiritual world. It is punished and rewarded. The connection of Soul with Qalb is the connection of attributes with the bodily limbs, or a machine with its operator, or a house with its inmates (30). 

Material heart is a hollow, conical and muscular organ, enclosed by a thin membrane inside which is present a fluid. This fluid acts as shock-absorber and protects the heart from mechanical injury. It is different from all other body organs with regard to its composition, tissue, and self-functioning nature. It is at work round the clock and throughout the life of a person and never takes rest. It is the first functional organ to develop and start to beat for performing its functions. It is composed of roughly 200 to 400 million cells at the time of birth. With increase in age, cells increase in size, while increase in the number of heart’s cells is negligible. It is a muscular pump forcing blood through about 430,000 kilometres of blood vessels (arteries and veins) popularly known as blood circulation. Heart pumps 8000 litres of blood every day in the whole blood circulation, which extends to about 150 kilometres throughout the tissues of the body. 

The pumping action of the material heart is performed by alternate contraction and relaxation of its chambers called systole and diastole, respectively. The impure blood is collected in the right auricle from where it reaches the right ventricle and then to lungs. Blood carries food and Oxygen to every part of the body and removes waste products formed in them. The products of excretion are absorbed by the blood, which makes it impure and blood is again conveyed to the right auricle by veins. In this way the circulation of blood goes on.  The heart pumps on an average six litres of blood per minute. Blood cells act as guards of the body. In case of infection, blood cells gather round the germs and try to eat them up or at least suppress their activities. Blood platelets play an important role in the arrest of bleeding and in healing of wounds.

All the cells of the heart need to work in synchrony for it to work as a force-pump to distribute the blood to all cells of the body which are about two trillions on an average. The electrical system of the heart coordinates the mechanical system. Signal passes through its cells, which in each individual cell causes a contraction, and when that contraction happens together the heart works as a pump. It is the ion channels that carry these signals to contract throughout these millions of cells. So, every second, ion channels tell each individual heart cell to contract. It is a communication system among all the cells of the heart.

According to Imam Gazzali the relationship between material heart and spiritual heart is like the relationship between colours and forms, qualities with the objects they qualify, or the relationship between a person who resides in a particular place with that place, the relationship between the characteristics of a particular thing and that thing being characterised, it is like connection between the description and the described. In short, the physical heart covers the spiritual heart like a sheath, houses it like a home or encases and protects it like a suit of armour.

The heart may be considered as the centre of spiritual life; the spiritual aspect of the heart is dominant over the material aspect of the heart. Activities of human beings both good or bad, mainly depend on the condition of the heart. If the heart is healthy, shining or soft, this will reflect on senses and other organs and limbs of the body in a positive manner and the people will continue their lives with positive personality traits and with good conduct and behaviour towards others. In cases where the hearts will be diseased or sick, rusted, black, hard or sealed, they will be with negative personality traits and most of them will be members of evil web and the companions of Satan and they will create fitna in the world at different levels.   


Some people are of the opinion that just as the physical heart supplies blood to the body, the spiritual heart nourishes the soul with wisdom and spiritual light. Hearts play an important role in the development of personality, and it moderates between soul and lower soul and helps the soul to keep lower soul under control and do not allow the satisfied soul or self-accusing soul into an evil-commanding soul. 

The heart maintains the relationship between one’s Creator and Lord. To achieve this objective it has been endowed with many qualities by Allah (swt). It possesses reason, understanding, perception, comprehension, love, fear, reverence, and humility, etc. All its functions and attributes are primarily and directly connected with its capacity to understand and perceive. It is necessary for the heart to ponder upon the Qur’an and understand its meanings. Heart has the potential to find Ultimate Reality and reality in both the material and spiritual aspects of human personality and that of the universe and its components and constituents. Both the material progress and spiritual progress of human beings mainly depends on the condition of the heart and its manner of governance in the human kingdom. 

Based on revealed and acquired knowledge, we intend to describe its different aspects under the sub-headings: the heart as a king of human personality; working as an endocrine gland; an electromagnetic generator; as seat of intelligence and coordination; communication of heart with senses and organs; interaction of the heart and brain; the heart: an organ of coordination; a centre of love and hate; a centre of belief and guidance; and a centre of feelings and emotions; the heart and intuition; and miscellaneous aspects of the heart Brief description of these attributes of heart is as follows: 

 4.1. The Heart as a King of Human Personality

Heart is the king of the human kingdom, while the senses,  glands and other organs or limbs of the body are its public or servants. They obey the heart under all circumstances. The use and misuse of the senses and other body organs and limbs will depend upon the condition of the heart. The development or deterioration of the entire human personality depends on the condition of the heart. 

Al-Nu’man bin Bashir reported that The Holy Prophet said, “Verily, there is in the body a piece of flesh, that if it is correct, the rest of the body will be correct due to it, and if it is corrupt, then the rest of the body will be corrupt due to it,  verily, it is the heart” (31). 

The tradition of the Prophet Muhammad mentions that in the human body there is a piece of flesh (heart) which if sound, the entire body is sound, if corrupt, the entire body becomes corrupt. ‘Rest of the body will be correct’ means not only physical aspects of human personality, but also the psychological, emotional, and spiritual aspects or the psychological health, emotional well-being as well as spiritual states will be healthy. Based on this tradition of the Prophet Muhammad we can conclude that the same heart, which is a piece of flesh in the body, performs its functions both as material heart and spiritual heart. 

Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet Muhammad said, “The heart is a king and the body parts are its soldiers. So if the king does good then the soldiers will be good. And if the king does wickedness, then the soldiers will do wickedness” (32). 

The heart always remains in a position of dominance and power over the other organs of the body. The relationship between the heart and other organs is akin to that between a ruler and his subjects, a commander and his men, and a master and his slaves and servants. Just as servants carry out every command of their master without hesitation, different organs and limbs of the body carry out the orders and commands of the heart with the same submissiveness and obedience. The heart puts all the organs to work, while the organs execute its commands immediately and without delay. In his view, the obedience and compliance of the heart’s soldiers to the heart resembles the obedience and compliance of the angels to Allah, with one notable difference being angels fulfilling their tasks consciously and the bodily organs fulfilling them unconsciously. The leadership of the heart should be understood as a spiritual one. Without the leadership of the heart, all the other organs will lose their connection with each other and there will be no coordination between them in the spiritual journey towards Allah (33).  

There are three armies of the human heart: Will, Anger, and five senses. The first army greed (Will) does benefit to heart. The second army is anger which moves the bodily organs to give the object of greed power and strength. The third army is of senses which work like secret agencies. These defined powers are entrusted to different organs – hearing (ears), sight (eyes), smell (nose) taste (taste glands) and touch (surface of the body or skin). In the brain there is power of idea, power of thought, power of memory, power of retention, and power of consolidating them together. In the kingdom of human personality the heart is like a king; hands, feet and other organs are like businessmen and industrialists; greed is a collector of revenue; anger is its police; intellect is its minister and heart is its king. The human kingdom goes well if all organs and attributes are under the rule of the heart. When the heart takes the help of intellect, it rules over greed keeping anger in control. In order to bring anger under control, sometimes it seeks the help of greed and then its character and conduct become good (34). 

From the above statements of eminent religious scholars it can be concluded that the heart is the king or ruler of the human personality (kingdom) and inherently all the body organs and limbs based on their destinies have to obey the heart in discharging their duties without any deviation. 

Heart is probably the noblest of body organs, the cornerstone of life, and instinctive drive. It is the source and essence of intellect, science, tolerance, courage, generosity, patience, resignation, love, will, satisfaction, anger, and all the traits of integrity, therefore in one way or the other obey orders of heart like soldiers. For example, the eye as a scout reports to the heart whatever it sees, and it may be considered as the mirror of the heart. The ears provide information to heart about the utterances of people and other sounds whichever they hear from their environment. It is on these grounds that Allah combines all these three (heart, ears, and eyes) in the Holy Qur’an: 

And do not pursue that of which you have no knowledge. Indeed, the hearing, the sight and the heart – of each of these  will be asked (35). 

The above verse of the Qur’an reveals that questions will be asked on the Day of Judgment about the ear, the eye and the heart about their use and misuse. Heart as a king has greater responsibility to set the system of human kingdom in order.  

The heart is a kind of inner intuition or insight which, in the beautiful words of Rumi, feeds on the rays of the Sun and brings us into contact with aspects of Reality other than those open to sense. It is according to the Qur’an, something which sees, and its reports, if properly interpreted, are never false. We must not, however, regard it as a mysterious special faculty; it is rather a mode of dealing with Reality in which sensation, in the physiological sense of the word, does not play any part. Yet the vista of experience thus opened to us is as real and concrete as any other experience (36)

Allama Iqbal says: 

The heart’s freedom is kingly; its slavery is death,

It is for thee to decide.

Man’s heart can reach the heights of the great empyrean,

Though his handful of dust cannot aspire beyond the skies

4.2. The Heart as an Endocrine Gland 

The heart is a hormonal gland and communicates with other organs of the body via hormones. Hormones are of great importance for the proper functioning of the heart in the human kingdom. In this connection an article about the discovery of two hormones secreted by the heart played a great role in proving the importance of the heart. Hormones have dramatic effects on the behaviour of the cardiovascular system. 

These hormones are released mostly in the muscular walls of the atrial (upper chambers) and in lesser amounts in the ventricles (lower chambers) of the heart. These granules in the heart are similar to granules found in the cells of other endocrine glands or organs. The hormones are ANP (A-type natriuretic peptides or atrial natriuretic peptides) or ANF (atrial natriuretic factor) and BNP (B-type natriuretic peptides). ANP (ANF) exerts effects on blood vessels, kidneys, the adrenal glands, and on a large number of regulatory regions in the brain. BNP hormone plays an important role in regulating the circulation. It acts on blood vessels, causing them to dilate or widen; enabling kidneys to secrete more salt and water. Heart also secretes oxytocin (love or bonding hormone), which plays a role at the time of child birth, lactation, cognition, tolerance, adaptation, complex sexual, and maternal behaviours, learning social cues and the establishment of enduring pair bonds (37).  

Researchers have determined that the hormones secreted by the heart muscles suppress the action of rennin which are secreted within the kidney outside of the nephron region. The action causes an increase in the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) to filter out more sodium from the bloodstream and in this way increases the urine output.

The existence of hormonal systems in the heart provides it with the ability of participating in cardiovascular homeostasis and metabolism in addition to its pumping function. These cardiac hormones may affect remote tissues (endocrine function of the heart) and/or have local effects (paracrine and autocrine actions which may influence the action of cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases (PDEs).

Heart secretes a number of hormones and neurotransmitters that have a wide-ranging impact on the body as a whole. Balance hormone synthesised and secreted by the atria of the heart seems to play an important role in fluid and electrolyte balance and may help regulate the blood vessels, kidneys, adrenal glands and many regulatory centres in the brain. Its increased release inhibits or at least minimises the release of stress hormones, reduces sympathetic outflows and appears to interact with the immune system. It can also influence motivation and behaviour. Moreover, it reduces an expanded extracellular fluid (ECF) by increasing renal sodium excretion. It lowers blood pressure by relaxing arterioles, and by inhibiting the secretion of renin and aldosterone and inhibits the reabsorption of sodium ions by the kidneys. So the volume of urine increases as does the amount of sodium excreted in it. The net effect of these actions is to reduce blood pressure by reducing the volume of blood in the circulatory system and is associated with the maintenance of extracellular fluid volume and blood pressure and homeostatic control of body water, sodium, potassium and fat and exerts physiological and pharmacological actions.

The discovery of the endocrine heart provides a shift from the classical functional paradigm of the heart that regarded this organ solely as a blood pump to one that regards this organ as self-regulating its workload humorally and that also influences the function of several other organs that control cardiovascular function. From the haemodynamic point of view the endocrine heart serves to regulate cardiac preload and afterload due to its influence in the regulation of extracellular fluid volume mediated by targets such as the kidneys, the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system and arterial and sympathetic tones. Further research on these aspects of the heart will be very helpful to change the viewpoint of those scientists who consider the heart merely a pumping machine. 

4.3. An Electromagnetic Generator

The heart as it contracts in systole also rotates producing torsion. Torsion is the action of twisting or the state of being twisted, especially of one end of an object relative to the other; or the state of being twisted. The heart also produces a significant electromagnetic field with each contraction due to the coordinated depolarization of myocytes producing a current flow. Depolarization is when a change occurs inside a cell that causes the distribution of electric charges  to alter, leaving the cell with a less negative charge than the outside. Numerous cell functions, cell-cell communication, and the general physiology of an organism all depend on depolarization. The muscle cell, also known as the myocyte, is the smallest subunit of all muscular tissues and organs throughout the body. 

The heart functions as a generator of bioinformation that is central to normative functioning of the body. This bioinformation is derived from the vortex pumping action of the heart and the cardiac electromagnetic field. The physiologic purpose of cardiac pumping is to provide the energy to circulate metabolites throughout the body. The heart produces a magnetic field in the body due to the organised electrical depolarization and repolarization of cardiac myocytes. The electrical currents in the human body produce time-varying vector oriented magnetic signals……… .The beating heart produces electromagnetic, acoustic, and pulsatile signals that provide an information field for the entire body. The cardiac field effects are bi-directional because they extend outside the body. There is a field effect generated by the heart and there are outside field effects from other electromagnetic systems that impact upon the same heart (38)

Heart communicates information throughout the body including the brain via electromagnetic field interactions. The electric field acts as a carrier wave for information that provides a global synchronising signal for the entire body (39).  Moreover, subtle and influential electromagnetic or energetic communication systems contribute to magnetic attractions or repulsions that occur between individuals, and also affect social relationships (40).  

Human heart is the strongest generator of both electrical and magnetic fields in the body. Brain also has an electric and magnetic field, they are both relatively weak compared to the heart. It has been estimated that the heart is about 0.1 million times stronger electrically and about five thousand times stronger magnetically than the brain. Heart is also the strongest faculty of both love and devotion in the spiritual aspects of human personality. 

The human heart keeps human beings alive and when it ceases to work human death occurs. To perform its functions, the heart relies on a specialised network of cells called the cardiac conduction (electrical) system. In this system, cells generate electrical impulses and distribute the signals throughout the heart in a wonderful way. The timing of muscle’s action is very critical. The heart generates a pattern of energy including electrical, magnetic, sound, pressure, temperature, and electromagnetic energies.The mechanism of such a system is not fully understood yet and needs a lot of more studies. 

Heart is an intelligent electromagnetic field generator that acts like a broadcasting device. It is the first organ to function after conception (within 20 days), but, brain starts functioning roughly after 90 days. As the heart beats, it sends out electromagnetic waves that contain essential information. The waves of information are received by all cells of the foetus; therefore, they affect how the foetus is developed. 

4.4. Seat of Intelligence and Reason 

Studies carried out at Heart Math Institute reveal that  heart intelligence is the flow of awareness, and understanding when the mind and emotions are brought into coherent alignment with the heart. Heart intelligence transfers intelligence to the emotions and instils the power of emotional management. It means the heart’s intelligence is really the source of emotional intelligence. Intelligence and intuition are heightened when we learn to listen more deeply to our own heart. 

The heart is one of the main mediums for connecting us to each other and to the universe. It is estimated that 60-65% of heart cells are neuron cells. This discovery has proved that the heart works similar to the brain and in some ways is even superior to the brain.

Allah (swt) created the heart to understand and comprehend things. The role of the heart is to learn and gain knowledge. The heart is the source of imagination. One of the functions of the heart is to comprehend and understand (41). 

So have they not travelled through the earth and have hearts by which to reason and ears by which to hear? For indeed, it is not eyes that are blinded, but blinded are the hearts which are within the breasts (42).  

Then do they not reflect upon the Qur’an, or are their locks upon (their) hearts? (43). 

Hearts are the main source of reasoning (22:46). No organ works if the heart does not work. One cannot reflect if one’s heart is locked (47:24). We should try to think with an open heart instead of an open mind, because if the heart is open eventually the mind will be open because thinking sprouts from the heart.

Scientists have discovered that the heart receives emotional information about two seconds earlier than the brain.  Heart senses it five to seven seconds before it happens, while the brain senses it three to five seconds beforehand.

The Qur’an mentions that certain people are deprived of their ability to reason due to their hearts being sealed:  

They were satisfied to be with those who stayed behind, and their hearts were sealed over, so they did not understand (44). 

The above verse  rebukes those who seek permission to stay behind due to their fear when the situation of fighting in Allah’s way arises. They are unable to grasp the wisdom behind such struggle and the delicacy in obeying the Prophet Muhammad’s commands and experience serenity and happiness. Their failure to fulfil the command has resulted in their hearts becoming sealed. 

And We have certainly created for Hell many of the jinn and mankind. They have hearts with which they do not understand, they have eyes with which they do not see, and they have ears with which they do not hear. Those are like livestock; rather, they are more astray. It is they who are the heedless (45). 

And We had certainly established them in such as We have not established you, and We made for them hearing and vision and hearts (intellect). But their hearing and vision and hearts availed them not from anything (of the punishment) when they were (continuously) rejecting the signs of Allah; and they were enveloped by what they used to ridicule (46). 

This does not mean that Allah has created some people for the specific purpose of fueling Hell. But it means that even though Allah has bestowed upon men faculties of observation, hearing and reasoning, some people do not use them properly. Thus because of their own failings, they end up in Hell (47).  

In the commentary of verse 7:179 of the Qur’an Mufti Shafi writes: Many jinn and human beings have been created for Hell, because in spite of having all the means of guidance, the heart, the eyes, and the ears, they do not use them to seek guidance. They could find the right path, had they used these faculties in the proper way. They do not use their hearts to understand, their eyes to see things to be seen and their ears to hear things to be heard. Allah has blessed us with these faculties for acquiring knowledge  and recognition of our Lord. The people of Hell invest these abilities in worthless objectives and are evidently heedless of the real aim of human beings’ lives, that is, to earn with his capabilities eternal comfort and peace in the Hereafter through seeking guidance (48)  

Based on the available literature mentioned here and elsewhere it can be concluded that human beings inherently possess the highest and most comprehensive system of guidance to achieve falah (true success) in this world and in the Hereafter. Their guidance is based on instinct, inspiration, five senses, an additional sixth sense, faculty of reason and above all the revelation. 

By proper utilisation of the guidance, human beings can discover the Truth. The person who does not do so will not be in a position to discover the Truth. Only those people who purify their hearts and complete their personalities in this world will be able to remove different veils and screens between them and their Lord in this world.   

Other animals and other known creations (except jinn) do not possess faculty of reason and revealed knowledge. It is therefore the obligation of human beings to recognise their Creator and Lord and get nearness to Him by performing all their duties towards Allah, fellow human beings and other creatures. They should win the battle against Iblis and his evil web at any cost and under all circumstances. Physical or material advancement is of less importance  than spiritual advancement, but both are of great importance. Without firm faith in Allah and other articles of Islam, and doing righteous deeds, human beings are considered worse than animals and even worse than inanimate creators including stones, and human beings with Qalb-e- salim are considered best of all the known creations. 

4.5. Communication of Heart with Senses and Other organs of the Body

Senses are the gates of knowledge and each sense provides information which is of paramount importance for the proper functioning of the kingdom of human personality. There exists between the heart and the senses channels and paths. Each one of the sense organs is linked to the heart with nerves and other means; that these nerves set out from the heart to reach each of these sites of sense. When the eye sees an object, it will transmit what it has seen to the heart, via the channels that connect it to the heart. In the same way, when the ear receives a sound, it will convey it to the heart, and that is so with all the senses. It is generally believed that all the vessels in the body reach the heart, directly or via other vessels. There is no organ or vessel, but it is linked to the heart as close quarters or far. These vessels and canals carry to each organ what fits it and what is adapted to it. It is the heart that caters for all these organs, senses, and powers. It is right then to deduce that the intellectual function emanates from the heart. It seems that the intellectual function starts at the heart then finds its elaboration and fruition in the head. 

The heart communicates to different organs and limbs of the body, with four major ways: through its brain (heart brain), through hormones produced in it, biochemical information via blood pressure, and through energetic information from the strong electric and electromagnetic fields. 

Based on the research findings conducted by the HeartMath Institute it can be concluded that heart rate variability (heart rhythms) is the most dynamic and reflectic indicator of one’s emotional states and current stress and cognitive processes. Heart is a highly complex information-processing centre with its own functional brain that communicates with and influences the cranial brain via the nervous system, hormonal system and other pathways. These influences affect the brain function and most of the body’s major organs and play an important role in mental and emotional experience and in the quality of one’s life. Moreover, the heart’s magnetic field radiates outside the body, carries information that affects other people and even animals which are near to a person, and links them together in surprising ways. There are also indications of interconnectivity of humans with earth’s magnetic fields.

In the 1930’s, Dr. Walter Cannon, in Harvard Medical School discovered that the heart plays an important role to maintain or improve human health in a number of ways. Joel Kahn, cardiologist discovered that the heart controls the brain much more than previously thought. Heart plays a central role in controlling the brain. 

If you were to see the brain and witness its formation and structure, you would be astounded and overwhelmed. It is so complex that the mind boggles, and it is shrouded in membranes and layers that lie on top of each other, so that it is protected from any mishaps, and to maintain its well-being the brain cells are some of the noblest parts of the body, since they represent the body’s governing system, which faithfully does the thinking and knowing task of the body. The rest of the body is the public that submits to the ruler with loyalty and obedience (49)

The heart communicates to the brain neurologically (through the transmission of nerve impulses), biochemically (via hormones and neurotransmitters), biophysically (through pressure ways), and energetically (through electromagnetic field interactions). Communication along these conduits, the heart significantly affects the activity and performance of the brain. Under normal physiological conditions, the heart’s intrinsic nervous system plays an important role in much of the routine control of cardiac function, independent of the central nervous system the heart’s intrinsic nervous system is vital for the maintenance of cardiovascular stability and without it, the heart cannot function properly. The neural output, or messages from the intrinsic cardiac nervous system travels to the brain via ascending pathways in the both spinal column and vagus nerves where it travels to the medulla, hypothalamus, thalamus, etc. and then to the cerebral cortex. The heart sends more information to the brain than the brain sends to the heart on a daily basis via these four means of communication.  

The heart has a complex intrinsic nervous system that is sufficiently sophisticated to qualify as a little brain. It is an intricate network of several types of neurons, neurotransmitters, proteins and support cells similar to those found in the cranial brain. Its elaborate circuitry enables it to act independently to learn, remember, feel and sense. This nervous system contains about 40,000 neurons (sensory neuritis). Information from the heart is sent to the brain through several afferents, where they may influence perception, decision making, and other cognitive processes (50,51, 52). 

Normally, the heart communicates with the brain via nerve fibres running through the vagus nerve and the spinal column. It has been proved scientifically that the heart communicates with the brain in ways that significantly affect how one perceives and reacts to the world. The heart seemed to have its own peculiar logic that frequently diverged from the direction of the autonomic nervous system. The heart appeared to be sending meaningful messages to the brain that it not only understood, but also obeyed. It affects mental clarity, creativity and emotional balance (53)

A neural pathway and mechanism has been discovered by neurophysiologists whereby input from the heart to the brain could inhibit or facilitate the brain’s electrical activity (54).  

When heart rhythm patterns are coherent, the neural information sent to the brain facilitates mental clarity, improved decision making, increased creativity and positive feeling states. So the heart seems to be intimately involved in the generation of psychophysiological coherence (55 and 56). 

Heart’s afferent neurological signals directly affect activity in that part of the brain which coordinates behavioural, immunological and neuroendocrine responses to environmental threats. It compares incoming emotional signals with stored emotional memories, and accordingly makes instantaneous decisions about the level of perceived threat. Due to its extensive connections to the limbic system, it is able to take over the neural pathways, activating the autonomic nervous system and emotional response before the higher brain centres receive the sensory information. Research has shown that the heart’s afferent neurological signals directly affect activity in the amygdala and associated nuclei, an important emotional processing centre in the brain. The amygdala is the key brain centre that coordinates behavioural, immunological and neuroendocrine responses to environmental threats. It compares incoming emotional signals with stored emotional memories, and accordingly makes instantaneous decisions about the level of perceived threat. Due to its extensive connections to the limbic system, it is able to take over the neural pathways, activating the autonomic nervous system and emotional response before the higher brain centres receive the sensory information (57, 58). 

The heart actually communicates with the brain in ways that greatly affect how we perceive and react to the world around us. Both the heart and brain receive and respond to information about a future event before the event actually happens. Heart appeared to receive this intuitive information before the brain (59). Input from the heart to the brain may inhibit or facilitate the brain’s electrical activity (60)

Wisdom is a matter of both heart and mind. Does the action of the senses and thinking start in the brain or the heart? In this connection Ibn Qayyim had made analysis based on the available knowledge at that time: one group of people has said it begins in the heart and that there exists between the heart and the senses channels and paths. Each one of the sense organs is linked to the heart with nerves and other means that these nerves set out from the heart to reach each of these sites of sense…..All the vessels in the body reach the heart, directly or via other vessels. These vessels and canals carry to each organ what fits it and what is adapted to it…..It is the heart that caters for all organs, senses, and powers. In fact, the intellectual function emanates from the heart. Other groups hold that that intellectual function is in the head. Another group asserts that all the senses are linked to the brain. They deny that there are nerves or vessels that connect the heart with senses or organs. According to Ibn Qayyim, the truth seems to be that the intellectual function starts at the heart, and its elaboration and fruition occurs in the head. He supported his claim with 22:46 and 50:37 verses of the Qur’an. The heart provides energy to the senses, a non-physical energy that does not require any particular paths and nerves to be its carrier. What is required for this energy to be transmitted is that the senses and organs accept it and are receptive to it, and the heart supplies that energy without any need for paths and nerves. But Allah knows best, and I take refuge in Him to lead us to the truth (61).

The heart is in continuous communication with the brain and whole body through multiple pathways: neurologically (through the Autonomic Nervous System), biochemically (through hormones), biophysically (through pressure and sound waves), and energetically (through electromagnetic field interactions). Because of the extensiveness of the heart’s influence on physiological, cognitive, and emotional systems, the heart provides a central point of reference from which the dynamic of such processes can be regulated. The heart’s sensory neurons translate hormonal and mechanical information into neurological impulses which are processed in the intrinsic nervous system and then sent to the brain via afferent pathways in the vagus nerve and spinal cord (62).  

4.6. Heart: An Organ of Coordination

Research at Heart Math Institute revealed that the heart is an organ of coordination of all organs and limbs at cellular level within the human personality. The heart sends  emotional and intuitive signals to help govern the lives of human beings. It directs and aligns many systems in the body so that they can function in harmony with one another. As a king, the heart has interaction with his public belonging to different professions and positions and directs them to work in coordination with one another; it communicates with senses, other body organs and limbs, especially with the brain, in this manner the heart works as coordinator of different components of the human kingdom.  

4.7. Centre of Love and Hate

So by mercy from Allah (O Muhammad), you were lenient with them. And if you had been harsh (in speech) and hard in heart, they would surely have disbanded from you (63). 

The above verse of the Qur’an reveals that hard-heartedness brings harshness in the behaviour of a person which is not liked by other people, and they do not like to establish relationships or friendship with such persons. If they have already established some relationship, then due to one’s behaviour they may part away from him. People like kind-hearted people and hate hard-hearted people. Moreover, a sound and healthy heart leads to love and hate for the sake of Allah only. Love with Allah and with His Prophets, especially with the Prophet Muhammad and love with human beings and with other creatures is of great significance. There is also a need to hate the enemies of Allah, His Prophets and the enemies of believers. In this endeavour the heart can play an important role. 

And remember the favour of Allah upon you – when you were enemies and He brought your hearts together and you became, by His favour, brothers (64). 

Anas bin Malik reported that the Messenger of Allah said to me, “Young man, if you are able every morning and evening to remove any rancour from your heart towards anyone, do so. Young man, that is my Sunnah. Whoever revives my Sunnah has loved me, and whoever loves me will be with me in Paradise” (65). 

Abu Hurairah reported that the Messenger of Allah said, “By the One in whose hand is my soul, you will not enter Paradise until you submit to Allah and you will not submit until you love one another. Spread peace and you will love one another. Beware of hatred, for it is the razor. I do not say that it shaves hair, but rather it shaves away religion” (66). 

Abdullah bin Amr reported that the Apostle of Allah said, “No human being will enter Paradise if there is as much as the weight of a seed of arrogance in his heart” (67).  

Amr bin Habib the Messenger of Allah said, “A servant has failed and lost if Allah has not placed mercy in his heart towards humanity” (68).

4.8. Centre of Belief and Guidance 

(Who say), “Our Lord, let not our hearts deviate after You have guided us and grant us from Your mercy” (69). 

And that He might make evident those who are hypocrites. For it was said to them, “Come, fight in the way of Allah or (at least) defend.” They said, “If we had known (there would be) battle, we would have followed you.” They were nearer to disbelief that day than to faith, saying with their mouths what was not in their hearts. And Allah is most knowing of what they conceal (70). 

Allah (swt) created the heart to understand and comprehend things. The role of the heart is to learn and gain knowledge. The heart is the source of imagination. According to Ibn Tamiyyah one of the functions of the heart is to comprehend and understand.

Abdullah bin Amr reported: we said, “O Messenger of Allah, who are the best people?” He said, “One with a heart swept clean truthful in speech.” We asked, “What is a heart swept clean?” The Holy Prophet said, “One that is God Fearing and pure, in which there is neither sin, nor transgression, nor envy.” We asked, “Who shows a sign of it?” The Holy Prophet said, “One who despises worldliness and loves the Hereafter.” We said, “Who shows a sign of it?” The Messenger of Allah said, “A believer with good character” (71)

Anas reported that the Messenger of Allah said, “O Turner of the hearts, affirm my heart upon your religion.” I said, “O Messenger of Allah, we believe in you and in that with which you were sent. Do you fear for us?” The Holy Prophet said, “Yes, for the hearts are between the fingers of Allah. He turns them whichever way He wills” (72)

Abdullah bin Amr reported that the Messenger of Allah said, “Verily, the faith of one of you will wear out within him, just as a shirt becomes worn out, so ask Allah to renew faith in your hearts” (73)

Ibn Abbas reported that the Messenger of Allah said, “Verily, one who does not hold anything from the Qur’an in his heart is like a ruined house” (74).  

Abu Hurairah reported that the Messenger of Allah said, “Greed and faith  can never be combined in the heart” (75).  

The heart is the site of belief in Allah and other articles of Islam. Heart is the place and wellspring where belief is born and nurtured. In the Qur’an the word ‘their hearts’ precede hearing and sight because it is the seat of belief; and because the first evidences of the Creator are manifested from the heart’s consultation with itself, and from the conscience referring to the innate disposition. For when a person consults himself, he feels an acute sense of powerlessness that drives him to seek out a point of support, and he perceives his clamouring need to fulfil his hopes and is compelled to find a source of assistance. But there is no support to be found and no help except in belief. The heart has two deeper dimensions: point of reliance and point of seeking help. Whenever the heart, in continuing its worldly life, experiences a sense of powerlessness, it looks for someone who will rescue it from his predicament, make it forget its deficiency and offer it true consolation. This is the natural state of the heart. It is precisely in such a situation that the authority on which the heart will depend and thus be free of his distress is Allah. When the heart experiences inclination, desire and expectation in relation to the world or to the Hereafter, its seeking someone who possesses the power to fulfil its needs and wants also comes naturally to the heart. It is only Allah, who can meet the needs that the heart so strongly feels. These are two points where the heart indicates Allah and attests to His existence. Those who do not have belief are deprived of these points of reliance and seeking help. The endless impotence of human beings and their countless weaknesses cause them to seek someone who can rescue them from helplessness and weakness. The One on Whom human beings can rely and in Whom they can seek refuge in the face of worldly trials and retributions, and turn to so as to fulfil their worldly expectations and goals, is Allah Himself. The heart’s knowing its Creator is connected with the effort it exerts in seeking Him. His approach to the heart is considerably dynamic (76). 

4.9. Centre of Feelings and Emotions

Emotion is defined as every type of experience which contains joy and sorrow. An immaterial event and experience that is pleasant is joy, while that is not, is sorrow. Positive personality traits provide joy, while negative personality traits result in sorrow. Emotions sometimes can take control of a person so much that they get swept up in them. The heart is never at rest and never finds real joy and happiness until it attaches itself to the Creator and Lord of the universe. 

It has been observed that in broken-heart syndrome, when a patient experiences severe emotional stress, one really feels it in one’s heart. The hormones surge and the heart’s left ventricle swells and is misshapen and pumps blood less efficiently. 

4.10. The Heart and Intuition

The intuition is the voice of one’s self and the message of the heart. The spiritual heart holds the divine spark, and it nourishes the soul, supplies wisdom, and spiritual light in the form of intuition, a way through which Allah interacts with human beings. In this connection heart and brain work as gateways through which one can communicate both with the material world and the spiritual world, including the Creator and the Lord of universe. Both physical heart and spiritual heart continuously work round the clock throughout life from birth to death. The spiritual heart is the cause behind all of human intuitive deeds (77).  

The heart is involved in the processing and decoding of intuitive information. It is believed that the heart field was directly involved in intuitive perception, through its coupling to the energetic information field outside the bounds and space and time (78)

Researchers are now theorising that the energetic heart functions as a receiving station through which non-linear information couples to the physical heart. By intentionally engaging sincere heart-feelings like love, care, appreciation or compassion, we generate a coherent or sine-wave like heart rhythm pattern. The more coherent we are, the more receptive we become to this field of intuitive heart intelligence. Heart intuition is a bridge line that provides the transfer of wisdom and knowledge from this information field into our perception. Heart possesses a level of intelligence, and plays a greater role in mental, emotional and physical processes in the body. The heart’s energy field emits and is used to communicate with other energy systems is extremely varied and complex.

4.11. Miscellaneous Aspects of the Heart 

Abdullah bin Masud reported that the Messenger of Allah said, “O Allah, bring our hearts together, reconcile between us, guide us to ways of peace, and deliver us from darkness into light. Keep us away from immorality, outwardly and inwardly, and bless us in our hearing, our seeing, our hearts, our spouses, and our children” (79). 

Abu Hurairah reported that the Messenger of Allah pointed to his heart and said, “Righteousness is here” (80). 

Ibn Umar reported that the Messenger of Allah said, “Do not speak too much without remembering Allah. Verily, too much talking without remembering Allah hardens the heart. The furthest of people from Allah is one with a hard heart” (81).  

Imam Gazzali has discussed different aspects of the heart in his Ihya Ulum-Id-Din, vol 3, Pages 1-52. We are discussing here some salient features only. The attributes for which man’s heart fit to approach Allah (swt) are knowledge and will. Knowledge means knowledge of the material and spiritual world and the reality of intellect. Then matters lie behind the knowledge gained by the senses. Regarding will, when a man can understand by one’s intellect the result of any action and know what will bring good, then there grows in one’s mind the will to obtain that good and to do that action. Intellect wills what will be its good in future and spends for it. 

Allah’s inspiration comes on some hearts unknowingly and for that they gain spiritual knowledge. Some hearts acquire spiritual power by learning and efforts. Some hearts acquire spiritual power quickly and some late. The rank of Prophets in this regard is the highest. All secrets are disclosed to them. A child in its mother’s  womb does not know the condition of a boy. A body does not know the condition of a grown-up man. A grown-up man does not know the condition of an intelligent man and his acquired learning. An intelligent man does not know the blessings, mercy and gifts showered by Allah on the Prophets.These blessings are cast upon those hearts which remain prepared and become fit to receive them. Allah does not withhold His mercy on anyone, but the people themselves are to be blamed for they do not cleanse their hearts or minds from the impurities that are heaped on them. 

As air does not enter a pot full of water, so knowledge of Allah does not ether a heart if it remains filled up with things other than Allah. Heart is the house of knowledge. Human nature depends upon the condition of the heart. When it controls the evils, it is endowed with divine qualities such as wisdom, knowledge, strong faith and knowledge of the nature of  things. 

As a mirror, the heart has got connection with figure and form, so also a heart has got connection with objects of knowledge. In other words, a picture, or figure can be seen if placed in front of a mirror. So different objects of knowledge are reflected in the heart. A mirror assumes the colour of a figure placed before it. Similarly the heart assumes the colour or nature of an unknown object of knowledge. Every object of knowledge has got a nature and every nature has got a figure. That figure is reflected in the mirror of the heart and is clearly visible. Mirror is a thing, figure is a different thing. Similarly a man has got three things: heart, real nature of things and the knowledge of its real nature. Heart is the name of the thing with which knowledge is gained. So, the heart is the container of knowledge, the object of knowledge and knowledge itself and these are interconnected. Knowledge does not arise unless the object of knowledge falls in heart. 

According to Imam Gazzali there are five obstacles or hurdles which prevent real pictures in a mirror. A picture cannot be seen in a mirror if the thing which the mirror is made of is spoiled or if impurities fall in the mirror, or if the mirror is not directed towards the picture, or if there is something  between the mirror and the picture, or if the picture is not in front of the mirror. Similar is the case with the human heart. It has got the fitness to receive the true picture of everything, but if it cannot do its function, it will be understood that knowledge cannot come owing to five obstacles. The first obstacle is a natural defect of the heart as the hearts of young children. The second obstacle is the impurities of sins owing to greed, passion and low desires. If the impurities of sins are not removed, truth is not reflected in it. If dust falls on a mirror, it can be removed by a duster. Heart becomes bright if it does not allow low desires and the urge of passion. Real picture of a thing does not fall in the heart if it is misguided from the real object of research and inquiry.  Brightness of truth is not reflected in the heart owing to the object of inquiry not being directed towards the heart although it is clean and pure. The picture of an object about which a man thinks falls in his heart. He who confines his thoughts and efforts to the different modes of health gains health. So he who engages his whole attention and energy to the attainment of Divine love can acquire it. But he whose attention is diverted only to worldly pursuits gets them no doubt but is not blessed with divine love and grace. It is an obstacle to acquisition of Kashf or secret divine knowledge. The fourth obstacle is the screen or veil between the human heart and a thing desired, its true picture cannot be reflected in the heart. Truth cannot come out from a screened heart. Whoso follows one’s passions and low desires, screen falls in one’s heart. The beliefs which take root in early years of life from  the surrounding environments paint the future of a man and create obstacles in finding out the truth of a thing. This is also true in case of open taqlid or blind faith in a sect. The fifth obstacle of the heart is ignorance. This ignorance occurs in connection with a special object. As a result, defect is cast upon the object of enquiry. New knowledge cannot be generated unless the mode of union is not known. If one does not stand in front of a mirror, he cannot see his face therein. If the mirror is kept in front of face, he cannot see his back. So there are certain methods of acquiring knowledge. 

Heart is naturally fit to bear the trust towards which other creatures showed their inability to accept that, but it cannot reach its real nature due to the aforementioned obstacles. If devils do not have the control of the working of the heart of the son of Adam he could have seen the divine realm. Whoever lifts up the screen of sins from the heart, the pictures of unseen things are disclosed in his heart. Then he can see Paradise which extends in heaven and earth. There is no existence of anything except that of Allah, His actions and His sovereignty. His servants are included within His actions. The objective of all actions is to make the heart pure and bright. The objective of purity of heart is to gain light of faith therein or to enkindle the light of divine knowledge. 

This light of faith in the heart has three stages. In the first stage, the light of faith of an ordinary man. It is the light of blind faith. In the second stage, it is the light of faith of the followers of jurisprudence. It is mixed with some sort of proof. In the third stage, it is the light of faith of the friends of Allah. The friends of Allah come out of the gate of hearts which remains open towards the spiritual world, and the knowledge of the learned and the scientists come out of that gate of hearts which remains open to the material world through the help of five sensors. So it is impossible for the latter to acquire spiritual knowledge. Scientists and scholars learn the basic principles of learning and friends of Allah act to purify their hearts and to make them bright and pure. The spiritual knowledge of a believer is everlasting as the heart (soul) of a believer has got no death. At the time of death, the knowledge does not go. The knowledge of Allah is a light without which the believer will not be able to secure divine vision. 

If anything is disclosed to anybody by ilham (inspiration) from unknown sources he is termed as Sufi or an ascetic with knowledge of Allah by the help of correct means. Allah takes him out from doubts and difficulties and gives him knowledge without formal education and natural understanding without experience. In other words Allah endows him with Furqan, which means light with which truth and falsehood are distinguished and with the help of which one can come out of doubts. One is upon the light of Allah whose heart Allah has opened for Islam. Some knowledge comes from Allah and some knowledge is acquired through the medium of men. 

The vision of the heart is the subtle essence with which spiritual things are seen. This essence is like a rider and its eye is like a conveyance. For it, the blindness of the rider is more harmful than the blindness of the conveying horse, that is the blindness of heart is more harmful than the blindness of the eye. 

By using ilm and irada a person increases in esteem and becomes worthy of attaining close proximity to Allah. The site of knowledge is the heart, therefore there is a relationship between heart and knowledge. The responsibility of Divine Trust mentioned in the Qur’an is shouldered by the human heart. The heart of every person in its original constitution, fitted for and capable of bearing this trust. Ilm means belief and marifa. For a believer, the means for true happiness is directly proportional to their knowledge and experiential knowledge. The greater one’s experiential knowledge of Allah, the greater is one’s happiness. 

 Can he whose breast Allah has opened up for Islam and whose is thus (moving along a path) illumined by a light from Allah (be likened to him who derives no lesson from what he observes)? Woe, then, to those whose hearts were further hardened after Allah’s admonition. Such are indeed in obvious error (82)

Opening of a man’s breast for something is, in fact, a state in which there remains no anxiety, ambiguity or suspicion and doubt about the thing, nor has the feeling of any danger and loss in accepting and adopting it (Islam), and he decides with full satisfaction of the heart that it is the truth and he obeys it with pleasure and without any hesitation, as if it is the voice of his own heart and obeys every aspect of Islam under all circumstances with pleasure in the light of the knowledge of the Book of Allah (swt) and the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). As against the opening of the breast there can be two other states of man’s heart: (1) The state of narrowing of the breast and squeezing of the heart; and in this state there still remains some room for the truth to permeate it. (2) The state of hardening or petrifying of the heart; in this there is left no room for the truth to permeate. About the second state, Allah says the person who reaches such a stage is totally ruined. There cannot be a greater misfortune and unworthiness of man than that his heart should become even more hardened, instead of becoming soft, when he hears Allah being mentioned and the admonition sent by Him. Further information is available in the reference (83).  

It is perpetually the heart that believes in Allah, knows and loves Him, feels reverence toward Him, shivers and shakes, and is filled with respect for Him. The heart has two important attributes: perception and thought. The dimension whereby the heart’s emotions, perception, and discernment are manifested is the conscience, while the mirror on which thought and the like are reflected is the intellect, which can also be called mind (84).   


Abu Sa’id reported that the Messenger of Allah said, “There are four kinds of hearts: A polished heart shiny as a radiant lamp; a sealed heart with a knot tied around it; a heart that is turned upside down; and a heart that is wrapped. As for the polished heart, it is the heart of the believer and its lamp is the light of faith. The sealed heart is the heart of the unbeliever. The heart that is turned upside down is the heart of a pure hypocrite, for he had knowledge but he denied it. As for the heart that is wrapped, it is the heart that contains both faith and hypocrisy. The parable of faith in this heart is the parable of the herb that is sustained by pure water, and the parable of the hypocrisy in it is the parable of an ulcer that thrives upon puss and blood; whichever of the two is greater will dominate” (85). 

The Arabic language is the richest language in terms of words. There are many multiple words describing the same thing that are in different states and conditions. For example, for the English word ‘heart’ there are four terms in Arabic: qalb, fuad, sadr, and lubb. qalb is the seat of faith (iman); fuad is connected with gnosis (marifa); Sadr is connected with Islam; and lubb is the seat of tawhid (Oneness of God). 

According to some religious scholars Sadr (bosom) is the seat of Islam; the qalb is the seat of belief; fuad (inner heart) is the seat of beholding Him. They also use different terms relating to the heart. These terms include ilm al-qulub (Knowledge of Hearts), ma’rifat al-qulub (Gnosis of Hearts), ahl al-qulub (Peoples of Hearts), ashab al-qulub (Companions of Hearts), and arbab al-qulub (Masters of Hearts). 

The term qalb is an Arabic word derived from the q-l-b. The term takes various plural forms such as qulub, eqlab, qilaba, and aqlub. The term has been defined in a number of ways by different religious scholars: turning something inside out, inverting and transforming; changing something from its existing state to another; and turning and rotating an object and changing its direction. In this connection rotating involves turning something upside-down, inside out, left-to-right, right-to-left, and front-to-back. In short, qalb is constantly in a state of flux and change, and is the centre of both material and spiritual existence. Moreover, it carries out the function of blood circulation throughout the body and actualizes spiritual elements such as willpower, perception, feeling and knowledge. Further information on this aspect is available in reference (86). 

The word qalb is used in numerous places in the Qur’an and the traditions of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). This word can be used as a verb, qallaba, which stands for an alteration of something from one particular state to another. The heart too can alternate from one state to another. It represents the true tranquil core of the heart itself. None can have direct access to it except the individual who possesses it, or the Creator Himself. In this connection the Qur’an says: 

Indeed, that is a reminder for whoever has a heart  or who listens while he is present (in mind) (87).   

The word fuad comes from the Arabic word fa’ada, which stands for burning. When heart is described as fuad, it means a heart which is in flames. During these instans, a person can often accomplish something really good or something really bad. When one is spiritually enthusiastic, the person can adhere to compassion, gentleness, forgiveness, or even achieve something productive of extraordinary nature. When the heart is engulfed with agony or distress, then the person may adhere to agony or distress, then the person may adhere to anger, jealousy and hatred. 

The root letters f-a-d forming the word fuad (Fouad, foud, Fuaad, Foad) denote warmth and extreme heat; beating circulating heart; burning or flame; dynamic in nature; it burns due to different pains; and is always in movement and provocation. Its relation with qalb is as the pupil to the eye, as Masjid al-Haram to Makkah, and as the room within a house. It is the site of experiential knowledge of Allah, memories and dreams. It is accountable, confirms or denies; inclined or predisposed and punished. It is the heart that is inflamed with emotion; and the heart which sacrifices for some cause. It is also known as a kindling heart. The fuad is at the centre of the qalb, and the qalb is within the sadr

So make hearts (afida) among the people incline toward them and provide for them from the fruits that they might be grateful for (88). 

And Allah has extracted you from the wombs of your mothers not knowing a thing, and He made for you hearing and vision and hearts (afida) that perhaps you would be grateful (89). 

In the above mentioned verses of the Qur’an the word afida  is used, which is the plural of the word fuad.  

Sadr literally means chest. The word sadr is considered as the outer section and starting point of the Qalb; it is dwelling place of whisperings or suspicion, arrogance, enmity, carnal desire, and emotions of desire and need. It has a disposition that at times becomes contracted and expands; and the place where the light of the belief and knowledge is safeguarded and protected. This word appears in the Qur’an at different places and in various contexts. Some of the verses of the Qur’an in this connection are as follows: 

Say, “Whether you conceal what is in your breasts (Sadr) or reveal it, Allah knows it (90). 

Indeed, Allah is knowing of that within the breasts (91).  

Indeed, He is aware of that within the breasts (92).

Unquestionably, they (the disbelievers) turn away their breasts to hide themselves from him………. He (Allah) knows what they conceal and what they declare. Indeed, He is knowing of that within the breasts (93).  

And indeed, Your Lord knows what their breasts conceal and what they declare (94).   

Is not Allah most knowing of what is within the breasts of the worlds (all creatures) (95). 

He knows that which deceives the eyes and what the breasts conceal (96)  

He knows what is within the heavens and earth and knows what you conceal and what you declare. And Allah is knowing of that within the breasts (97). 

And conceal your speech or publicise it; indeed, He is knowing of  that within the breasts (98). 

Even in the English language when people mention chest, they are often referring to the heart. For example, they would use the expression, “I want to get it out of my chest” meaning: I have something in my heart, and I would like to express it out loud. The difference between the qalb and sadr is that the qalb contains the individual’s secrets of belief, including the experiences with the divine and the devil is unable to penetrate through it. As for the sadr, it is the place which safeguards the heart, just as the treasury protects the valuables inside of it. The devil can whisper to the sadr but not to the qalb (99). 

In this connection the Qur’an says: 

Who whispers (evil) into the breasts (chests) of mankind from among the jinn and mankind (100). 

Some religious scholars are of the view that the word lubb means the essence of something; others assert that it means mind’s perfection; other scholars insist that the term lubb means illuminated mind free of all kinds of stain and blemish; it means mind illuminated with divine guidance. Some eminent scholars consider it as the type of heart. Some scholars mention in their writings that every person who possesses lubb is intelligent but every intelligent person cannot be said to possess lubb. Some people are of the view that intellect, heart, and belief become united through lubb. Lubb is the intelligent part of the heart which stands above the distinctive rationality of the brain. It is the place where unpolluted wisdom originated from. In the Qur’an, people who possess such a quality are called ‘people of the inward intellect’ (ulu albab) (101).  

The heart has been created by Allah (swt) and has four different aspects. Heart is the centre wherein human beings can meet with Him. The heart from the outside consists of the nested layers: sadr, fuad, and lubb. These harbour Islam, belief, and experiential knowledge of Allah, respectively. Islam mobilises the outer layer, sadr. Religious actions activate the qalb –  the safe haven of belief. This process of spiritual development continues until only Allah’s love remains in fuad (102). 


In this article we have discussed the status of the heart in the human personality based on revealed knowledge and acquired knowledge both, but we did not take into consideration the viewpoint of those scientists who give the status of king or ruler of human personality to the brain and consider the heart just a pumping organ of blood throughout the human body. We have tried to prove that the heart is not only an organ which circulates the blood, but is the king or ruler of the kingdom of human personality; it is an endocrine gland, an electromagnetic generator; a seat of intelligence and reason; a centre of love and hate, belief and guidance, and feelings and emotions; it communicates with senses, other body organs, especially with the brain in order to coordinate almost all activities of human body including different systems; heart interacts with intuition; and have other various activities. In order to prove these aspects of the heart we have  given the statements from the Qur’an, the traditions of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), selected statements of eminent commentators of the Qur’an; religious scholars, mystics, philosophers, and intellectuals such as Imam Gazzali, Nursi, Sultan Bahu, Imam Rabbani Alif Sani Sirhandi and a number of eminent writers on this subject. We have also given some salient points from the findings of modern scientists.

At the time of writing this article, we were especially inspired from the hadiths relating to the purification and energising of the heart of the Prophet Muhammad at least two occasions by angels, especially by the angel Gabriel: first at the age of four years and the second at the night of Isra wal Mi’raj (celestial ascension). 

Anas bin Malik reported that Gabriel came to the Messenger of Allah while he was playing with other children. He took hold of him and lay him on the ground and tore open his breast (chest) and took out his heart from it and then extracted a blood- clot out of it and said: That was the part of Satan in thee. And then he washed heart with the water of Zamzam in a golden basin and then it was joined together and restored to its place. The boys came running to his mother (nurse) and said: Verily Muhammad has been murdered. They all rushed towards him (and found him alright), but his colour was changed. Anas said, “I used to see the marks of a needle on his breast (103).  

Anas bin Malik reported that the Messenger of Allah said, “Two angels came to me and took me to Zamzam, where they split open my stomach and took out my inwards in a basin of gold, and washed them with Zamzam water, then they filled my heart with wisdom and knowledge (104).  

Allah (swt) opened the heart of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) to Islam as a religion and law, which is the greatest thing to which the heart may be opened (Ibn Abbas, Bukhari). The chest was opened in order to fill the heart with wisdom, knowledge and faith and to remove the clot of blood from his heart. About the clot of blood which was removed from the heart of the Prophet Muhammad the angel Gabriel told him, “This was Satan’s share of you.” In each instance the angel washed his heart and purified it. The cleansing of the Prophet’s heart shows the importance of its purification. Purifying one’s heart and mind has been an essential part of Islam since the early stages of faith. In this connection the Holy Prophet said, “Surely the best of property is a clean heart” (105). 

By cleansing the heart, one will be able to replace one’s negative energy into positive one; and transform negative personality traits into positive traits, and may feel a sense of inner peace and strength in making right decisions and courage to face difficult situations. 

The statement of the Prophet Muhammad reported by Abu Dharr ‘ Gabriel split open my chest, then he washed it with Zamzam water. Then he brought a golden basin filled with wisdom and faith and emptied it into my chest (Bukhari, Muslim) is of great significance. 

Wisdom of opening the breast is also mentioned in the Qur’an:  

So whoever Allah wants to guide – He expands his breast to (contain) Islam; and whoever He wants to send astray – He makes his breast tight and constricted as though he were climbing into the sky. Thus does Allah place defilement upon those who do not believe (106). 

Did We not expand for you (O Muhammad), your breast? And We removed from you your burden, which had weighed upon your back (107). 

It is important to mention here that opening of the breast at different occasions – according to the majority of the religious scholars was two types, but some other scholars are of the view that it was four times (at the age of 4 years, and 10 years, at the time of his appointment as  prophet, and at the occasion of Isra wal Miraj).  However, the authenticity of the opening of the breast of the Prophet Muhammad at the age of ten and at the time of appointing him as the Prophet is questionable. In this connection Allah knows the best.

Expansion of the chest is either the splitting, or opening, or enhancing of the chest. If the first meaning is taken (splitting of the blessed chest), then consider that the Holy Prophet’s blessed chest was split, and his heart was washed on four occasions. (1) at the age of four years, so that an inclination towards playing is not found in his heart; (2) in the beginning of his adolescence (10 years) so that the heedlessness of youth does not affect him; (3) Near the time of being granted prophethood so that his heart could bear this responsibility; and (4) on the night of Isra wal Miraj, so that he could see the celestial spectacles and experience the vision of Allah (swt). This is the apparent expansion of the chest. The expansion of breast mentioned in the verses 6:125 and 94:1-3 is of metaphorical nature (108). 

What was the wisdom behind the usage of a golden tray for the purification and energising the heart of the Holy Prophet? Gold is the most superior and excellent metal; and the heart of the Holy Prophet is the most excellent of all hearts. Gold has some unique qualities which are not found in other metals. Likewise, there are such excellences of the heart of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) which no one else in the creation possesses. Fire does not consume gold, nor does soil ruin it, nor does it rust. The heart of the Prophet is not tainted by any form of sin or disobedience. Gold is generally the heaviest type of conventional jewellery. The tray being fashioned from gold alludes to the weight and responsibilities of revelation (109)

It is evident from the two basic sources of religious knowledge that the heart of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was opened and it was further purified and enriched with wisdom and knowledge by angels, especially the angel Gabriel in order to enable him to reach the stage Insan-e-Kamil and discharge his duties in an excellent way. He is the Role Model for all the human beings in the world because the institution of Prophethood was completed by him. In the end, we pray to Allah (swt) to purify our hearts; keep our hearts shining and soft; save our hearts from rust, black dots and spots and from spiritual diseases; shower Your mercy on us and provide us true success (flah) in this world and in the Hereafter. 

In the next article of this series we will discuss spiritual diseases of the heart with the grace of Allah (swt). 

evil web

Evil Web



After the creation of Prophet Adam (As) as His vicegerent (khalifa), Allah (SWT) commanded all the angels to prostrate him in order to prove his superiority to other creatures. All angels prostrated as per Allah’s command, but Azazil, a jinni disobeyed, therefore he was declared as Iblis (Satan). Instead of repenting,  Iblis declared that he will prove that Adam was not eligible for the position of Allah’s vicegerent. To achieve this objective, he devised a strategy to mislead Prophet Adam and his progeny by attacking them from all directions. To fulfil his mission Iblis requested Allah (SWT) to extend his life till people will be resurrected from their graves. Allah (SWT) accepted his request, but extended his life till the end of this world. 

After this event Allah Almighty, informed Prophet Adam that Iblis was his archenemy. In Paradise, Adam was allowed to eat everything, except the fruit of a tree. In a short span of time, due to whispering of Iblis the Prophet Adam and his wife had eaten the fruit of the prohibited tree, but immediately they realised their mistake, repented sincerely, and Allah with His great Mercy accepted their repentance.  

As a result of that event, Prophet Adam and his wife, and Iblis were sent to the Earth as enemies of each other. On the earth, Iblis could not do any harm to Prophet Adam and his wife, but he was able to mislead his son Qabil, who killed his brother Habil without any just cause. 

Iblis developed his network consisting of jinn satans and human satans. Before proceeding further it is imperative to define certain terms such as Iblis, Jinn, and Satan. Due to disobedience of Allah’s command of prostrating to Adam Azazil was made Iblis by Allah as a punishment. It was not merely the change of name, but a big degradation in his status. First he was living in the company of Angels and  he was a devoted worshipper of Allah (swt), but then he became the leader of the evil web. The word Iblis means an evil spirit or devil. 

The word Iblis has only been used in the Qur’an for that being who refused to submit to Adam. It refers to that evil spirit which is opposed to angels and places doubts in the heart (1).

The word ‘Jinn’ means ‘to hide,’ or ‘to be hidden.’ Jinn can disperse the components of their bodies and then collate them. When they collate their bodily components, they can be seen. And when they disperse themselves they become invisible like water vapour which appears like clouds when condensed and disappears when heated (2).

The Arabic word satan means ‘mischievous.’ Satans can be both from Jinn and human beings. Satan has power to incite men with tempting thoughts, to call them towards evil, and to make evil seem beautiful to them. They can exert their influence on men’s thoughts; deter human beings from worshipping Allah; and from doing other pious deeds; encourage them to believe in superstitions, instead of reality; and try to keep them away from truth. The word satan has been used in the Qur’an for the evil spirits that place doubts in the hearts of people. 

The word Satan is derived from Shatana, which means the far thing. Some religious scholars are of the view that the word Satan is derived from Shata (burned), because it was created from fire. Satan is Ar-Rajim means being expelled from all types of righteousness. Rajim is the person who throws or bombards things, because Satan throws doubts and evil thoughts in a human’s heart (3).  (Tafsir Ibn Kathir).


Evil is the opposite of good; it is profoundly immoral and wicked; morally reprehensible; morally bad, cruel, or very unpleasant; it is something that is bad and harmful; and is the antithesis of good. An evil is horrendously bad and no wise and sensible person can conceive of doing it; and an evil person is one who knowingly wills, does or orders bad actions. 

The concept of evil has been under discussion since Greek civilization. For example, Plato was of the view that evil was a result of ignorance. Nietzsche argued that evil was a dangerous concept that was created by the church. Still there are many different viewpoints and there is no consensus on the single definition of evil. Still it is not clear that an evil is a concept by itself or a dysfunction on the ability to experience goodness. At present, there is a pertinent question about the basis of evil. Some scientists are of the view that evil has a neurological basis as well, but others insist that  it is entirely dependent on socio-cultural beliefs.  

There are two main concepts of evil: a broad concept and narrow concept. The broad concept picks out any bad state of affairs, wrongful action, or character flaw. It tends to be the sort of evil referenced in theological contexts, such as in the discussions of the problem of evil. In contrast to the broad concept of evil, its narrow concept picks out only the most morally despicable sorts of actions, characters, and events, etc. (4).

Evil is a thick rope of many complex, twisted, and intertwined strands (5).

The Qur’an reveals that Allah (swt) is the only authority in defining good and evil. Our perception on this subject may be misleading. It is therefore imperative to make decisions based on analysis in the light of both Revealed Knowledge and acquired knowledge. In this connection the Qur’an says: 

Battle has been enjoined upon you while it is hateful to you. But perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you; and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you. And Allah knows, while you know not (6).

The definition of good and evil in Islam is based on the purpose of creation of the universe and everything therein, especially those of human beings and and the meaning of their life. The ultimate goal of human life is to become perfected spiritually through firm faith and righteous deeds. In short, whatever brings a person closer to Allah Almighty in this world and in the Hereafter is good, and whatever takes a person away from Allah, and incurs His anger is evil. In other words, good leads towards true success (flah), while evil leads towards failure; good actions create light, while evil actions create darkness in the human personality. 

No disaster strikes except by permission of Allah. And whoever believes in Allah – He will guide his heart (7).

The tricks of Satan may be perceived as evil. But they are evil only for those who fall for those tricks and forget Allah (swt). On the other hand, through resistance to Satan and through patience in submission to Allah Almighty, one grows spiritually and becomes closer to Him. For such a person, the existence of Satan and his tricks is a means of spiritual advancement. Allah (swt) provides guidance and saves them from disasters who have firm in Him, while those who do not remember Allah and satans overcome them and they become losers. While those who observe patience in hardships, establish prayer, help poor, and prevent evil with good achieve true success in this world and in the Hereafter. 

Satan has overcome them and made them forget the remembrance of Allah. Those are the party of Satan. Unquestionably, the party of Satan – they will be the losers (8).

And those who are patient, seeking the countenance of their Lord, and establish prayer and spend from what We have provided for them secretly and publicly and prevent evil with good – those will have the good consequence of (this) home (Paradise) (9).  

The Qur’an sheds light on various shades of moral evil and explains how they are manifested through the actions of various agents. When it comes to natural evil and human suffering resulting from it, the Qur’an provides a utilitarian place for it in human life. Rumi and Iqbal, whose mystical views are rooted in the Qur’an, argue that evil is relative, and that evil has an important role to play in advancing the spiritual development of an individual. Moreover, Rumi regards evil as a logical necessity for the functioning of life in this world (10).

The word evil (sharr) is used for loss, injury, trouble and affliction as well as for the means which cause losses and injuries, and afflictions. For example, hunger, disease, injury in an accident or war, being burnt by fire, being stung or bitten by a scorpion or snake, being involved in the grief of children’s death and similar other evils which are evil in the first sense, for they are by themselves troubles and afflictions. Contrary to this, unbelief, polytheism and every kind of sin and wickedness, for instance, are evils in the second sense, for they cause loss and affliction, although apparently they do not cause any trouble at the moment, rather some sins give pleasure, and bring profit (11).

The Qur’anic narrative elaborates on various kinds of evil, moral evil and natural evil, in a comprehensive style and talks about their implications in human life. The Qur’an elaborates how various forms of moral evil are manifested through the actions and interactions of various agents such as the devil, lower soul, and freewill. In the context of natural evil  or physical evil, the Qur’an sheds light on how Allah uses it, in various forms, to test the believers and punish the wrongdoers (12).

Belief in Allah is the highest aim of creation and the most sublime result, and humanity’s most exalted rank is knowledge of Him. The most radiant happiness and sweetest bounty for the jinn and humanity is love of Allah (swt) contained within knowledge of Allah (13).

Every pious deed brings a person closer to Allah, and every evil act takes  the doer away from Allah (swt). With every pious deed one moves a station forward in one’s spiritual journey towards the Lord of the universe. The distance covered in the spiritual journey  depends on the nature and extent of the pious deeds. Through an evil act one may move step wise downward and may become a marginal believer such as Fasiq, Fajr and Zindiq, and after it may become non-believer and the member of evil network. May Allah save us from such degradation. 

There is great wisdom in the creation of the evil web, because without it there would not be any ‘station’ or status for making progress step wise and reach at very high levels and attain the companionship of Prophets and pious people in the Paradise. In the absence of the evil web we would be like other creatures, including angels who have fixed stations or status, without any advancement. 


A web is a sticky pattern of threads woven by a spider, or something similar that appears to be woven together. Some webs are literally woven – of thread, yarn, ropes, or any other strands of material. Other websites are more figurative, like the web of connections between people who work in the same field or the web of rules and regulations attached to filing your income tax return. There is also the internet web, which is a web-like series of interconnected documents and links. Web is an interconnected system of things or people tangled in a web of cloth; an intricate trap that entangles or ensnares its victim. 

The term ‘spider web’ is typically used to refer to a web that is apparently still in use. Many spider species build webs specifically to trap and catch a variety of organisms, especially insects to eat. Webs allow spiders to catch prey with the minimal use of energy. Some species of spiders make as their living chamber, and other species make webs for both purposes: residence and hunting their prey. 

After completing a web the spider waits on or near the web for a prey animal to become trapped. It senses the impact and struggle of a prey animal by vibrations transmitted through the web; it positioned in the middle of the web makes for highly visible prey for birds and other predators in the beginning, but with the passage of time, reduces this risk by hiding at the edge of the web. Generally, the web consists of two types of strands. (sticky and non-sticky strands). Spiders use sticky strands to entrap diverse organisms, especially insects. Spiders avoid going near the sticky strands, but other organisms are not aware of those strands, therefore are entangled in them. Trapdoor spiders dig holes, cover them up with dirt doors hinged with spider silk, and lie in wait for the passing prey. There are various other tactics to catch the prey. 

False Widow Spiders are venomous, but unlikely to be deadly to human beings, although they might give a nasty bite if disturbed. In this connection there have been reports of swollen limbs and hospitalisation, as well as schools were closed as a result of an infestation in England. In his commentary St. Anthony likens the devil to a spider. By means of evil temptation, “The devil weaves the web of wickedness. The devil spins his web like a spider, of which Natural History tells us: ‘The spider first puts forth forth the thread of her web, and fastens it at the ends, Then she weaves the middle, between these ends, and so produces a web strong enough, in a conveniently prepared place, for hunting. She comes into the middle, as one lying in wait for some small beast. If some fly, or the like, falls in, at once the spider moves, leaving her place and starting to bind it round with the web, until she reaches the point where the prey is helpless. Then when she feels hungry, she sucks the moisture from it; and without that moisture she cannot live (14).

St Anthony says, “In the same way, when the devil wants to catch a man, he first puts out the slender thread of subtle thought, and fixes it at the end, the senses of the body. By this he craftily finds out to which vice the man is most susceptible. Then in the midst – the heart he waves the web of temptation, sufficiently strong and in a conveniently prepared place for hunting. He comes to the middle, as one lying in wait for some small creature. The devil finds no member, in all the human body, which is so suitable for hunting, lying in wait and deceiving, as the human heart: for that is the very source of life. Once the devil has caught a sinner in his web, “he begins to bind it with all sorts of temptations, to wind it in darkness until it becomes helpless and enfeebled in mind.”  He sucks out the very life of the Soul. 

The example of those who take allies other than Allah is like that of the spider who takes (constructs) a home. And indeed, the weakest of homes is the home of the spider (15).


The main target of Iblis and his network is the heart of human beings. About the term ‘heart’ some scholars are of the view that the heart is of two types: ‘material heart’ and ‘spiritual heart.’ Others insist that the same heart performs both the functions in the human personality. 

The Prophet Muhammad said, Verily, there is in the body a piece of flesh, that if it is correct (good or healthy), the rest of the body will be correct due to it, and if it is corrupt, then the rest of the body will be corrupt due to it. Verily, it is the heart (16).

A good or sound heart refers to one that is free from arrogance and tries to please Allah (swt), while a corrupt (diseased) heart refers to one which is controlled by one’s vain desires based on whispering of satans of evil web.

Abu Hurairah reported that the Holy Prophet said, “The heart is a king and the body parts are its soldiers. So if the king does good, then the soldiers will be good. And if the king does wickedness, then the soldiers will do wickedness” (17). 

The heart is the most honourable part of the body, and other organs are its followers. Having knowledge of the heart is of paramount importance, because it is the battlefield of good and evil forces in human personality, which is like a kingdom. The best way to repulse devils from the heart is to have firm faith in Allah Almighty and do righteous deeds abundantly and remain under His protection continuously. 


In the Qur’an Iblis is known as Satan and Khannas).  In the Bible his different are mentioned, such as Abaddon (Destruction), Apollyon (Revelation 9:11), Dragon (Revelation 12:9), Accurser (Revelation 12:10), Adversary (Peter 5:8), Belial (Corinthians 6:15), Evil one (John 17:15), Father of lies or Liar (John 8:44), Enemy (Mathew 13:9), Leviathan (Isaiah), and Power of darkness (Colossian 1:13). His personal name is Iblis. He perpetually  remains in grief, confusion and despair of Allah’s Mercy. 

There are innumerable numbers of satans in the world both from jinn and human beings. He may be called by the name of Iblis or Satan, but no other satan can be called as Iblis. He is the founder and lifetime in-incharge of a network of all satans. 

And (mention) when We said to the angels, “Prostrate before Adam: so they prostrated, except for Iblis. He refused and was arrogant and became of the disbelievers (18)

And We have certainly created you (O mankind), and given you (human) form. Then We said to the angels, “Prostrate to Adam; so they prostrated, except for Iblis. He was not of those who prostrated” (19). 

And (mention) when We said to the angels, Prostrate to Adam,” and they prostrated, except for Iblis. He was of the Jinn and departed from (disobeyed) the command of his Lord. Then will you take him and his descendents as allies other than Me while they are enemies to you? (20).

From verses 2:34, 7:11 and 18:50 it becomes evident that Azazil was one of the jinn and he did not comply with Allah’s commandment in connection with prostration to Prophet Adam. 

(Allah) said, “What prevented you from prostrating when I commanded you? (Satan) said, “I am better than him. You have created me from fire while created him from clay” (21).

(Allah) said, “Descend from it (Paradise), for it is not for you to be arrogant therein. So get out; indeed, you are of the debased” (22).

(Allah) said, “Then depart from it, for indeed, you are expelled. And indeed, upon you is the curse until the Day of Recompense” (23).

He got the name Iblis when he refused to prostrate to Prophet Adam. In this connection Allah says that Azazil did not submit to the will of Allah due to arrogance, pride and jealousy. He considered himself superior to Adam and his descendants (human beings) that was why when he was asked as to why he did not prostrate before Adam, he replied that he was superior to Adam due to his better basic material – smokeless fire as compared to clay or dust. Due to his disobedience to Allah’s command, he was transformed from Azazil to Iblis. He was in Paradise worshipping and glorifying Allah for a long span of time. Suddenly he fell down from a very high status to the lowest status among the creatures of Allah. In spite of this big blow, he did not repent for his disobedience, and became an enemy of human beings and became more rebellious, therefore, instead of confessing his fault, he requested Allah Almighty for giving him respite till the Resurrection of people from their graves, so that he can mislead them from Adam to the last person and prove that they were not fit for the position of Allah’s vicegerents on the planet Earth.  Allah accepted his request partially, and gave him respite till the end of this world. It becomes evident from the conversation of Allah (swt) and Iblis that in reality he was not His obedient servant, therefore he utterly failed in his first test. There was no evil force to mislead him, except his own lower soul.

5.1.  Iblis as Enemy of Human beings 

But Satan caused them to slip out of it and removed them from that (condition) in which they had been. And We said, “Go down, (all of you), as enemies to one another, and you will have upon the earth a place of settlement and provision for a time” (24). 

O children of Adam, let not Satan tempt you as he removed your parents from Paradise, stripping them of their clothing to show them their private parts (25).

And tell my servants to say that which is best. Indeed, Satan induces (dissension) among them. Indeed Satan is ever, to mankind, a clear enemy (26).

Indeed, Satanis an enemy to you; so take him as an enemy. He only invites his party to be among the companions of the Blaze (27). (35:6).   

Iblis is such an enemy of human beings with whom there is no possibility of making truce nor to except any good from him. He is always in search of an opportunity to destroy your Hereafter. You must never be neglectful of such an enemy (36:60, 35:6). He will do his best to spoil your good deeds and push you down into the abyss of ruin and destruction. He has many helpers against you, of these the most dangerous are your lower Soul and your unnecessary desires. He is like a barking dog; if you turn your attention to it, he will bark and jump at you to bite; but if you ignore, he will remain calm and quiet (28). 

Iblis, the cursed, was dismissed from the ranks of mercy with the curse of ‘the lowest of the low’ and was thrown from the place of Illiyin to the Sijjin. Iblis, the lower soul and the profane world, all three, are in agreement with each other and they have vowed together to humiliate the sons of Adam (29). 

5.2. Challenge of Iblis

(Satan) said, “Because You have put me in error. I will surely sit in wait for them (mankind) on Your Straight Path. Then I will come to them from before them and from behind them and on their right and on their left, and You will not find most of them grateful (to You) (30).

Iblis declared that he would prove that Prophet Adam and his descendants are not entitled to hold the position of Allah’s vicegerent, and to achieve this objective he will attack them from all sides directly or through other satans. In other words he declared that he will lay in weight for the believers in order to distract, confuse, and lead them astray. He is at war with human beings in general and particularly with the believers. 

After this announcement Iblis started his mission vigorously and with his full strength. While Adam and his wife were in Paradise, He came there and swore by Allah that he was their well wisher and sincere advisor, but used his most powerful – waswasa (whispering) and deceived them, due to which they tasted the fruit of a forbidden tree. In this way the first victims of Iblis were Prophet Adam and his wife and the next was their son Qabil, who killed his brother Habil without any just cause. 

Since then, Iblis along with his network has continuously and consistently been misleading human beings and trying to gain control over them, shake their beliefs, and inspire them to do sinful deeds. The battle of the evil web with believers will continue till the end of this world. He remains busy round the clock to create confusions in their faith in Allah and other articles of Islam; corrupt their hearts and minds; make them slaves of their desires; and involves them in sinful deeds; encourages them to collect heaps of wealth; and inspires people to fight for their rights, but avoid from duties towards other. They also interfere in matters pertaining to difficulties and hardships one’s life in this world, such as when one worries about one’s job, sustenance, and interactions with family members, relatives, neighbours and friends. He also misleads people by creating inferiority complexes and superiority complexes. 

Iblis challenged that he would beguile human beings from the Right Path. It was the start of a battle between good and evil. Allah guides human beings through His Prophets for achieving true success in this world and in the Hereafter, and they enter into Paradise, which is the best abode. On the other hand Iblis misleads people through whispering and they walk through an evil path which leads them to Hell, which is the worst abode to live in. 

5.3. Strengths of Iblis 

Iblis is a Jinni and jinn possess a number of physical strengths as compared to human beings. Generally Jinn are not visible to human beings, but human beings are visible to them; they are very powerful creatures; have the ability to transform themselves into different forms; can attack human beings from different directions; even they have the ability to circulate in human body like blood; they can fly in the atmosphere of the atmosphere at great heights, and even beyond; and their life cycles are very long. Probably their ability of hiding and manifesting at different times lies in the subtlety of their bodies. 

With the passage of time Iblis developed his network and each member of his network can mislead human beings in a number of ways, but the most strong tool with them is waswasa (whispering). This world in different forms is mentioned in a number of verses of the Holy Qur’an: waswas (114:4), waswasa (114:5), yuwaswis (7:20), fawaswas (20:120), and tuwaswisu (50:16). 

Waswasa means to whisper into the heart of a person an evil suggestion over and over again in such a way or ways that the one who is being inspired may not feel that the whisperer is whispering an evil suggestion into his heart (31)

Waswasa literally means to whisper; something secretly and repeatedly in the heart as misgiving or delusion; negative thoughts instilled in the heart by Iblis and other satans in order to divert one from one’s worship of Allah and from doing righteous deeds; and inspiring to do evil deeds.  Waswasa creates doubts in one’s mind to the extent that one may question the existence of Allah (swt). In reality, it is a trap to exhaust the believers, and discourage them from Allah’s worship. 

In certain cases there may be a combination of whispering of Satan and certain other factors: such as experiencing psychological coping mechanisms due to certain stresses; manifestations of psychiatric conditions such as anxiety, and OCD (Obsessive-compulsive disorder)that are expressed in the guise of being religious; sometimes as a response to a very strict upbringing, etc. 

Waswasa is a strong tool with Iblis to destroy the spiritual, emotional, and psychological well-being of human beings. Through this tool, he tries his best to make people eager for this life as compared to life in the hereafter; tries to transform positive personality traits into negative ones; and causes confusion in the religion, and lures them to commit sins. 

Waswasa comes from different sources, such as Iblis, one’s lower soul, and devils among the jinn and among human beings. About Waswas Allah (swt) says: 

And We have already created man and know what his lower soul whispers to him, and We are closer to him than (his) jugular vein (32). 

The Satan (Iblis) whispered to him: he said, O Adam, shall I direct you to the tree of eternity and possession that will not deteriorate” (33).

The word khannas is derived from ‘khunus’ which means to hide after appearing and to retreat after coming into view. Since khannas is the intensive form, it would imply the one who behaves thus very frequently. Now, obviously the whisperer has to approach man for whispering again and again, and besides, when he is also described as khannas, the combination of the two words by itself gives the meaning that after whispering once he retreats and then again returns over and over again to repeat the act of whispering. In other words, when once he fails in his attempt to whisper evil, he withdraws, then he again returns to make the second, and the third and the next attempt over and over again. An evil suggestion is the starting point of the evil act. When it affects a careless or heedless person, it creates in him a desire for evil. Then, further whisperings change the evil desire into an evil intention and evil purpose. When the evil suggestion grows in intensity, the intention becomes a resolution, which then culminates in the evil act. Therefore, the meaning of seeking Allah’s refuge from the evil of the whisperer is that Allah should nip the evil in the bud (34). 

The Qur’an reveals that human beings have been created as weak. 

Indeed, he (Satan) sees you, he and his tribe, from where you do not see them (35).

And Allah wants to lighten for you (your difficulties); and mankind was created weak (36). 

So when you recite the Qur’an (first), seek refuge in Allah from Satan, the expelled (from His mercy) (37). 

5.4. Weaknesses of Iblis  

Iblis is powerless over true believers. In this connection the Qur’an says: 

Those who believe fight in the cause of Allah, and those who disbelieve fight in the cause of taghut. So fight against the allies of Satan. Indeed, the plot of Satan has ever been weak (38).

Indeed, there is for him no authority over those who have believed and rely upon their Lord. His authority is only over those who take him as an ally and those who through him associate others with Allah (39).

And Satan will say when the matter has been concluded, “Indeed, Allah had promised you the promise of truth. And I promised you, but I betrayed you. But I had no authority over you except that I invited you, and you responded to me. So do not blame me; but blame yourselves. I cannot be called to your aid, nor can you be called to my aid. Indeed I deny your association of me (with Allah) before. Indeed, for the wrongdoers is a painful punishment (40).

Firm faith in Allah and other articles of Islam enhances the resistance of human beings against Satan. The one who has firm faith and does righteous deeds and comes under the Protection of Allah, is saved from the attacks of Satan, while, the one who depends on his own strength will not be able to save himself from the machinations of Satan. In this connection Ibn Qayyim said, “The sinner is forever shackled by his satan; he is confined to the prison of his desires and chained by his whims. 

Abu Hurairah said, “Some of the Companions of the Messenger of Allah came and said to him, ‘We find in ourselves thoughts that are too terrible to speak of.’ He enquired, ‘Are you suffering from that?’ They replied, ‘Yes.’ He said, ‘That is a clear sign of faith.’” (41).

Ibn Abbas reported that a man came to the Messenger of Allah and said, “I think thoughts to myself, which I would rather be burnt to a cinder than speak of them.” The Holy Prophet said, “Praise be to Allah, who reduced all his (the Satan’s) plots to mere whispers” (42).

It is evident from above mentioned traditions of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) that believers may suffer from the whispering of Satan, but if they are very much worried about them and disliked them and try their level best to push away from their hearts is a clear sign of faith. In reality it is reality that due to the activities of believers in connection with doing righteous deeds, doing worship of Allah sincerely, acquiring beneficial knowledge and teaching such knowledge to others disturbs  Satan very much, therefore he comes to stop believers from these activities through waswasa, but believers became restless and he fails to mislead them. Due to success in the test, Allah will raise their status and in this way believers move forwards stepwise and subsequently achieve true success in this world and in the hereafter. It becomes evident that the network of Iblis is weak, because it can mislead only susceptible believers; and it has no potential to mislead resistant believers. 


Network of Iblis consists of human lower souls and satans from jinn and from human beings. Jinn satans include Qareen, and other non-believer or sinful jinn. These are briefly described below: 

6.1. Satans

Satans are both jinn and human beings and they are supporting each other in most of the cases. For example, jinn satans fly beyond earth’s atmosphere and steal some information from the conversation of Angels about certain affairs relating to human beings; they manipulate that information and transmit it to human satans such as magicians, astrologists, and soothsayers, etc. They use that information to mislead people and create diverse problems in the society, especially for the believers: for example conflicts between husband and wife and in other relations among the human beings. In addition to this human satans mislead different segments of the society with the assistance of jinn satans.    

One of the jinn satans known as Qareen, which  literally means ‘constant companion.’ It is generally believed that Qareen is a creature, which Allah (swt) has caused to accompany every human being in this world. It is an important member of Iblis’s network. The Qareen is mentioned in a number of verses of the Qur’an and the traditions of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh):  

And he to whom satan is companion – then evil is he as a companion (43).

And whoever is blinded from remembrance of the Most Merciful – We appoint for him a satan, and he is to him a companion (44).

He (satan) companion will say, “O Lord, I did not make him transgress, but he (himself) was in extreme error” (45). 

Ibn Masud reported that the Messenger of Allah said,  “There is none amongst you except that his Qareen from the jinn and his Qareen from the angels were assigned to him.” The Companions asked, “Even you.” O Messenger of Allah?” He said, “Even me, but Allah supported me against him, so I am safe from him and he does not command me; but to do good” (46).  (Muslim). 

Religious scholars are of the view that Qareen, a jinni satan is assigned to every person in the world. His name is ‘Al-Waswaas’  and he is a son of Satan (Iblis) and is born when a child of a human being is born. It means all the jinn satans are the children of satan, and every child of Adam has one companion from his children. 

Ibn Abbas, Mujahid, and others said, “In verse 50:27 the word Qareen refers to the satan who is appointed to accompany him will say, ‘Our Lord!  I did not push him to ‘transgression’ meaning, I did not lead him astray, but he was himself in error for estray.’” 

The statement of the Messenger of Allah in this tradition has been interpreted by the religious scholars in two  main ways: one is that he was safe from the evil and temptations of the Qareen. The other other version is that his Qareen  became Muslim or a believer, so he did not tell him to do anything, but good. It means the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was protected from qareen in every manner – physically, mentally, and spiritually, etc. 

The Messenger of Allah said, “The satan moves inside the son of Adam just as blood circulates inside him” (47).

Anas reported that the Messenger of Allah said, “The satan places his halter on the heart of the son of Adam; if he remembers Allah, the satan withdraws, and if he forgets Allah, the satan swallows his heart” (48).

The tradition of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) reveals that the Qareen round the clock and throughout one’s life tries to conquer the heart of the designated person. In this endeavour, he has to compete with the angel Mulhim. When a person remembers Allah and does His worship with good intention and devotion, the Qareen is defeated and the angel takes control of the heart. 

In addition to directly whispering into the hearts of believers,  jinn satans fly in groups and reach just near the prohibited area beyond the atmosphere of the earth and take their position to steal the information from the conversations of angels relating to human beings. In this endeavour, satans put their lives in danger, because there is great risk of the showers of Meteors who follow them. After getting the requisite information a satan immediately conveys it to other satans nearby before his death.  We intend to briefly discuss this issue. 

Allah (swt) has created stars for three purposes: for beautification of the nearest heaven, use of stars (meteors) as missiles to be thrown at satans, and as signs for the guidance of the people (49).

In the literature different terms such as meteors, meteorites and meteorides; burning flame, flashing flame, shooting star, shihab-e-mubin, and shihab-e-thaqib are used; it is imperative to elaborate these terms in order to avoid confusion. The meteoroids are solid objects moving in interplanetary space. They travel around the sun at different velocities (up to 42 km per second). They are dust or sand particles to boulder-sized particles of debris in the solar system. The visible path of a meteoroid that enters earth’s (or another body’s) atmosphere is called a ‘meteor’ or ‘shooting star’ or ‘falling star’. If a meteoroid reaches the ground and survives impact, then it is called a meteorite. The root word ‘meteor’ comes from the Greek ‘meteoros’ meaning high in the air.

A meteorite is a solid piece of debris or rock from an object such as a comet, asteroid, meteoroid, etc. that originates in outer space and survives its passage through the atmosphere to reach the surface of a planet or moon, especially earth. They are ancient pieces of celestial bodies. The majority of meteorites are fragments of shattered asteroids; a small number of meteorites are pieces of rock from the surfaces of other planets; small pieces of the moon occasionally reach the earth as meteorites. They can also come from comets, etc. Their fall to earth is often in a blazing fireball. They can be as small as the dust particle or as big as nine feet across, with 54000 kg weight. More than 50,000 years ago, a meteorite weighing about 270,000 metric tons slammed into the earth, which made a hole one km wide and 230 metres (750 feet) deep.

The meteors are objects that come from space and enter earth’s atmosphere by pulling due to earth’s gravity. When it enters the earth’s atmosphere at high speed it burns up, creating a streak in the sky that is commonly known as shooting star or falling star. Very bright meteors are known as ‘fireballs.’ If a meteor is large enough it can reach the ground and creates a crater. A meteor usually enters the earth’s atmosphere at the speed of 60 km per second.

The dust and rocks that cause meteor showers come primarily from the earth passing through the debris stream left behind by a comet as it orbits the sun. Several meteors per hour can usually be seen on any given night. Some meteor showers occur annually or at regular intervals as the earth passes through the trail of dusty debris left by a comet and in a few cases, asteroids. There are various types of meteor showers and they occur at different times of the year. The appearance of a number of meteors occurring in the same part of the sky over a period of time is called ‘meteor shower. The term meteoroide only applies when a meteorite is in space. 

The ‘burning flame’ is the part that detaches from stars and falls in the air or on land or in the sea; and it is glowing when it detaches from the star, then it dims as it moves closer to the earth. Astronomers call it a meteorite.” About verse 37:10 At-Taahir Bin Aashoor said, “The burning flame is the ember from the fire. What is meant here is what astronomers call a meteorite”(50).

Meteors are celestial stones which wander in irregular paths through the entire solar system. It stones each satan that deserves stoning. While these objects are roaming, some of them fall into the earth’s gravitational field and they emit a piercing brightness when they come in contact with earth’s atmosphere at a very high speed. One may see this brightness as a glowing arrow (shooting star) on clear nights. Some meteors collide with the surface of the earth; thereby they become known as meteorites” (51). 

Az-Zamakhshari said, “The meaning of the star being a missile for the satan is that the meteor pounces from the star to stone the devils who eavesdrop on the heaven. The meteors detach from the fire of the stars, and it does not mean that the stars themselves are the missiles” (52).

In Arabic, the term shihab-e-mubin literally means a fiery flame or bright flame. In verse 37:10 the Arabic word shihab-e-thaqib means the flame that pierces through darkness, piercing flame, piercing flare or piercing projectile. Some people are of the view that shihab-e-mubin and shihab-e-thaqib are the same thing. 

And We have protected it from every devil expelled (from the mercy of Allah); except one who steals a hearing and is pursued by a clear burning flame (53). 

Indeed We have adorned the nearest (lower) heaven with an adornment of the stars; and as protection against every rebellious satan. These Satans cannot hear the words of the exalted one; they are darted at and driven off from every side, and for them there is a perpetual torment. However, if someone snatches away something, a flashing flame follows him (54). 

According to Ali Anol when satans or evil spiritual beings attempted to ascend to the heavens, the pure inhabitants there were mobilised to repel them. Allah displays the vast heavens as a castle or city arranged with a tower on which sentries are posted, so that those inhabitants of the heavens and the earth may reflect on the Majesty of His Lordship (55).  

It does not mean the stars themselves are pelted at the Satans, nor that the meteorites shoot out only to drive away the Satans, but it means that the countless meteorites which originate from the stars and wander in space at tremendous speeds and which also fall on the earth in a continuous shower prevent the Satans of the earth from ascending to the heavens. Even if they try to ascend heavenward these meteorites drive them away (56).

Arabs believed about the soothsayers, and this also was the claim made by the soothsayers themselves, that the Satans were under their control, or that they had a close contact with them, and through them they received news of the unseen, and thus, could foretell the destinies of the people. That is why at several places in the Qur’an, it has been stated that there is absolutely no possibility of Satans’ ascending to the heavens and bringing news of the unseen (57). 

Devils attempted to ascend to the heavens to listen to the angels’ conversations about the Divine Truths and some future events and also during Revelation. But Allah did not permit them to do so; and if any among them snatched away something from the angels, they were destroyed with missiles. The devils never give up their attempts to ascend to the heavens; but in every attempt, they are repelled, and if some are able to obtain something from the angels, they are then destroyed (58). 

Based on available literature it can be concluded that jinn satans go to the mission to get information from the conversation of angels in the heavens by taking positions in such a way that they can get maximum information. To achieve this objective they are ready to sacrifice their lives. They arrange them in such a way that they can transmit information among themselves in an effective way. 

Whenever a devil gets the information he conveys it immediately to the one who is beneath him, who in turn conveys it down to the one who is beneath him and so on. Perhaps in most of the cases the flaming fire strikes the devil before he is able to throw it down or perhaps he conveys it before the flaming fire strikes him and burns him. If the devil communicates the information to others before its death due to a missile, the receiver of the information takes it to the soothsayer or other relevant persons.

6.2. Human Lower Soul 

Fadalah Bin Ubayd reported that the Messenger of Allah said, “The one who wages jihad is he who strives against one’s l;ower soul (59).

The Arabic word ‘Nafs’ can be translated into English as ‘psyche’, ‘self,’ ‘ego,’ ‘I’ or ‘lower soul.’ In this article we intend to use the word ‘lower soul.’ Lower soul means a strong impulse to do bad things. Lower may be bad or good. In the Qur’an this world has different concepts: For example, the verse 5:32 describes it as the totality of the human personality; but verse 13:11 points out that it relates with the behaviour of human personality. In other words human behaviour mainly depends on the lower soul. The verse 6:12 reveals that it refers to the inner human side that has good or bad potential. 

It is almost consensus among the eminent religious scholars that the lower soul is a subtle thing existing in the body and is considered as the seat of evil. It is the lowest principle of man. It has the potential of functioning from the grossest to the highest level and it incites evil in human personality. The lower soul is a real substance and its attributes are clearly perceivable. Generally, when the term lower soul is used in the negative sense, it means Nafs Ammarah. 

The Holy Prophet said, “Thy worst enemy is thy lower soul, which is between thy two sides.” 

The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) considered the struggle against the lower soul as jihad-i-Akbar (greater war) and war against the unbelievers or disbelievers as Jihad-i-Asgar (smaller war), because the former is more painful and difficult, because this war is for whole life continuously and round the clock. 

Lower soul, etymologically, is the essence and reality of anything, but in popular language it is used to denote many contradictory meanings. Some mystics are of the view that it is the source and principle of evil, but others assert that it is a substance located in the body, but some others hold it to be an attribute of the body, as life is. But almost all agree that it is the immediate cause of blameworthy actions (60).

The Qur’an has mentioned three kinds of human nafs: (i) Ammarah, (ii) Lawwamah, and (iii) Mutmainnah. These three forms of nafs are briefly described below: 

Nafs Ammarah is the lower soul that gives up protests and surrenders itself to the devil. It resides in the senses and is dominated by human desires and passions and evil lies hidden in it. 

And I do not acquit myself. Indeed, the lower soul is a persistent enjoiner of evil, except those upon which my Lord has mercy. Indeed, my Lord is Forgiving and Merciful (61).  

O you who have believed, do not follow the footsteps of Satan. And whoever follows the footsteps of Satan – indeed, he enjoins immorality and wrongdoing. And if not for the favour of Allah upon you and His mercy, not one of you would have been pure, ever, but Allah purifies whom He wills, and Allah is Hearing and Knowing (62).  

The Holy Prophet said, “What do you think about a companion who, if you treat him nicely, feed him, clothe him, still he will throw you in all sorts of troubles, and if you insult him, keep him hungry and naked, he will do what is good for you?” They said, “O Prophet, there just cannot be a companion worse than him in the whole world”(63).

The Holy Prophet said, “Your greatest enemy is your lower soul which not only disgraces you by getting you involved in evil deeds but also makes you run into all sorts of troubles” (64). 

Nafs Ammara possesses such a tongue that accepts falsehood. It enjoys the status of a king in the human body and Satan is its advising minister. If you give him all the cosmos, even then his ravenousness does not end! It is like a (stormy) gale and all its actions are the cause of destruction, corruption, and dissention. It sucks the blood of man with its nastiness and suppression. Its origin is lust and desire. Every person who has any negative trait in the personality, his Higher Spirit is from amongst those Souls who followed the call of Satan! Those people whose Souls, on hearing the call of Satan, had entered the world, and they became successful in accumulating the world. They chose this world and lost the Hereafter (65). (The Key of Tawhid by Sultan Bahu).

 Nafs Ammarah facilitates the entry of Satan into the body of man and subdues them and such people become obedient to Satan. But Satan cannot enter the body of those persons who possess true belief, do righteous deeds and remain busy in the remembrance of Allah (swt). 

 The satan cannot enter a man’s heart until he desires to commit a sin: but when a certain quantity of passion appears, the devil takes it and decks it out and displays it to the man’s heart; and this is called diabolic suggestions (waswas). It begins from passion, and in reference to this fact Allah said to Iblis when he threatened to seduce all mankind: “Verily you have no power over My servants.” (15:42), for the satan in reality is a man’s lower soul and passion…. Passion is mingled as an ingredient in the clay of Adam; whoever renounces it becomes a prince and whoever follows it becomes a captive. Junayd said, “Union with Allah is to renounce passion” (66).


The most manifest attribute of the lower soul is lust (shahwat). It is a thing that is dispersed in different parts of the human body, and is served by the senses. On the Day of Judgment every person will be questioned about the use and misuse of his senses and certain other organs. The lust of the eye is sight, that of the ear is hearing, that of the nose is smell, and that of the tongue is speech, that of the palate is taste, that of the body surface is touch, and that of the mind is thought. Whoever is afflicted with lust is veiled from all spiritual things.

Nafs Lawwamah (the blaming self) is the blameworthy self which blames its owner for his own shortcomings. It is in a state of constant awareness, self-observation and self-criticism. It recognizes its shortcomings, wrong actions, disobedience and the neglect of duties. It cannot rest in one state. It often changes and alters, remembers and forgets, submits and withdraws, loves and hates, rejoices and becomes sad, accepts and rejects, and obeys and rebels. 

And I swear by the reproaching soul (to the certainty of resurrection) (67).  (75:2). 

Nafs Mutmainnah is the highest stage of the lower soul. It is the self that feels full satisfaction at following the right path and abandoning the wrong path. It achieves full rest and satisfaction as his personality gets equipped with the qualities of quietness, mildness, tolerance, forgiveness and understanding of all beings. It leads to resolution of one’s inner conflicts and attainment of harmony with Allah (swt). 

(To the righteous it will be said), “Return to your Lord, well-pleased and pleasing (to Him), and enter among my (righteous) servants, and enter My Paradise (68). (89:27-30). 

It is the soul of the believer which is in complete calm and satisfaction under all situations and circumstances; it is at rest and content with his knowledge of Allah’s Names and Attributes and with what He has said about Himself and His Messenger, and with what He has said about the Hereafter. …So he submits to the will of Allah and surrenders to Him completely, never dissatisfied or complaining, and with his faith not wavering. He does not rejoice at his gains, nor do his sufferings make him despair” (69).


Couplets from Mathnavi of Maulana Rumi about Adam and Satan: 

Therefore the Lord of the heart set up a khalifa (vicegerent) 

To serve as a mirror to reflect His own sovereignty

Therefore He gave him unlimited purity and light,

And on the other side He set darkness opposing the light

Allah set up two standards, a white and a black one, 

The one Adam and the other Iblis;

And between these two mighty armies 

Ensued war and battle that all we have witnessed

Thus too, in the second generation lived pure Habil (Abel); 

Qabil (Cain) was the opposite of his pure light

Since then the war of light and darkness has been continuing and it will continue till the end of this world. In this connection he gave certain examples from human history:   

In like manner those two standards of right and wrong 

Were borne aloft till the age of Namrud

Namrud was the opponent and adversary of Abraham

Age after age these two parties continued war. 

Even till the time of Pharaoh and gentle Moses

Between these two the war was waged for years, 

And when it passed all bounds and affliction increased

Allah made the water of the Nile a judge between them,

That the one who deserved preeminence should endure

It is evident from the human history that water of Nile as Allah’s agent saved Prophet Moses and his nation, but killed all human satans alongwith Pharoah. Likewise, all the human satans were eliminated from the nations of Prophets, Noah, Lut, Salih, but the Prophets and their followers were saved. In like manner it went on till the time of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in which the polytheists who opposed the Islamic movement either reverted to Islam or they were eliminated completely and the light of Islam spread all over the world and the evil web reduced to nothing. But with the passage of time when the believers due to deviation from the Straight Path became weak, the evil web became again strong. 

O Allah, bring our hearts together, reconcile between us, guide us to ways of peace, and deliver us from darkness into light. Keep us away from immorality, outwardly and inwardly, and bless us in our hearing, our seeing, our hearts, our spouses, and our children. Accept our repentance, for You alone are the Relenting, and  the Merciful. Make us grateful for Your blessings, Praising and accepting them, and give them to us in full (70 ). (Reported by Abdullah Bin Masud, Sunan Abu Dawud). 

To be continued: it is a series of 3 to 4 articles and all the references will be given in the last article.